I felt Harry's warm arms on my shoulders and behind my knees as he lifted me. I could feel his warm chest and his gaze as he looked down on me.

"Last chance, Sweetheart?" Harry continued to tease me.

"Like this is fine," I replied, almost tempted to stick my tongue out at him. Instead, I placed my arms around his shoulders to keep from falling.

"Let's go," Harry said, holding me tighter against him.

Harry started running and so did the trio. We were whizzing past trees so I guess even as a human they were fast runners. Harry and I were sort of in the middle. Jasper and Ally flanked our left and right sides while Klaus was behind. Klaus gave me a smile and a thumbs up when he saw me looking.

And by the looks of it, they're pretty strong too. Harry was carrying me but he didn't look tired at all. It was like he wasn't carrying a full grown human. I was staring up at Harry, marveling at his beauty from this angle. He had such beautiful bone structure. Seriously, his jaw line was so sharp.

I wanted to touch his face but I thought that was a weird thing to do out of the blue so I turned to look at something else. I watched his curly hair bob up and down with his steps. But that didn't help. It only made me want to run my fingers through them.

"We're almost there," I heard Harry say, his raspy voice only adding to my want to touch him even more.

"You're distracting me with your stare, Sweetheart," Harry said, briefly glancing at me.


"Sorry," I said as I stared ahead instead.

"I don't really mind. But it makes me wish you rode me instead," Harry mischievously grinned again.

I groaned. He wasn't gonna stop teasing me about that any time soon.

The four of them continued running for a few more minutes until Harry finally said we were here. I could tell we were, the smell around kind of changed. It wasn't the usual smell of grass and soil anymore. Instead, it smelled dizzyingly sweet all around us.

"It's just across those trees," Harry said as he slowly placed me back to the ground. "Keep your senses on high alert. As much as you can. Moonflowers are scattered within a mile radius."

The trio nodded. Harry took my hand and slowly led the way through the high trees. I spotted the first cluster of moonflowers below a huge tree. Pretty soon, they were everywhere.

"This is frustrating," I heard Jasper grumble.

"Why?" I asked.

"'Cause these flowers are shit," Jasper whined.

"Makes it feel like there's a plug on my nose and ears," Jackson explained.

"Look for a huge tree with roots aboveground. There's a nest of moonflowers below it," Harry ordered.

We walked around a few more minutes until Ally finally pointed out what Harry was looking for. And Harry was right, it was like a nest. The huge, thick tree stretched up for probably more than a hundred feet. The roots were aboveground, forming a circle around a thick shrub of moonflowers.

"That's where you found me?" I asked, staring at it.

Harry squeezed my hand, "Yes."

I squeezed his hand back before I let go. I walked closer to the tree, while Harry and the trio remained a few feet back. I stared at it, almost hypnotized by the white flowers and the smell. That was until I saw something glittering inside one of the upturned bell-like flowers. I bent down to grab whatever it was but as soon as my hand touched the flower, it felt like I was being sucked down.

It was like I was falling into a dark hole.

Everything around me blurred.

I could hear a voice – a man's. He was saying something. Something threatening.

I blinked my eyes repeatedly as the image around me began getting sharper.

Sharp enough to see the outlines of two people.

There were two men standing in the middle of the forest.

One had his back turned to me. He was stepping forward, intimidating.

The other felt like I knew who he was. He stood his ground bravely.

Until the intimidating one turned into a wolf.

He lunged at the brave one, his ferocious snarl reverberating around us.

I screamed.

"Selene! Selene!" I heard Harry call.

My eyes snapped open and I found myself lying on the moonflower nest under the tree. Harry was kneeling beside me, cradling me.

"Someone else is here!" I sat up.

"Hey, hey, take it easy," Harry said.

"No, Harry! Someone else is here! Someone else an-and he's hurt! We need to find him! Please!" I desperately pleaded.

Harry looked at me for a second before he turned to the trio. He signaled for them to go.

The trio nodded and quickly scattered off. Hopefully, to find the boy I saw who was hurt.

I quickly scrambled to get up, grabbing the tree for support. Harry was by my side in a heartbeat.

"Selene, come on, let's get you back in the car," Harry said, placing an arm around my waist to support me.

"No! I-I saw it, Harry. I can help look!" I said, already pulling away.


"No, Harry!" I almost screamed in my desperation. It was so real. I was sure someone was out there who needed our help. I knew I could find whoever it was.

I ran as fast as I could. I heard Harry shout a few feet behind me, "Shit!"

I looked back and saw that he was still standing under the tree, like he couldn't leave. But I didn't have time to think about why, I needed to help the boy.

I didn't know how, but it felt like my feet knew where to go.

"Selene!" I heard Harry shouting from behind me.

I continued running. My legs burning at the effort, and my lungs gasping for air.

But I didn't stop. Not until I saw a figure standing about five feet in front of me. I gasped, my eyes bulging out of their sockets in surprise.

I heard a rustle behind me. But I didn't turn to look. I knew Harry had finally caught up.

I continued staring at the boy in front of me. He was standing very still. His brown hair was a mess, leaves and twigs were intertwined in them. He was also covered in dirt.

Blood was dripping down his left arm. His shirt was ripped and there was a huge bite mark on his shoulder. His right hand was gripping it tightly. But the blood didn't stop oozing out. It continued to flow, and drip down the dusty forest floor.

"Liam!" I said, almost breathless.

His eyes finally met mine. I watched his face slowly contort in pain.

And then he let out a blood-curdling scream.

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