Chapter 37

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"Whatever that was in music class,geez it was horrible." Lyn scoffed as she and her friends had lunch together.

"I am not interested to know if whether Danny is into her or not but one thing is for sure..." Hazel commented biting her potato chip dipped in a bowl full of soup.

"What?" The trio asked in unison.

Hazel smiled faintly.

The girls knew that kinda smile. It wasn't a good one so obviously she was planning to do something bad.

"Danny will be broke soon." She concluded in a wide grin.

"What makes you say that?" Paige shook her head her hand waving in the air.

Hazel looked around and sighed. She then leaned close towards the table making her friends do the same.

"Dawn will not stop until she makes sure he's gone completely bankrupt. I mean c'mon guys. Just take a good look at her....she is such a gold digger. So thirsty for money." She rather whispered.

"But I don't blame her you know." She shrugged sliding right back well into her seat her arms crossed on her chest.

"Speaking of gold diggers..looks like it runs in the family. Just look at  how Dwight and Victoria are." Krystal eyed her friends to where they were.

They all turned their heads to their direction and saw them walking in the cafeteria. Their faces glowed with delight and they seemed happy cracking jokes here and there.

They saw how Dwight snaked his hands unto Victoria's waist as they made an entrance to Dawn's and Danny's table.

An envious lump consumed Hazel and she was trying to fight the tears back by being strong but the tears just came out anyway.

She wiped them as fast as she could before her friends saw her weak move.

"Oh Krystal...she's a Princess. How can she be a gold digger?" Lyn broke the silence.

The trio turned to face her quizzically with their eyes fixated on her.

"You know what Lyn...its been my observation. I just realised that you like taking Victoria's side a lot. I'd like to know why. Now!" Hazel was infuriated.

"I am not on Victoria's side. I mean c'mon am just being honest here. I mean look at her." Lyn then faced Victoria and her gang and as always they were always in happy vibes.

"She's so calm. Pretty,vibrant, it all but absolutely not a gold digger. For crying out loud,she's a Princess. She can have anything she wants no matter what cost." She concluded by spooning herself her vanilla ice cream definitely waiting for the others to lash back.

"I've had enough of your shitty talk about Victoria. If you really do care about her then why don't you leave this group and go join them?" Hazel barked at her. She then grabbed her things from the table and walked out of them angrily.

Lyn was just saying those words on purpose just to hurt her feelings. So yeah. She won.

Lyn knew how much she hated Victoria but still fancies her over her loyal friends.

The last thing that she wanted was negativity especially from someone like Lyn who was being inconsiderate.

The trio carefully watched her make her way and they were appalled to see her walk swiftly towards Victoria's gang.

They all knew she was there to make trouble.


Dwight,Dawn,Victoria and Danny chit chatted wildly. They were cracking into laughter making jokes here and there.

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