Chapter Thirteen: Shopping

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Diana's POV

"Luca! Come on let's go!"

I tried pulling him off of the kitchen chair but he wouldn't budge.

"Hold on babe, I'm almost done."

I puffed out air, blowing away a strand of hair that made its way to my face. It's been a long 'adventure' of pain and cravings for the past few days and today we are supposed to be going shopping.

Right now, Luca is in the kitchen finishing up some sort of paperwork while eating breakfast. I took a seat in his lap and watched what he was working on.

"What are these?" I asked.

"These are for the pack warriors, I'm wanting to get them some new gear and also some files on a couple of the warriors that passed away since, you know."

I nodded understanding. I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Soooo, this is the life of an Alpha King? Just a ton of paperwork?"

He let out a chuckle and kissed my cheek.

"This is the life of ALL Alphas, and well just keeping everything in order."

I decided to give him some more time and change into some presentable clothing.

"I'm going to go check up on Mon and just borrow some clothes."

I pecked his lips before heading towards her room. Once I made it to her door, I knocked on it waiting for her to open it.


Shuffling was heard and the door opened, showing Monica with a towel wrapped around her body and another towel in her hand. She dropped the towel out of her hand and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Oh my goodness you're alive!"

I wrapped my arms around her also and she sniffed me, pushing me back so we can look at each other face to face.

"Your scent is different, it smells like-"

Her eyes widened and she shifted her eyes to my neck where Luca marked me. She screamed, pulling me into another tight hug.


I let out an awkward chuckle.

"Yes..." I replied.

"When? Where? How?"

"Well...I started something called 'heat' that was pretty painful."

"You started your heat? Did Alpha Luca force you?"

I shook my head quickly.

"NO! I also started my period, which is why you had to bring me pads. The pack doctor came and told Luca that if he didn't mark me to reduce the pain, that I would well, die."

"That's why I didn't see you all week, you've been stuck in your room. That makes more sense as to why Alpha was being a douche to everyone who dared even asking about you."

I gave her a confused glance.

"When you go into heat, your mate becomes more protective of you and goes on a rampage. Trust me, I understand. Anyways, what did you need?"

I stared down at my toes, wiggling them as I swayed back and forth.

"I, uh, needed some clothes, Luca was going to take me shopping."

"Of course!"

She dragged me into the room, seeing that she was all alone.

"Where's Blake?"

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