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"Can you sing for me?"


Jungkook froze. Sing? Did he hear that right? Why would Taehyung want him to sing? "Wait, me sing? Why?" He had the urge to ramble on with questions nervously as he had with Namjoon earlier, but he swallowed down his words; he knew that if he took the chance of saying anything else, he would end up singing for the glowing man before him.

"I don't know. It just... feels right," Taehyung mumbled, barely shrugging his shoulders. Suddenly the arms around him felt tighter than they had before.

Really? Jungkook found himself thinking, a nervous chuckle erupting from the base of his throat. Taehyung wants me to sing just because it... feels right? "B-but," he began, trying to convince the older that he really didn't want to hear him sing, "you can sing for yourself. I mean, you have a great voice." His words began to tremble as the idol pulled their blanket up and over their heads, hiding them from the rest of the word, as if saying, 'It's okay, it's just us here, don't be afraid.'

The older male urged himself closer to Jungkook's face, so close that their noses were touching and their steady yet shaky breaths exchanged with one another's. "Please?" His eyes had somehow, almost on command, come to inhabit all the stars in the universe, and Jungkook knew from that point on, there was no way he could say no.


A bright, boxy smile broke out on the older's face, and as a gesture of thanks, he leaned forward and quickly pecked Jungkook's nose. It seemed he had no idea of just how much his actions affected his friend's poor heart, as only seconds later he relaxed and set his head back down on Jungkook's chest, nuzzling in, somehow not realizing just how quickly the organ hidden beneath was beating.

The younger sighed, cursing himself inwardly for giving into the other male's star-graced eyes, and hesitantly raised his hand to remove the blanket covering the two of them. He didn't know what to do. He had never sang in front of anyone before, not even his reflection. If he sang, it would be in darkness, in isolation, in a place where he could be true to what his heart was feeling.

Here, with his idol in his arms... could he be true to what his heart was feeling? Was... it safe for him to say it?

"C'mon, Jungkook, you got this. I believe in you."

And with just those words, Jungkook decided. He decided to say it just once. Just one time and never again. Just once...

When I looked at the stars shining brightly,
It almost feels like I'm looking at you.
You're like everything that shines bright.
When the night sky grows dark,
The whole world is sparkling with light.
Naturally you grab my hand,
And before I know it you start sparkling with my colors.

Taehyung tensed, as if he had just been hit with something he wasn't expecting, as if the sound of Jungkook's voice was something more than he expected, as if it all were too much, as if...

Sometimes I think,
When I see you laughing brightly,
That your eyes and lips and everything else
Seem to look like me.
It's like your pitch black eyes take in my light
And shine just as brightly as I do.
Sometimes I see myself when I look at you.

And then in no time at all, the song had ended, leaving Jungkook's heart racing within his ribcage. Everything about the idol's reaction told him that it hadn't been good enough, just as he was never good enough, and in that moment, he decided that he would never again sing in front of anyone else; all he did was embarrass himself.

𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 ☾︎ taekookKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat