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if u love me now // muna

My heart broke as those words slipped off of my lips. Mainly because of Austin's face. He looked so upset and hurt. And I was the cause. I slipped under the sheets, wrapping them around me.

"Austin, please say something," I sighed as he sat on the edge of the bed, facing away from me.

"I don't have much to say," he said quietly. "Why?"

"I just don't think there's a place for me in your life right now. While you're on tour," I told him.

"That isn't for you to decide, Olivia!" He raised his voice. "You know I want you in my life. I need you in my life."

"I can decide to remove myself from this shit!" I raised my voice back at him. "I don't feel wanted or needed right now. I need some time."

"So you just let me fuck you while that's what's on your mind? Getting away from me?" He yelled. "You let me spend money on a flight for you to come out here and see me just to tell me you don't want to see me anymore?"

"If the money's a fucking problem, I'll pay you back!" I looked at him, shocked. He got off of the bed and walked over to the phone, pressing buttons. "What are you doing?"

"Calling the front desk to see if they can get you a different room before your flight home tomorrow," He said, not looking my way.

"Don't worry about getting me a room or a flight home," I stood up off of the bed and walked to the bathroom, gathering my clothes and putting them on. "I'll figure something out."

"Who are you?!" He yelled, slamming the phone down.

"Not sure," I shrugged. "But I know who you are. The same fucking asshole you were when we met."

"Olivia, what the fuck is your problem?" He asked me. "You're the one that pushed me to do this. To put myself out there and now it's too much for you?"

"Yes, Austin! It's too much for me. The tour is at least. I can't handle being away from you for that long without worrying about who you'll meet that's better than me," I looked at him. I wasn't sure how I wasn't crying already.

"I'm sorry that your stupid fucking insecurities are getting the best of you but stop acting like I'm cheating on you if I'm away from you for thirty seconds!" He yelled. There were the tears.

"All I done was ask for a break, Austin! That's it!" I yelled back at him. I'm sure the people in the rooms around us were pissed at us.

"Maybe it should be more than a break, Olivia!" He said. "If you can't trust me, then fuck it!"

"Why are you so mean?" I cried, grabbing my suitcase and purse.

"Because I'm the same fucking asshole I was when we met."

Liked by itzrandyyy, harker

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Liked by itzrandyyy, harker.pummel, and 3,789 others
ol1v1a.mcne1l Missing my best friend right now. Oh, how I love you so.
itzrandyyy i love u baby!! u'll be here soon & i can love u & make u feel better.
harker.pummel WOW. MY GIRLS.
username1 make you feel better? what happened?
username2 @username1 posty probably cheated on her crusty ass.
58 minutes ago

I had told Randy everything as soon as I had gotten into the hotel room I paid for on my own. Of course she was supportive and cussed Austin out... like a true friend would. I know she loves Austin but right now, he wasn't very lovable. And that was coming from someone that loved him with all her heart.

I laid in the bed, the empty one, waiting for this night to be over. I couldn't help but cry. I felt like everything was falling apart. I didn't mean to make Austin as upset as I did. I had no idea that he'd get so mad. It was only a break while he was on tour, nothing more.

But now, it was. We were broken up for real. That message was loud and clear. It felt weird. Him being just a few floors up. Alone in his bed, alone in mine. I just wanted to go back up there and climb in bed with him. But I was also so pissed off at him.

I just needed to sleep. To forget this all. I flew here just to get my heart broken. And then tomorrow, I'll do it all over again.

But maybe this was for the best. Maybe Austin wasn't who I was supposed to be with. As hard as that is for me to admit, it was possible. We were too different.

And I wasn't sure we'd ever be the same.

a/n: this chapter was kinda short sorry oops

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