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"You're welcome."


-Day One-

"Why did you have to choose a scary movie?!" Hoseok cried, clinging onto the person nearest to him, that person just so being Jungkook. The older male had always been a scaredy cat, the members knew this, and sometimes he thought they chose movies such as this one just to get back at him. "Why have you forsaken me like this?!"

Jungkook smiled sheepishly, feeling awfully guilty, and ran his hand gently up and down Hoseok's back. He wanted to try and comfort him, but from the sound of just his cries, it seemed like no matter what he did, the male just wouldn't be able to calm himself down until the movie was over and they were safe, back in the confines of Jungkook's house.

Namjoon eyed the crying male and frowned. If he continued to make a scene the way he was, they would surely get recognized, and that would not at all be good for anyone involved. "Hey," he whispered, tapping on the male's shoulder, "you need to quiet down. If you don't, you're going to make a scene."

"I can't quiet down when it comes to things like this!" Hoseok whispered back angrily as he tightened the hold he had on the bunny boy. "You can't do this to me!"

"Sorry, dear."



Yoongi flinched in his seat, head whipping to the side to glare at Hoseok. His cat-like eyes narrowed. "Hobi, quiet down!"

The aforementioned male only wrapped his arms around himself, thinking it would be enough to protect himself from the killer clown on screen. "You're only mad cause you flin- ahhhh! He said 'Egg Boy'! I'm Egg Boy! I'm Egg Boy! I'm so dead! I'm so fucki-"

"Hobi, you are not Egg Boy! You are Sun Boy! So shut up!"

Taehyung visibly gulped as he eyed the kid, reffered to as "Ben", getting carved into. He had always been somewhat scared of movies such as the one they were watching, and even more so, he hated watching scenes where people were injured. He could almost feel the pain himself.

"Hey, are you alright?" Jungkook murmured, tearing his own focus away from the screen. He had a feeling there was something wrong with his friend, so he slid his hand over the arm rest separating their seats and laced their fingers. "Taehyung."

"I'm f-fine," the older choked out, glancing away from the film. He looked to their hands and took a deep breath. "I'm fine." A small, forced smile tugged at his lips. "I'm all good."




Taehyung jumped at the sound, tightening the hold he had on his friend's hand. He worried himself, thinking he was squeezing too tight, but when the male squeezed right back, his concerns were put to rest, and he could focus back on the kid getting patched up.


"Hoseok, it's just Beverly!"

-Day Two-

"Popcorn... chocolate... soda... napkins... remote..."

Seokjin looked over all the items sat on the coffee table--which he and Namjoon had bought for the house in secret, alongside a television, recliner, love seat, mattress for the spare room, bed set included, pillows, blankets, stools for the counter in the kitchen, and enough food to stock the fridge and freezer. Jungkook had tried to politely tell them to take it back, as he felt bad having them use their money on him, but Namjoon and the eldest immediately refused. They had made a plan to get things for the house each time they came to visit. They would have bought everything the bunny needed all at once, but they didn't want to overwhelm him.

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