Chapter 5

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The day at Los Calabasas Highschool went well for everyone except for Dawn. She seemed restless. She wasn't happy at all that day. Where the hell would she get so much money to pay Max? She had so many thoughts but they were not working out well for her.

She then thought of borrowing money from Hazel then return it to her later. But no. Hazel would doubt her background. Rich girls like her especially Hazel would own 5K in fact more than that.

"I hope I got the right menu today." Said Dawn as she joined the rest of her friends at the cafeteria.
"Yeah," Lyn said. "Dawn," Hazel called out to her.
"I'd like you to meet Dwight and Danny. They are both cousins."Hazel concluded. Dawn could barely pull off a smile. "Hey guys," that's all she said.
"You know them, right Dawn?" Hazel asked her. "Yeah. I know Dwight from the tennis club and Danny from the soccer club." Dawn replied.

Everyone at the table laughed. Dawn felt shattered. "Actually its the other way round."Lyn said still in a laugh."Yeah. Danny from the tennis club and Dwight from the soccer club." Krystal finished.

Hazel noticed that Dawn wasn't fine. "Oh my bad." Said Dawn in a dim smile. "Are you okay Dawn?" Hazel asked her. "Yes technically."she replied in a nod. "No,you don't look okay as you claim to be Dawn." Paige said.
"Yes what's the matter?" Lyn asked.

"Or could it be that our presence here makes you uncomfortable?"
Dwight asked. Dwight was known to be the heartthrob of Los Calabasas. Very handsome,curly looks,cute smile,reliably tall and cute personality. "Yeah maybe that's the reason why she is so mute today." Danny, another Los Calabasas cutie added.

"Stop it the both of you." Hazel said. "Oh come on Dawn. You are not tryna tell us that you are afraid of Danny or Dwight or more so boys?" Paige added.

"No! Not at all." Dawn said. She then sighed in and shrugged her shoulders and said,"I'm totally perfect." "You sure?"Danny asked her. "Hmm,yeah." She nodded.

When the rest of the gang made jokes and shared stories and gossipped together,she couldn't believe who she saw. It was Max. He came for her. She tried to hide her face but it was all in vain. Max directly went to their table.

"Dawn Anderson!"
Hazel was furious at him.
"Hey! How dare you storm here in the middle of our conversations just like that?" "I'm not here for you Hazel. I'm here for her!" Max said in a wrath creating attention in the whole cafeteria.

"What's wrong with you? Why you so mad?" Dwight asked him.
"Why don't you ask your so called friend Dawn. Ask her why she's not paying me up my 5 grand?"

"What?" Everyone gasped.
"5000 what?" Hazel asked him then glanced at Dawn and asked her,"Dawn what is he talking about? Do you really owe him that?"
Dawn sheepishly rapped at Max.
"What is your problem? Do you really have to humiliate me this way? I told you I'll pay you next Tuesday." "You are a liar. You always postpone your pay dates. I want my money now." Max ordered.

"What is the money for? What is he talking about?" Lyn asked her.
"For my Rolls Royce." Max answered. "What!" They all exclaimed.
"It is true. He owes me that because...because my car broke down and its in the garage being repaired so I use a lot of expenses on the broke car. That's why he owes me this sum of money."
Dawn defended herself.

"Psst. Again you're lying." Max said. "Max please stop embarrassing me." Dawn pleaded. "Why? Don't you want your friends to know that you are broke as hell and that you don't even own a car? Yes! She is lying. She is not as nobled as you think she is." Max said.

Everyone in the cafeteria watched the whole scenario. "Mr no good news just get out of our sight now!"Lyn yelled at Max. "Not unless I have my money with me." Said Max. He then looked at Dawn and told her, "Bitch better have my money!".
Dawn was defenseless. She was caught today. It was the end of her world with her nobled friends. She knew that Hazel and the rest of her group would never talk to her again. Hazel then took out a cheque book from her bag and wrote something on it.

"Here. That's 6000 dollars. A thousand extra for your cheap manners. Is that settled?" Said Hazel as sh me handed the cheque to Max but instead Danny took it and tore it apart leaving everyone amazed.

"What the hell bro?' Dwight asked him. "There's no need for a cheque. I'll do the payment in cash." Said Danny as he took out the money from his wallet and handed the money to Max who stood near him. "No thousand extra for you." He added.

Max quickly put the money in his jeans and left saying while staring at Dawn,"Gimme my car keys." Dawn took out his car keys from her handbag and gave them to him.
She was screwed up. How will she get home that day? "Guys am so sorry for that embarrassment. She apologized. "Don't  mind. It was nothing."said Hazel as she hugged her closely. "Yeah. I mean we don't believe what that scumbag said right?" Lyn asked the gang and they all replied, "Yeah." While giving Dawn a group hug.

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