C H P - 23

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He had never seen anything so beautiful.


Jungkook's head lolled to the left, eyes pouring into the side of his friend's head. He was tired, and even though he wouldn't say it outright (or even admit it to himself), he wanted attention. He had tried many times already to catch Taehyung's eye, either by making some obvious movement or forcing himself to overreact to certain bits of the movie they were watching, but each time, he failed. It was odd, not only because the idol seemed to love to give him attention, but because the movie that was on the T.V. before them had been turned on three times already; Jungkook swore that he could repeat each sentence, word for word.

"Sigh..." the younger mumbled, letting out a huff of air. He crossed his legs on the couch cushion and leaned against Taehyung, his head resting on the male's shoulder. He glanced up to the idol, and the flame of his annoyance only grew hotter. Taehyung was still, still sucked into the movie.

Jungkook groaned, eyebrows furrowing. He pulled away from his friend, and as a last resort, he strung his muscled body across the couch, head resting in Taehyung's lap. He wiggled around, pretending he was just getting comfortable, but still, the idol had yet to even look down and acknowledge his existence.

Somehow, despite barely even realizing the younger had moved, Taehyung's hands independently brought themselves to Jungkook's full head of brown hair, fingers treading through the locks.

Still not satisfied, the younger huffed and pinched Taehyung's nose.

That seemed to have caught his attention, as his gaze flicked down to Jungkook, who was staring back up at him with innocent doe eyes.

The corners of his lips tugged upwards in a fond smile, and he found that some part of himself was no longer as interested in the movie as it was in the sight of Jungkook's precious gaze, so, wanting to look for just a little longer, he gave into the selfish part of himself and paused the movie. "What is it?" he asked gently, eyes flicking from one side of Jungkook's face to the other, trying to take in every detail he could.

Jungkook frowned. "We've been watching this movie for a while now. Can't we... you know... watch something else?" He saw as a sudden fire lit in his friend's eyes, and it left him in a state of confusion, yet as the idol nodded and carefully removed his head from his lap, he said nothing about it. "What are you going to put on now?"

Taehyung shrugged, eyes gleaming. "I don't know, whatever seems interesting."

Humming in response, the younger set his head back down on the couch, repositioning himself for real. It took a few moments, but he managed to find a comfortable position. He let out a sigh of content and allowed his eyes to flutter shut.

But then there was a weight on his stomach.

His eyes snapped open, and much to his surprise, there was Kim Taehyung, sitting on him. He went to go ask just why the idol felt the need to be on top of him, as it was not good for his heart, but before he could, Taehyung's slim fingers jabbed at his sides, sending tingles down his spine. He went to move away as fast as he could, but laughs shook his body against his will, making it hard to move as he wished to. "Tae--" he struggled to say, hands trying desperately to push the other's fingers away from his sides, "s-sto--"

There was another particularly light jab, making him squeal. "T-tae-ah! S-seriousl--"

It was then that the door opened.


Hoseok's hands shot up to cover his eyes; he wasn't sure if his friend was in a compromising position or not. Being the curious person he was, though, he couldn't help but spread his fingers to peek at the two of them. "What's with all the heavy breathing? Is this a bad time? Yeah, yeah... it was a bad time. Alrighty, then." He smiled awkwardly and bowed, turning to leave. "Sorry for interrupting..."

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