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WARNING: There will more than likely be side couples. If you have a problem with that, or if you decide to make a problem in the comment section, your comment will be deleted.


"That is why you need to start thinking about what you want to do after graduation," the teacher continued, rambling on and on about how now that the kids were in their last year of high school, they needed to take college into consideration. The first day of class wasn't even close to being over, so why did they have to talk about all of this now?

Jungkook let the rest of his teacher's speech fall on deaf ears. He was too wrapped up in his own mind, imagining stupid things like dancing cats and watermelons--things that were amusing and entertaining, unlike the lecture. He was so zoned out, in fact, that he failed to notice when his teacher, Mrs Jeon, approached him.

The presence of eyes on him sent tingles down his spine, and it was then that he decided it was probably time to focus on the discussion. However, there was no discussion at all, simply silence. He turned his head to find his mother--sadly, he was stuck with his mom for homeroom--smiling down at him. It was no longer the other students' gazes that sent shivers down his spine, but instead the look in her eyes.

"Jungkook, would you mind telling us what your plans for the future are? I'm sure that you were paying enough attention to know at least some of the colleges that are willing to take students such as yourself."

He heard laughs echo throughout the room, but it hadn't bothered him one bit--or at least he pretended it didn't bother him. He forced himself to shrug off everything, including any slight intimidation that may or may not have had him shrinking back in his seat, reminding himself that as long as he didn't let anything faze him on the outside, one day he would reach the point where it wouldn't faze him on the inside, either.

Jungkook had actually thought about college quite a bit as of late. Sure, he was smart enough to pass most of his classes, but--assuming he would make it in--college just wasn't the place for him. He knew that down the road he might regret not attending, but that was just the way life was. Everyone makes tough decisions that will affect their future, he knew that. So, if he did end up doubting his choice later on, at least he would know that he was not alone, that others have made the same mistake as himself.

"Well," he began, "in all honesty, I'm not too sure. I mean, yes, the idea of actually doing something with myself is a dream, but..." He paused, taking a deep breath. He knew all too well that he would get a thorough scolding when classes finished for saying what he truly felt on the matter, but when are his mother and father not yelling at him? It wasn't anything new, so he steadily continued, "I'm just not sure college is for me."

Mrs Jeon's eye twitched, and her smile grew even larger. It was almost as if her mind had gone to a dark place, her thoughts possessed by a malicious spirit.

Jungkook was definitely in for it later.

"Is that so?" she questioned in a calm voice. No anger could be heard in her tone, and just that was terrifying in itself. "That is not a wise choice, Jungkook, if I do say so myself... but if you believe that's what's right for you, I will not interfere. However, I would like you to think about what not going to college means. Say..." She stopped herself, as if thinking, despite everyone knowing she had what she was going to say in the forefront of her mind. "... You get an apartment, and you're sure it's the one you love and want to live in. How will you pay the rent? The electricity? Of course, you will have a job--a low paying one at that. The amount of 'high class' jobs you can get without a proper education are slim. For this reason, I wish you the best, Mr Jeon; everyone here knows you will need it."

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