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They compliment each other well.


"I need to borrow this, thank you." Hoseok suddenly barged into Taehyung and Jungkook's shared hotel room, grabbed the youngest by the arm, and attempted to pull him to the door.

Taehyung, having been facing the television screen, turned at the sound of struggle only to jump out of his seat when he realized what was going on. "Hey, what--"

"Wait, I need to take a shower--"

"It won't be long, I swear. Just chill." Hoseok smiled to reassure the bunny that he was going to be just fine, but with his arm being tugged on relentlessly by an idol--who was known for his happy charm--he only felt more sure that something bad was going to happen to him and his well-being.

In a panic, Jungkook met eyes with Taehyung, hoping that some sort of miracle would occur and save him from this scary human being. However, before the bunny's savior could so much as move a muscle, he was pulled out of the room and cut off from his friend.

Oh no, am I going to die here? Please tell me I'm not going to die! I haven't even seen MONSTA X live yet! I-- The male's frantic thoughts were cut short when the hand holding his arm moved to his shoulder, pushing him down onto a comfy looking couch. He hadn't even realized they had a reached Hoseok's hotel room.

He only tensed further when he saw the sun plop down beside him, like it was no big thing. His eyes watched him in anticipation while his mind patiently waited for the yelling and guilt tripping; what else could he expect when he lived with parents that taught him to always expect the worst in things?

Much to his surprise, the idol only smiled once more, this time with a kinder, more heartfelt expression. He must have sensed his panic. "Don't worry. I just want to talk, and trust me, allowing me to clear up any misconceptions is far better than being strapped to a chair and interrogated by Jinnie." His mouth rambled on as he wrapped an arm around his band mate's friend. "I know from experience." The way the words came out as almost proud sent shivers down Jungkook's spine.

"Wait, wha--"

"Anyway," Hoseok smiled, "I just have some questions I need answered before we can all accept that you are friends with Tae-Tae, for all the right reasons, that is. Or else we would never be able to let you in as part of the family."

"Wait, fam--"

"Anyway, how did you and Taehyung start talking?"

Jungkook almost sighed in relief. That's all he wants to know? "Well," he started slowly, letting his panic flow from his veins out through his words, "it was actually kind of random." He smiled sheepishly before continuing on. "All I did was comment on his post, asking how his day was, 'cause honestly, who wouldn't want to know? Everyone cares about him so I figured I would act on this sense of 'caring' and ask him about his day in return for him asking about mine. And that idiot," he paused to chuckle, "actually messaged me back to tell me his day was good. He got so annoyed when I 'ignored him', when in all reality I hadn't seen his message until about 30 minutes later. He practically spammed me, no joke."

Hoseok's face light up instantly at the fondness in the other's voice, and he urged him to continue with his story. "Go on, go on." He grinned, but the grin fell only seconds later. "Wait, wait. I need popcorn for this. Just one second." He hurriedly got up from the couch and almost tripped over the rug as he rushed towards the microwave.

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