C H P - 51

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"V isn't up to posting today so you are stuck with my handsome face."


At first there had just been heaviness.

Just a heaviness in his chest, pulling his lips downward in a constant frown.

But then the days passed, slowly, then even slower, and the heaviness turned into a sharp, nagging pain. It was always there, like someone had thrust a dagger into his heart, not all the way in, but deep enough that he would feel a pain like no other.

It hurt. It hurt so much.

It hurt too much.

He wanted to make it stop.

And for him, there was only one way to make it stop.

He took a deep, shaky breath, the tears falling again and again, never running out. It was as if he had a clear waterfall hidden away in his mind that made sure he always had an able supply.

He closed his eyes before finally pressing send.

He had done it.


The pain was still there.


I'm sorry, Jungkook, but I can't accept your feelings. I know that if we continue to talk, it will be painful for you. For this reason, I have decided we should cut all ties. This is it, I guess. This is my final goodnight.


Taehyung's heart broke just a bit more as the dagger was pushed further in, teasingly, not quite piercing all the way through the outer layer on the opposite end.

An image of Jungkook's distraught face as he read the message appeared in his mind, and before he knew it, something shoved the dagger all the way in.

A pain-filled sob ripped from his lips.

It hurt so much.

"Jungkook, I'm so s-sorry..."


Taehyung knew he had made a mistake.

Only two weeks later did he realize it.

Only fourteen days.

He had been laying in bed, his arm cast over his eyes to block out the light of the morning sun. Again, he had cried in his sleep, and when he woke up, the first thing he could remember was that he finally dreamt of something: dreamt of Jungkook.

There was an emptiness in his chest like no other as he thought of the smile Jungkook had shown him within his sleep, and soon enough, he had realized that time finally pulled the dagger out, leaving a big, gaping hole in his heart.

Within that hole sat a garden of roses, occupied by just one silhouette. "I'll be waiting here," it would say, its voice sounding more and more strained each time it reassured Taehyung that the hole would be full enough with just a memory. "I-I'll be here."

And it was when the broken figure smiled that he finally realized it.

He realized he missed the fond good morning texts, missed the gentle smiles, missed his place in the nape of his neck, missed being pulled closer in the middle of the night, missed being hummed to sleep, missed his touch and his scent and the texture of his hair and the feel of his lips.

𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 ☾︎ taekookWhere stories live. Discover now