Chapter Twenty-two: Mated

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Diana's POV
Wow. I can't believe it, Luca and I....we finally did it! I could tell my scent completely changed as they both mixed together. Though we, you know, completed the mating process, I couldn't help but feel guilty. He claimed me as his completely yet I wasn't able to do the same.

I couldn't mark him, I couldn't do anything!

"What's on your mind baby?" Luca whispered in a raspy voice. I laid my cheek on his bare chest, tracing my name on it with my fingers. I shook my head, keeping my mouth shut. He noticed my stressed state, asking once more.

"You know, you can tell me anything?" I nodded this time. I rested my chin on his chest, staring into his gorgeous orbs.

"I feel guilty." He looked stunned for a moment before asking.

"Do you" I gasped, shaking my head quickly.

"NO! Luca that was amazing! I feel guilty because I can't claim you as mine." He raised an eyebrow, licking his lips.

"But I'm already yours." I rolled my eyes, groaning. Boys really are stupid.

"Luca listen. You claimed me as yours by marking me, then completing the mating process. I can't mark you, there is no way of me being able to...well claim...YOU."'I emphasized 'you' raising my voice a tiny bit. He stared at me blankly and burst out laughing. I climbed on top of him, straddling his bare waist. I ran my hands up and down his godlike body.

"What's so funny?" His large hands went to my waist, grasping onto it tightly.

"Darling, I'm already yours, no mark can or will change that." I sighed frowning, though I nodded agreeing. I shifted my thighs, trying to get more comfortable. He sat up and leaned his back against the baseboard of the bed.

"I love you," Luca added, cooing as he pulled me into his chest. I kissed him longingly, pulling our lips apart slowly.

"I love you too."

I hopped off of his lap, pulling the sheets along with me to cover my naked self. Luca whined causing me to roll my eyes.

"Why are you covering yourself from me?" I giggled replying,

"You've seen me too much, if you see me again, we won't ever leave this bedroom." With those words, I dragged my feet into the walk-in closet. I chose my clothes for the day, also known as a pair of leggings and a baggy sweater.

The closet door opened, showing my sexy mate walk in. His nakedness made me check him out more than I would have thought.

"Keep looking baby, I'm all yours." Instead of being embarrassed as I thought I would, my response left him shocked.

"Oh I know, I'm never going to stop staring." I saw him pick out a plain black tee from the pile of literally hundreds of them. He wore dark blue jeans and a pair of mountain boots. I went behind him, holding his torso, my hands went to wear his recent wound was.

"Are you doing okay?" Luca turned his head to the side, nodding.

"It's healing faster than I would have expected. Anyways, you ready to head downstairs?"

"Always ready."

We made it downstairs, seeing Hayden and Jade sitting on the loveseat. Blake and Monica stood next to them, speaking quietly amongst themselves. They sniffed the air, their heads now facing us. Monica screamed loudly and ran up to me.

"OH MY GOD!!! CONGRATULATIONS YOU GUYS!" She jumped up and down, hugging the both of us. I stared at her awkwardly as Luca smiled politely.

"Is it really that obvious?" I asked quietly. She squealed pulling me into another hug. Monica whispered in my ear.

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