C H P - 30

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"With how oblivious you are, you will never figure it out."



"For the thousandth time, yes! Now let's go!" Taehyung grabbed tightly onto his friend's hand, dragging him down the long hall and to the elevator that had once been out of order. The large silver doors opened slowly, yet that didn't keep the idol from pushing his way in, pulling Jungkook along with him. He had a large, boxy smile hidden underneath his mask, but when his eyes landed on the worried face the bunny was making, it fell into a straight line, one lacking any happiness at all. "Hey, why do you look so worried?"

Jungkook sighed with exhaustion, his head falling back to hit the wall of the elevator. He looked as if he had lost all hope. "I'm just worried that you'll be recognized, that's all." He tried to smile reassuringly, but it wasn't quite enough to reach his eyes.

"I won't get recognized, I swear." Taehyung quickly scurried over to him from the opposite end of the elevator, just to pull down his mask and smile. It would really be okay, he had to show him that. "I won't, it'll be okay."

The younger's frown only deepened. Why did he feel so bad? Just earlier he had been okay, so why now? "But what if you do?" He urged himself closer, wrapping his arms around Taehyung's waist and setting his head against his shoulder. The warmth he felt whenever he was close to the idol suddenly wasn't enough to calm him; he didn't know what to do. "Seriously, what if you do?"

The air became heavy, making it hard for either of them to breathe. "If I do..." Taehyung wanted to be positive for his friend; if he couldn't, what kind of friend was he? But with the air feeling as easy to inhale as a pile of bricks, what else could he do? "I would make sure that your identity remained unknown. As long as you stay safe from all of the idol drama, I will be alright. You're one of my best friends, I have to protect you. 'Tis my duty." He grinned slightly, pressing his nose to the crook of Jungkook's neck. "It'll be okay."

And all of a sudden, the warmth was enough. The air thinned out and the weight in their chests dissipated.

It was hard to think that one day that warmth, their warmth, may disappear.

"Hey, Taehy-"

"Kim Taehyung?"

"Yes?" the idol responded quickly, head shooting up to look towards the speaker, where the voice had come from. What could be going on now?

"There is a bit of a situation in the lobby," the deep voice began, and Taehyung was already dreading its next words, "so we need you and your friend to stay in here until it's solved. You will only be in here for about ten minutes, tops. Will you be alright?"

Taehyung nodded dejectedly, flinching when he heard the crackling of the speaker being shut off. He sighed, figuring they'd end up being in there for a while, and sat down, making sure to bring his friend, his comfort, down with him.

"What was that about?" Jungkook asked innocently, sitting down beside his friend on the carpeted ground. He was hoping there was nothing really wrong, but there was some part of him, deep down, that knew he was just forcing himself to be oblivious. If there was a situation so bad the idol had to be hidden away or kept from it, obviously something was wrong, very wrong.

Taehyung moved so he was straddling Jungkook, one leg on either side of him. It was innocent, and he only did it because he was feeling anxious and nervous and disappointed and annoyed; he needed the warmth, needed to be as close to it as possible. With a deep frown, he dug his head into the nape of his friend's neck and slowly spoke, "It probably... had something to do with a crazed fan..." He pursed his lips. When would it finally stop? How long would he and his members have to endure? "It actually happens more often than you would think... It just gets kinda old, and just... I'm so tired of this, Jungkook."

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