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That would be nice.


Jungkook silently laid beside Taehyung in their shared bed, having yet to fall asleep. His thoughts of the past few days were all over the place, forcing his mind to swirl and his heart to jump. He didn't know what to do or how to handle the thoughts or memories in the darkness of the night, not while someone precious was sleeping beside him, so he did what he could: watched Taehyung as he slept peacefully, watched the moonlight shift and move as the hours continued on, watched the idol's chest rise and fall with each breath.

As gently as he could, he ran his fingers through the male's soft brown hair, moving the strands that fell over his eyes away so they didn't tickle him and risk the chance of him waking up. The male needed his sleep, and Jungkook was going to do everything he could to make sure that he got it.

And then there was an urge.

An urge in his heart, making it run with desperation and longing, an urge that told him that the arms around him, pulling him closer, weren't enough, that simply admiring the male's long eyelashes and glowing skin wasn't enough. A knot formed in his throat, and every so slowly, he lowered his head down towards his friend's. He wanted it, wanted it so badly, but... it was wrong, it was all wrong... so with a heaviness in his chest, he swallowed thickly and swerved away from the male's chapped lips and instead lightly brushed his own against his forehead. 

Just that would have to do.


Knock, knock.

Knock, knock.

Knock, knock, knock.

Jimin raised an eyebrow, slowly lowering his fist from the door. Normally, just knocking alone was enough to wake the youngest member of the group, but apparently today was an exception. What could they have been doing to sleep so deeply? Did they stay up all night or something?

The mochi frowned and looked down towards his pocket, where he kept the master key that Hoseok had lent him. The male hadn't told him where he had gotten it, just that Jimin was good to use it any time he felt the need to. And in that moment, the red-head had had a feeling he would need to use it. He didn't want to, because in a way, it was an invasion of the youngest member's privacy, but what other choice did he have?

Still frowning, Jimin retrieved the white key card from his jean pocket and slid it in the door handle. With a click, the door unlocked and the short male stepped in.

Oh, he had to resist the urge to squeal.

In bed laid both Jungkook and Taehyung; the younger was laying comfortably on his left side, one hand resting on Taehyung's back while the other had tangled itself up in his knotted bed hair. The idol, on the other hand, had his naturally flushed face snuggled into Jungkook's stomach, his arms wrapped loosely around his waist. Every few moments, he would unconsciously nuzzle his nose further into the other male's abdomen.

It was just all so picture perfect. 

Grinning like a kid about to pull the biggest prank of the century, Jimin took his phone from his pocket, seizing the opportunity to snap a few messy pictures. He almost felt bad for his incoming wake up call, as they were both sleeping soundly, but then he got a flashback of all the times Taehyung had done the same to him and Yoongi, and suddenly he didn't feel so bad, so he cupped his hands around his full lips and shouted, as loudly as he could, "FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRE, OH!"

Taehyung's tired eyes snapped open, yet he didn't move from his position. His mind, still foggy with sleep, must have convinced him that he was just hearing things.

𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 ☾︎ taekookWhere stories live. Discover now