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What are you doing to me?


As fast as humanly possible, Taehyung raced down the hall to Jimin and Yoongi's hotel room. He really had to use the restroom. He knocked frantically, barely having it in him to wait for the door to open. 

About thirty seconds of knocking later, a confused looking Jimin finally opened the door. 

The younger didn't even give him a chance to ask as to why he had come to visit his room, he just barged in and ran to the much-needed bathroom.

Jimin scratched his head in confusion, raising an eyebrow. "Okay, then?" He slowly walked back to his seat on the couch and pressed play on the movie he had been watching on his lonesome. He was already about halfway through the film, and he had planned to get some sleep afterwards, but with Taehyung in the room, he wasn't so sure that was going to happen; besides, he had a hard time sleeping without Yoongi, his snuggle buddy, so he would have stayed up until the male was done talking to Hoseok, anyway.

Some time later, Taehyung waltzed out of the bathroom, obviously relieved of the nagging of his bladder. He was about to thank Jimin for allowing him such a delicacy, yet before he could, his eyes landed on the film playing on the television. His face lit up. 

"Do you need something or...?"

Taehyung grinned and excitedly rushed over to the couch, snuggling up to Jimin's side. He wrapped an arm around the male and shot the best puppy eyes he had at him. "I love this movie! Let me watch it with you!" he begged, jutting out his plump bottom lip.

"Uhhh..." The mochi frowned, seeming like he was having a battle with himself inside the confines of his mind. "Uhm..." His head fell backwards onto the back of the couch as he sighed in exasperation. He could never tell Taehyung no. "Fine."

"Thank you! Oh, where's Yoongi?"

Jimin only smiled.


By the time the movie had finished, the red-head had passed out, his mouth hung open slightly. 

Seeing this, Taehyung silently switched off the TV and tiptoed over to the queen sized bed, grabbing the comforter. He made his way back over to his sleeping buddy and gently covered him up with the blanket, and with one delicate forehead kiss, he left.

The brunette smiled faintly at the thought of Jungkook greeting him with a big hug as he made his way back down the hall and to his room. He became thoroughly disappointed, though, when he was greeted with complete silence, rather than a grinning Jungkook, who was happier than ever to see him. 

With a curious disappointment, he peered over at the bed, expecting to see the younger sleeping soundly; if he wasn't up waiting for Taehyung, that was surely what he was doing. However, his eyebrows only creased when he found that the only things residing on the mattress were pillows and blankets. 

"Where...?" He tip-toed over to the bed anyway, despite not seeing the male over there, and kneeled down to check under the bed, just as a precaution. His disappointment only grew when he saw that there was nothing underneath except a few dust particles.

Taehyung practically ran over to the couch, to the only other place where the younger male could be, and he couldn't help the sigh of relief that followed. 

There he was.

He had passed out on the couch, one arm resting under his neck while the other rested flat on his stomach.

𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 ☾︎ taekookWhere stories live. Discover now