Chapter Thirty: Hunger

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Luca's POV
"Let's stop here for a couple of hours, let's take a break."

"You're right." I sat down and laid Diana next to me, playing with her hair. Shade blocked my body from the sun and I looked up to see Matt.

"You hungry?" I gave him a small nod before feeling Diana shift. I glanced down and saw her rub her eyes before opening them. She squinted at the bright sun before sitting up and looking around.

I laughed in joy and my eyes began to tear up, she turned her body to face me.

"Luca!" Diana jumped in my lap and held on tightly, hiding her face by my cheek. I held the back of her head with one hand while the other was on her back.

"Oh thank goodness! Don't ever do that to me again!" I kissed her passionately never wanting to let her go.

She was okay.

Diana's POV
"Okay, remember we are still here." I pulled away from the kiss and turned my head to see Matt standing tall in front of us. I began to feel a head rush again causing me to close my eyes and rest my head on Luca.

"What's wrong my love?" Luca rubbed my cheek and soon checked my temperature.

"Darling you're burning up. Hey Matt, find some water quick, she might have passed out from heat exhaustion. Baby when was the last time you drank water?" I shrugged my shoulders, feeling no energy in me.

I shivered as the cold air came in contact with the warm sweat on my body. Luca rubbed his hand up and down my arm, trying to keep me as warm as possible.

"I'll go hunt something." My blurred vision made out Xavier as he shifted into his wolf, making his way deep into the forest. I felt myself being lifted up and then put back down onto the floor.

"I'm gonna shift okay? Jay might be able to keep you a lot warmer than me." I nodded, my teeth clicking and arms wrapped around myself.

Right when Luca shifted into Jay, I opened my arms immediately engulfing into his warm fur. He laid on his side, still making me his little spoon. Jay rubbed his head against mine, comforting me as we waited for Matt and Xavier to come back.

"What happened? Where did you run off too?"

I didn't reply, instead, I whimpered.

"Hey it's okay darling, you can tell me. I won't get mad. I promise I won't even tell Luca."

I giggled a little at his curiosity before finally giving him a response.

"I went to find the group, to find Blake and Monica. All I remember was seeing black spots and then...just falling. I couldn't feel anything Jay." I wiped my face from the warm tears, sniffing loudly.

"I felt like my life literally flashed before my eyes. I mean that's not normal for just passing out. Is it?"

Jay licked away my tears and looked up, I followed his gaze, seeing Matt, with his hands on his hips.

"I found some water, I'm sure it's a part of King's lake. But it should be clean enough for Luna to drink." I climbed on top of Jay as he stood up, he shook under me, taking off all the dirt that stuck to him.

His tail swayed side to side as he began to jog and follow Matt.

"Darling, once we make it there, please do not leave my sight."


We met up with Xavier's wolf along the way, he had a rabbit in his mouth, the blood dripping off his snout. I quickly hopped onto my feet and walked to the lake, grabbing the cold, refreshing water into my hands.

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