C H P - 21

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And at last, he drifted off to sleep.



That was the one word that flashed before Jungkook's eyes as they fluttered open. His body was warm, and it was weird, considering his room had poor instillation, but then again, he did have another body pressed up against his own. He groaned, tightening his hold on the boy curled up between his arms.

He lifted his head off the pillow barely, only to lay it back down when he realized that by moving, he may end up waking up Taehyung. So, instead of getting up to brush down his hair and take a shower like he usually would, he took to watching the idol's face, searching for any sign of discontent. However, much to his surprise, Taehyung looked as peaceful as ever.

Again, his heart began to pound against his ribcage, so much so that he could hear it in his ears. He let out a breath of air, almost like he was laughing at himself. He always got so carried away in the moment.

There must have been something wrong with him.

"Kookie," Taehyung mumbled tiredly, snapping the younger out of his own thoughts. The idol hadn't even opened his eyes, yet he was still pulling his friend closer to him, burying his head in Jungkook's chest. He was right in thinking that the brunette would be nice and comfortable.

"Good morning, Taehyung," the bunny whispered, his heart almost melting at the sight. Taehyung really was too cute. Pictures did him no justice.

The older nodded in response, digging his head back into Jungkook's chest. He chuckled lightly. "I'm so tired, and I have absolutely no idea why." He squeezed Jungkook's torso, then looked up to him. "By the way," he began, his husky morning voice sending shivers down the younger's spine, "did you ever get packed up?"

Jungkook nodded, nuzzling into the pillow as he did. He wanted to close his eyes and fall back into the world of dreams for at least a few more spare minutes, but with something so perfect before him, he just couldn't bring himself to close them. He almost let the thought slip from his lips, but before it could, breath hit his chin and words were being said.

"You are so beautiful..."

The younger's eyebrow raised skeptically. Beautiful? No way. "Whatever you say," he responded rather quickly, closing his eyes.

It was silent after that, and within that silence, they clung to each other, almost as if they were the type of friends that were used to seeing each other every second of every minute of every day.

Not being able to resist, Jungkook allowed his eyes to flutter open. Taehyung was already staring up at him with a fond smile, his messy bed hair sprawled out across the pillow. The younger's heart fluttered. "So," he started, distracting himself from the odd sensation, "are you always this cuddly?"

Taehyung didn't miss a beat as he retorted, "Is that a problem?" He knew it wasn't, and what was said was meant as a compliment, but for the sake of Yoongi, he couldn't have just gone along with it.

Jungkook found himself laughing faintly. "Not at all." He grinned down at the male who had yet to move away from his chest. "And not to ruin the mood or anything..." His voice trailed off as hesitance crawled up his throat. He really didn't want to cut their cuddle time short. "... We should probably get up."

Instantly, a pout made its way onto Taehyung's features. He yanked the comforter up over their heads, hiding them both from reality, hiding them from the world and from their worries. "I don't want to." His body curled up against Jungkook's, like it was protesting to the thought of its own will.

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