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From Mom


Jungkook took a deep breath and shakily unfolded the sheet of paper. He just knew he wasn't ready to read what was hidden inside, but he couldn't stop himself. He had to read it, for his mother.


Dear Jungkookie (classic, right?),

I want to go over a few things with you before I get to the point, alright?

One: I am going to be perfectly fine. Please, don't call anyone. I have a place I can stay if things get out of hand. You remember my brother Minho, right?

Trust me, I will be okay. I plan on leaving that... man after you graduate. I want to be able to say that you grew up and matured into a fine young man with both parents. I know from experience that lots of mean people out there will harass and bully you if you say you were raised by just one parent. This sounds stupid, I know, but... please just trust me.

Two: I don't want you to be lonely. I know that being in a household such as ours, you were very isolated from everybody, even yourself, so want you to call up that friend that gave you a place to stay over spring break. I want to make sure that you don't seperate yourself from him/her. I noticed that ever since you started talking to them, you have been happier; as I said, I notice stuff like this. I actually read over your shoulder once, so I managed to catch their name. It's Taehyung, right? Hey, that's the one young man's name from that boy band you like! What a coincidence! But anyway, please make sure keep in contact with Taehyung (?). I like seeing your smile, Jungkook. I never got to see it very often, and even seeing it directed towards your phone rather than at me still makes me overjoyed. I'm glad someone could make my son happy.

Thank that friend for me, please. Tell them that they are doing a great job as both a friend and a person, especially if they managed to make someone with such a tough exterior (you) smile. Have they noticed you look like a bunny? Whoops, off subject.

Anyway, now to the main reason I wrote this for you. I want you to go into my bedroom and check the closet. I promise nothing is going to jump out at you like in that one game. Oh, what was it? I can't remember.


Jungkook frowned as he tried to repress his tears. She was putting herself through all this for him? Why? Was he even worth it?

Wanting to make her happy, he did as the letter said and walked down the hall, to what used to be his parents' bedroom. He hesitantly flipped the light switch and peeked inside. The room was empty, no bed frame, no nothing. The sight alone was enough to force tears out of his eyes.

But he had no time to focus on the bare room. He had to go to the closet; he had to for her.

So with hands that still shook, he clasped his fingers around the double door knobs and opened the closet. He looked from left to right, then up and down, but he saw nothing except bare shelves. What could she have been talking about?

To get a closer look, he bent down on his knees and did another once over: left to right, up and down. Still, he saw nothing.

The only thing he could do was look back to the letter.


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