Chapter Seven: Rogues

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Diana's POV

"I don't know, do I have options?"

"Yeah, we can go meet the pack warriors, the children, we can even just look around the pack and I can just show you where everything is." I thought about it for a second, and I decided that I would love to meet the pack warriors.

"I think the pack warriors would be interesting."

We began walking for a few minutes and talked about some random stuff until we made it. I heard men and women shouting, and fights were happening everywhere. I turned my head left and right in awe, watching them defend themselves and shifting into wolves.

"Wow," I said breathlessly.

I turned my head to see a man yelling at many of the wolves, causing them to howl and roar with determination.

"That's Gamma James. He is your third in command and also the commander of your pack warriors. He trains them so we are always prepared for ambushes and wars, stuff like that." I was very intrigued and continued to watch them for some more time.

James seemed to notice us watching and made his way to Monica and me.

"Mon, what are you doing here? Don't you think Blake is worrying his ass off about you?" I snickered, making him glance his eyes to me.

He seemed to look at me with lust causing me to get uncomfortable. Monica realized before saying,

"I don't think Alpha Mason would appreciate it if you were looking at the Luna like this." His eyes widened and he looked at me with an apologetic look.

"You're the Luna? Do we have a Luna? Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't know." I put my hand up in a stopping motion letting him know that it was alright.

"It's alright."

Monica grabbed my hand and pulled me to the side grinning.

"You are a great mother of this pack. A natural." She winked.


She nodded with her eyes closed giggling.

"That is exactly what a Luna does Diana! You might be the female leader of the pack but you are also like the mother."

I went into a state of shock. A mother? Again a friendly reminder, there was no way I was fit to be a queen!

"Don't worry too much about it." I shook my head, trying to get that thought out of my head.

"Why don't we go see the children."

I loved children, yet my face dropped. This wasn't helping the situation we had just talked about.

We made it to the little kids, and my heart instantly warmed up making me forget about our whole conversation. I put my hands over my heart awing with pure love. The joy it brought to me just being able to see their innocent faces laughing without any worry in the world.

I felt a little tug on my leg seeing a young girl about 5 years old. Her bright blue eyes gleamed at me and her dirty blonde hair blew in her face from the wind. I bent down giving her a pearly smile.

"Hello darling, what's your name?"

She giggled at me grabbing my black hair in her hands.

"I'm Rose." I gave her a smirk, winking at her.

"Beautiful name." Monica cleared her throat crossing her arms.

She looked down at me before nudging her head to the side.

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