Chapter Twelve: Heated

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Diana's POV

Luca rushed to my side, his eyes changing color. I screamed and sobbed until my throat became completely dry.

I dug my nails into Luca's shoulder making him grunt, while my other hand grasped a handful of the bedsheets.

"SOMETHING'S NOT RIGHT!" Luca yelled grabbing a hold of my arm.

He had a worried look plastered on his face, as he looked around the room trying to find something to help me.

This was officially the worst period ever. I felt more blood come out and stain the white sheets on our bed. Luca closed his eyes in a flash, opening them a few seconds later.

"I-it hurts!"

Those were the only words leaving my mouth, along with an 'ow' here and there.

"I know, I know. You're gonna be okay, it's going to be fine, the pack doctor is on their way here. Can you wait a few minutes?" I whimpered and shook my head.

There was no way I could continue to handle this burning and agonizing pain. He muttered cuss words and came closer to me, kissing my forehead.

My vision became fuzzy, I tapped on Luca's shoulder, trying to labor my breathing,

"I-I can't."

My eyes began to close, as dark spots started to surround the room. He patted my cheek, trying to keep me awake.

"Hey, Diana. Stay with me, you are going to be fine, it's gonna be fine. The pack doctor is almost here."

I stared at him, nodding my head slowly. He wiped the sweat off of my forehead with the shirt I was wearing, cooing things to me.

"Just look at me."

It was repeated by Luca every few seconds. The door opened showing a male doctor run in and kneel down to me.

He touched my forehead, checking my temperature and causing Luca roar. He pushed the doctor away, standing in front of me.

"Don't touch her." I moaned weakly.

"Alpha, there is no time, I can't help her if you won't let me. You called me here and I am here to do my job."

The doctor tried to get passed Luca but he blocked his way more.

"No, get a different doctor,"

I screamed again, another fireball filling my body.

The doctor pushed past Luca, rushing to my side. He felt my forehead again and looked down at the bloody mess I had created. My cheeks warmed up with embarrassment.

"Alpha, she is in heat," Luca growled,

"Tell something I don't know."

"She is also starting her menstrual cycle. She's feeling her heat as the cramps are occurring." My eyes widened as I grasped onto the sheets.

"What can I do to ease the pain?" Luca asked, calming down slightly, worry definitely in his voice.

"Alpha, you need to mark her, she will go into shock from all this pain, she is human correct?" He nodded, coming closer to me, brushing some hairs out of my face. The doctor looked at me with worry, before giving full attention to Luca.

"Alpha, she will die if you don't." Wait. What? Luca grabbed the doctor by the collar and dragged him out of the room.

He slammed the door and then jogged back to me. His large hand grasped into mine, giving it a kiss.

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