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"Are you cold? 'Cause I'm cold."

At the words, Jungkook looked to Taehyung, his gaze landing on the male's puppy like orbs. His heart jumped in his chest, yet as always, he forced himself to pretend it hadn't as he continued on his way, putting one foot in front of the other. He was lucky his legs hadn't started to shake. "How? I barely feel a chill."

Taehyung sighed deeply, lips pulling back into a small pout. "That's because you are the epitome of a human heater."

The coconut let out a curt laugh. "Maybe, maybe not."

Suddenly, a very, very, very, very, clever idea, in Taehyung's opinion, popped up into his mind. He really didn't like the cold, but what he did like was human interaction, especially when it came to his buff bunny friend. And so, he treaded right up to the other's side and laced their hands, shoving the mess of fingers into the pocket of his hoodie. He couldn't help but smirk from underneath his mask. "There," he chided. "At least one of my hands are warm now."

Jungkook rolled his eyes, yet despite his fabricated annoyance, he tightened the hold he hand on Taehyung's hand. "Hey," he felt the need to ask, "why are you so touchy feely?" He skillfully pretended as if he wasn't itching to hear the other's response to his simple question. However, if he had been standing still, he knew he would have been shifting his weight from foot to foot. See, Jungkook knew he was one for overthinking. He overthought almost everything that happened around him, and he was thinking, hoping, praying that this thought of his was correct, even if it was something that only came about from his mind over-processing everything Taehyung had said or done.

In the end, he just really wanted to know if Taehyung was touchy feely with everyone. Or... what if the reason he was being like this was perhaps because, on the off chance that Jungkook was actually likeable, Taehyung kind of liked him?

Jungkook had to shake his head at his own thoughts, hating that he let his mind run away with him once again. Why did his mind have to be horrible and get his hopes up? Why did it have to run in circles as it created images of Taehyung simply smiling at him and responding with, "Because I like you, of course"?

The idol, completely unaware of the chaos within his friend's mind, simply shrugged. "I don't know. I just like the feel of being with someone, I guess. You could say that it's one of my comforts. Most of the time I cuddle with Chim, Hobi, or Seokjin, though."

The younger's smile fell, and like a switch had been flipped within his heart, his chest constricted, and the depths of his stomach curled. Why was he feeling this way, and just what was it he was feeling? Without realizing, he tightened his grip on Taehyung's bony hand, almost as if it were saying that it needed answers regarding the odd sickness he was suddenly experiencing.

Right away, the older's attention was drawn away from the sidewalk they had been traveling on and was instead focused on the hand squeezing onto his. "Hey, Jungkookie?" he began, soft eyes flicking up to meet the other's. "What is it? What's wrong?" He had the urge to look to either side of himself to see just what, if anything, had put Jungkook on edge, but he couldn't seem to force himself to tear his gaze away.

The coconut ignored what his friend had worriedly said to him. He couldn't let the other know of what he was feeling. It was a disgusting sensation, and he had an inkling that if he revealed this disgusting thing to the other, Taehyung would find him gross too, and he couldn't have that. For some reason, he just couldn't have it. So he took a deep breath and smiled, retrieving his hand from the idol's pocket and placing it in his, instead. He had to strain himself just to keep the warm smile upon his face. "Looks like we made it without freezing." He pointed his chin to the large building before them, and it felt like a weight had been lifted from his chest when Taehyung's eyes moved from off him and onto the hotel.

Now he could finally let the smile fall.

The idol hummed, although rather sadly. "Yeah, I guess we did..." He meant to put some sort of emotion into his words, but despite his greatest efforts, they only came out monotone. Why did Jungkook pull away from him? Did he do something wrong? Did he say something wrong? Was it his fault?

The singer sighed and pointed his gaze downward, stepping into the tall building. He led Jungkook over to the now working elevator, but even then, his mind was still in a different place. Really, what had he done?

Trying not to overthink it, he placed the tip of his finger on the bottom button in the interior of the elevator, letting it know that it needed to take them to the top floor, and let his hand drop lifelessly at his side. He turned to face his friend with the intention of saying something, anything to rid him of the concern blocking his airway, but he couldn't force his lips to form any words, none at all.

"What is it?" Jungkook mumbled, his large eyes opening just a bit more than they had been earlier.

Taehyung frowned deeply, and before he knew it, his arms had raised and held themselves in the air, like they were waiting for something, or rather someone, to slide in between. "Do you..." He stopped himself and looked down. "Do you think you could just hug me?"

The younger male quickly, even reflexively, made his way over to his friend on the other side of the elevator and stepped in between his arms. His hands slid over the other's shoulders until they came to rest at the base of his neck, and without meaning to, he pulled himself closer, snuggling into the male's chest.  "What is it?" His eyes fluttered shut, and for just a second, he felt nothing but calm.

Taehyung simply shook his head. "Nothing, now." He set his cheek to rest in the other's soft pillow of hair, and for as long as they could, they stood there, pretending that there was nothing else, no one else, in the world that they needed to worry about.

The concern and disgust that had built itself up in both of their chests faded into nothing, and from then on until the doors of the elevator opened, everything was fine. The both of them were fine.

However, be as it may be, the time did come where the elevator opened to show a hall of rooms, and, even while not wanting to, they separated themselves from each other and made their way towards the room they would be sharing for the next two weeks.

Jungkook could only focus on the floral carpet beneath them, and he was sure it was because he was afraid of meeting eyes with anyone that had happened to come out from behind their closed doors.

"This is it." Taehyung slid his key card into the door handle and pushed it open, revealing a decent sized room, lit by the rays of evening sun.

Jungkook swallowed thickly at the sight and turned back around to close the door behind him. He didn't know what it was, but he almost felt as if he weren't worthy enough to be staying in a room as beautiful as the pinkest sunset. But when Taehyung called him from beside the wall made of glass, he instinctively shifted on his feet to catch sight of the setting sun outside.

He hadn't gotten a good look at it the first time he had seen it, for he had been too scared, but as he stood there, eyes lit, he realized just how breathtaking the view was.

Cautiously, he stepped closer to the oversized window, closer to Taehyung.

"It's beautiful..."

Jungkook blinked slowly. He had to agree with the idol. He was sure he had never seen anything so beautiful.

But then he turned, and in turning, he caught sight of the idol. His eyes reflected every cloud within the orange sky, every streak of color, every bird placed in the air by some command of fate.

Warmth curled the corners of his lips, and with just one simple sight, he took back everything his mind had said previously, for it was now that he knew. Truly...

He had never seen anything so beautiful.


Short chapter

-Author 🖤

𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 ☾︎ taekookWhere stories live. Discover now