prologue (o)

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So.. The unexpected happened. Well, unexpected for Austin. Not for me. I knew he'd make it. However, I had no idea that he would make it this far. But here we are now.

A tour bus. Austin has his own crew, tons of fans, and I feel like I'm living in the shadows of his successful life. I know Austin loves me. And I love him. But the past year has been hectic to say the least.

I am beyond proud of him and how hard he has worked. After his easy start, it was anything but that. He's worked his ass off to get where he is. And even though I'm happy he's doing so well, I miss the days of it being solely us.

Our relationship is public and I'm not too fond of the attention I get. It's hard waking up and seeing a hundred new comments telling me I'm not good enough for Austin or that they'd be better to him. I'm not the kind of girl to brag about what I have but I do brag about having Austin. Not because he's famous, but because I'm proud to call him mine.

Austin graduated college right before his career kicked off. As for me, I am in the second semester of my sophomore year. It's hard not having Austin on campus anymore. But the good thing is that Taylor graduated with Austin so Randy, Parker, and I moved into their house. No more small ass dorms.

My mom got pretty okay with me dating Austin. They aren't best friends but my mom likes him. But my dad on the other hand... I'm pretty sure he's in love with him.

And surprisingly enough, Austin and I hadn't fought much in the past year or so. We were happy. And I think it mainly had to do with the fact our lives were so fast paced and we didn't see much of each other. Well, Austin's life is fast paced. I'm still here at USC, living the same life I was a year ago.

Zoe and Lenny hadn't been a problem either, but they were dating now which we all seen coming. They're both terrible people.. a perfect couple.

Let's see... Parker and Randy! Parker has been dating Izzy for a while now and they are completely in love. I'm super glad Parker has found such an amazing person to be with. When we met her, I couldn't believe how sweet she was.

Randy and Taylor are still disgustingly cute. They've been through some things though. Pregnancy scares, Taylor losing his dad, and the occasional fight because they were both so jealous.

It's weird how my life can feel the same yet so different. The Instagram and Twitter followers, people wanting to know me just to know my boyfriend, and hearing said boyfriend on the radio. It was a strange thing.

But all in all, my life is pretty amazing right now. I have the two best friends anyone could ever ask for, a nice house, and the love of my life telling me he loves me every day and night.

A lot can change in a year. But I'm so glad it did.

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