34 - (a)

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survivors // passenger

As I paced my living room, my doorbell rang. I walked over to it, opening it to reveal Olivia and Randy.

"Sorry, I was with Randy when you called. I didn't want to wait to come," She told me as she hugged me. I hugged her back and smiled at Randy who also hugged me after stepping in.

"No, it's fine," I shook my head. "I don't know what to do."

"Okay, so just tell me what happened," Liv nodded at me, sitting me down on my couch.

"I really don't know, Olivia," I told
her. Because I didn't. "I got a call from a random number and I answered it. When I did, he told me it was him. I didn't believe him at first but then he.. He knew things only he could know."

"I know this has made you upset," she said to me, grabbing my hand. "And I am so sorry. But maybe this is good."

"How the hell can you say it's good?" I asked her. "He never cared about me. Why does he now? The money? Hell no. I'm not letting him into my life."

"Austin, he thought you were dead," She breathed. I stared at her, frustrated. Not at her but in general. Randy just sat there, listening. I don't think she knew what to say.

"Have you not listened to anything I've told you about him? How terrible of a person he is?" I scoffed at her.

"People can change, you know," she shrugged. I wasn't too sure as to why she was taking up for him.

"People don't just fucking change, Olivia," I said as I stood up off the couch in rage.

"You did," She said quietly and I looked down at her.

"I'm not my dad, though," I said, infuriated.

"No, Austin. I didn't mean that," She stood up as well. "You are so much more than him. I'm not taking up for him. At all. I just think maybe you should listen to him."

"I don't know how I can listen," I said, gritting my teeth. "He ruined my life."

"And that's why I think you should
let him talk to you," She nodded. "You're an adult now. You don't have to take his shit, or anyone's. You have a say in your life now. He does not."

"If I look at him, all I will see is him hurting my mom," I said, a tear streaming down my cheek. "And I don't think I can do that."

"Maybe this is the closure you need," Randy spoke up. I didn't want to be rude but it's none of her business. "Maybe you need to lash out on him to feel better."

"Randy is right," Olivia nodded. "Maybe you need to speak to him the way he spoke to you."

"That would be the only reason I'd see him," I said. "To let him know how much I can't stand him."

"No matter what you do, I think it's a good idea," She smiled at me. "So call him, see when's a good time."

"Alright," I sighed, reaching for my phone that was on the coffee table. "I'm gonna do this."

"Randy and I are gonna step outside," Olivia said and I nodded, dialing the number that had called me earlier.

"Hello?" The voice sounded from the other end of the line.

"Uh, hey. Is this Jamie?" I asked, beginning to pace around the room.

"Yeah. Austin?" He asked.

"Yeah, look. Sorry for hanging up on you earlier," I said, furrowing my eyebrows. "I'm just in shock right now. I needed to chill for a second."

"I understand," Jamie said. There's no way I could call him dad. "Listen, there's some things I want to tell you. I'd like to see you though. I assume you're living in L.A."

"I am," I sighed. "You still in San Diego?"

"Yes," he replied. "Probably never gonna leave."

"Same here, I kinda think L.A. is where I belong," I said. I don't know why I'm telling him this. He doesn't deserve it. I changed the subject. "When were you wanting to visit?"

"I can make the drive tomorrow," He told me and I gulped. "But I want to bring someone with me."

"Who?" I questioned. Who could he possibly want to bring?

"Your sister," He replied and my heart dropped.

"I don't have a sister," I said slowly.

"You do," He sighed. "Her name is Savannah and she's twenty seven. She's not your mom's daughter."

"How come I never heard of her?" I asked him, wanting a real answer. I was mad.

"Well, when she was born, I had no job. I had just graduated high school," he said. "Her mom took her away and I never got to see her. Until about three years ago."

"Did you hurt her mom, too?" I asked fiercely. I didn't mean to, it just came out.

"Austin, I can't even begin to apologize to you for everything that happened," He said and I rolled my eyes. "I was a bad guy. And I'm sorry."

"Whatever," I scoffed. "See you two tomorrow. Tell Savannah I'm not friendly."

I hung up the phone and stared blankly at the wall in front of me. I couldn't believe this was happening. Last my dad heard, I died. What made him care all of a sudden?

There's no part of me that wants to see him or meet Savannah. But if Olivia thinks I should, then I am. After all, my priority is getting her back.

And as she looked at me worriedly through the sliding glass door, biting her nails and furrowing her brows, I knew that I had to have her.

a/n: UH OH. THIS BOOK IS GETTING very shitty & i'm sorry

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