C H P - 43

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It was going to be a long, long break.



"Chim, quiet down. This is a public establishment."

"Sorry... It's just, I'm glad they have my favorite flavor."

"What place doesn't sell vanilla?"

The kind-hearted red-head glared at Yoongi from the other side of the booth. The blonde had just gotten back on his good side, so the male really needed to start watching what he said; if not, Jimin was sure all of his annoyance would build up, and it wouldn't be good. When angry, he was the scariest of the group. "Some places don't, okay?" He frowned deeply and glanced out the window, avoiding eye contact. "Don't bully me."

Yoongi grinned almost instantly at the reaction he managed to get out of his fellow group member. Oh, how he loved teasing him. He reached across the table and gently set his hand on top of the mochi's own, trying to fight off his grin. "I'm sorry, my love."

"Oh, come on! We came here to get cupcakes, not to be all lovey dovey," Hoseok groaned, obviously teasing them, and playfully chopped at their intertwined hands. "Fix yourselves, dears."

"And what about them, dear?"

Hoseok's gaze flicked over to Jungkook and the youngest of the idol group, Taehyung. The two of them were cuddled up in the corner of the booth, smiling fondly at one another, occasionally brushing their foreheads together. Their voices were lowered, just so only they could hear each other. Giggles and chuckles and laughs came out of the both of them; they were probably talking about some inside joke.

"They're different."

"How so?"

Hoseok's dark eyes softened. "Because... They don't get to see each other everyday."

Yoongi frowned, retreating his hand. He and Jimin did see each other everyday, so in a way of his own, he understood. "Yeah, I guess so."

At that, the sun reached over the table and flicked at the blonde's pale hand, exclaiming, "What are you doing, idiot?!"

"What do you mean 'what are you doing'?!" Yoongi angrily whispered right back. Hoseok had just told him to stop holding hands with Jimin, so he did! What more could he want?

"Sigh..." Hoseok wrapped his fingers around the blonde's hand and yanked it back over to Jimin's smaller, chubbier one. "Hold," he commanded, and Yoongi did.

"Does everyone know what flavor they want?"

When all of the males gave some sort of conformation that they did, in fact, know what they wanted, Namjoon lifted his hand to signal to the waitress that they were ready to order. He smiled kindly as he told her what flavor he would like to get, and Jimin of course gleemed in delight as he requested the vanilla one.

The young waitress nodded, quickly scribbling down everyone's orders, and scurried off behind the counter.

"I'm so excited that I finally get to try these cupcakes. Taehyung wouldn't stop talking about how delightful they were." Namjoon looked out the window with dreamy eyes, the corners of his lips tugging upwards. He must have been really excited.

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