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Jungkook travelled down the stairs reluctantly, closer and closer to his enraged parents. His heart was racing; he would have to lecture himself later about keeping his emotions in check. He really couldn't afford to feel things, anymore.

The moment his foot landed on the bottom step, he heard his father's stern voice, "Jungkook, sit here, now."

He nodded as his throat constricted, his breathing becoming more labored with each step. He cautiously made his way over to the spot the adult had pointed to and sat down.

Taking a deep, shaky breath, he waited.

"Care to explain?"

"There shouldn't be anything to explain," he murmured, scared to speak. 

No, be strong

And so he straightened his spine to appear more and more sure of himself with each word, "All I said was I didn't feel college was for me. I know that I might regret it, but if I do, that's that. I wouldn't be able to go back in time and change things. Nobody can. It's impossible." He glanced down to his lap, pretending to tug at the bottom of his shirt so it wasn't so wrinkled; in reality, he just couldn't stand meeting their gaze any longer. Their disappointment was too much.

"Honey," his mother said softly. 

He scoffed.

She never called him "Honey." Only when she was trying to convince him of something she knew he didn't want to do... it was only then that she used that word. She faked the motherly tone in hopes of swaying him in her chosen direction before bagging him up and throwing him back in the trash.

"That is exactly what we're saying: if you don't go to college, you will regret it."

"But you don't know that, Mom," he reasoned, refusing to back down. "What if I do go to college, and I regret it even more than I would have if had stayed back at home? What then?"

And then what he had been waiting for finally happened: his father snapped. "Jungkook, you will go to college! That is final!"

The younger saw his mother clutch at the male's arm as she nodded her head in agreement. She seemed uneasy with all the yelling, but then again, maybe the brunette was just imagining it.

"It is not!" Why is it only now that they pretended to care? "You cannot make that decision for me! You do not have the right!" Yes, some parents should and do have a say in what their child does, but his parents knew exactly what he meant. They hadn't fulfilled their role as his parents; he raised himself. Hell, he could go as far as to say that they were strangers, nothing more.

His mother's eyes suddenly lit with anger. At last, the woman he knew was back. "Jungkook--!"

"Fine," his father interrupted only seconds later, oddly monotone compared to the angry tone he had displayed just moments before. "But don't think of this house as your home anymore. You're out the moment you graduate." 

Mrs Jeon's eyes widened as she faced her husband in disbelief. It was obvious she wanted to get a word or two in, but before she could so much as open her mouth, the man corrupted with anger continued on, "Now, go up to your room. I want to see your face no longer."

Jungkook chuckled and stood up. Sure, he appeared smug on the outside, but was he really all that unbothered? It was easy to tell, as the moment he was hidden behind his bedroom walls, his shoulders slumped, and his head hung low. The walls... they had seen everything, from every tear to every slight smile. They were his prison just as they were his freedom.

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