C H P - 34

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Their time together was up.

WARNING: Mention of domestic violence


Saying that he wished for more time together would be an understatement. He almost wished for forever, for just enough time to satisfy the both of them, just enough time for them to get tired of each other, to not crave the other's touch or their presence. 

Just time.

He just wanted time.

But time didn't exist for them. 

They didn't have forever. 

Jungkook was reminded of that as he walked his beloved to the train that would take him away. He was trying his best to keep any signs of sadness locked away from the world so he could send Taehyung off happily, but he wasn't sure if it was working; after all, he couldn't convince even himself that he was okay.

"This is it, huh?"

Jungkook looked to Taehyung as the male stood outside the train, his suitcase held tightly in his grasp. His heart broke. "Yeah, I... I guess it is."

Both stood in place silently, not knowing what to say or how to end it; they had just spent two weeks dedicating their lives to each other, how could they expect themselves to?

A wave of sudden emotion crashed over the younger, and he found himself pulling the idol into a tight hug. He hoped the desperation in his grip was enough to tell the male everything he had hidden inside his heart. "Text me, alright?" he managed out, although he couldn't help the waver in his voice.

The idol dropped his suitcase and wrapped his arms around his friend, hugging back just as tightly. He didn't want to go, he really didn't. He could already feel the lump forming in his throat. "You know I will..."

And then he separated himself, knowing he had no more time to spare, and gave his friend one last look. He didn't know what was held within his eyes, all he knew was it was enough to make Jungkook's bottom lip wobble.

He reluctantly picked his luggage back up, turned, and set his foot on the first step. 


And immediately he turned back as warm hands landed on his cheeks. His eyes widened slightly at the sensation, yet nothing could have prepared him for the even warmer feeling that came next.

Soft lips landed on his forehead in a goodbye kiss, and the lump lurking within his throat only grew.

"Until next time," Jungkook whispered.

"U-Until next time..." The idol's breath hitched, and he had to force himself away before the salty tears finally fell. He choked them down as he raced to his seat on the train, needing to have something stable beneath him so he could allow himself to crumble with sadness. He couldn't even bring himself to look out the window in a final goodbye, because he knew Jungkook would be crying, and more than anything, he didn't want to see him cry. "I-I..."

"I know you do," Yoongi mumbled gently, appearing out of nowhere. He already knew what Taehyung was going to say before he said it. "I know you love him... but you'll see him again."

Taehyung's gaze slowly trailed over to the male, nothing but confusion in his water-graced eyes. "W-what? No, I-I was just going to say I miss him..." He swallowed thickly and looked down at his lap, shaky hands reaching for each other. "Is it wrong to miss him?"

The blonde sighed. 

Taehyung still hadn't realized. 

"No, it's not."

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