When you believe

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Whitney pov
Mariah and I are suppose to performing this song for the Oscars and Oprah. I was trying on different outfits. I was in Michaels secret closet in his closet. I know sometimes I hide in here. Plus we have panic rooms all over the place. I tried to zip up the dress. I huffed. The door open. I looked to see Michael. "Can you zipped this up." I ask him. He zipped it up. "Thank hubby." I said I looking the mirror. I feel like a hot mess. Mariah and I are wearing the same dress for the video. I'm trying on a red dress and I just don't like it. "What's a matter?" Michael said. He shut the door. "I just feel ugly. I..." He cut me off. "Whitney you could wear nothing and you look so good." He said. I turn to him. "I know but Mariah is younger and like Janet many." He cut me off. "Don't drag Janet into this." He said. "I know but many people say." I said. "Who give a f what people say. If I had my way I would perfectly okay if you stop wearing clothes."He said bitting his lips. "Michael you are so." I kissed him.

I woke up. Michael was still inside. I felt so numb. I hit him. "What? You want more." He ask. "No but I might need you to carry me." I said. He nodded. I rolled off of him. I look and notice the dress was all mess up. "God! Michael we messed up the dresses." I said. "Umm were they." I cut him off. "For the video shoot." I said. He nodded. I saw the black dress. "Well look like the black dress it is." I said. He nodded. He help me up and ran me some hot bath water. "Where are the kids?" I ask. I didn't notice they were here. "Birthday party for cousin it's. A sleep over party." He said. "Serenity?" I ask. "She says she going to stay the night." He said. He put mr in the tub. It so warm and comfortable. He climb the tub. I open my eyes and look at him. "Mr.Jackson what are you trying to do?" I said, laughing. "Well I'm trying to make love to my wife." He said. I giggled.

Today we are filming a video. ET is here. Mariah and I took a picture.

"So darling you glowing

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"So darling you glowing." She said. I giggled. We walk into my dressing room. I had roses everywhere. Robyn walk in. "Michael had been sending you roses. So what is going on Nippy." She ask. "We kind of rekindled our love." I said. "Wait what?" Robin ask. "Kinda like how long was it?" Mariah ask. "About three long months." I Said. Robyn looked at me. "Well dang...." Mariah said. "With all the kids you have." Robyn said. I threw a pillow at her. "Speaking if kids are you?" She ask. "No" I said. "Well here is 7 card he sent you." Robyn said. I open. "Miss you. How about date night?" It said. I giggled.  The next couple of card were drawing. It was first base? Second base? Third base? Home? Home run! "What so funny?" Mariah and Robyn ask. "Michael." I said. They looked. "Oh this is so cute." They said. "Well we should go." I said: They nodded.

I came home. Candles were burning. I still had on my dress. I took off the heels. "Michael?" I yelled. I looked to find a note. 'Follow the candles.' I walk in this room with roses. "Michael?" I yelled. Did he ditch me. I felt someone wrapped that arms around my waist. "You look gorgeous." Michael said. "Thank you." I said. I turn to see him dress up car keys in hand. "Where are you going?" I ask. "Serenity isn't feeling well. Mj says it may be chicken pox." He said. "Oh let me come with you." I said. He nodded. I walk to the car. Michael open the door. I sat in.

We pulled up. I ring the door bell. Joseph answered. "Where is she?" I ask. "With Katherine upstairs." He said. "I'm apologize but." He cut me off. "I understand. Michael walk in. I ran up stair. I walk in to see Katherine, Janet, Latoya, Michaelynn, MJ,Whitney Nicole, TJ, and most of the cousins. Serenity is crying. I want Mommy. "Serenity." I said. She look up. I walk over and pick her up. She calm down. "Kids y'all can go I got her." I said. They all left out. "So umm when did this happen?" I ask Katherine. "Last night she was scratching. I just assume rash. It wasn't until today chicken pox. She is very warm.." she said. I nodded. "Yes did You take her temp?" I ask. "It 107.9. I was going to take her but she through tantrum and I knew  it was going to be worst." Latoya said. "Okay thank you."I said. They nodded. Michael walk in. "Hey mother. Latoya. Janet." Hey said. They replied with hey. "So we going home?" He ask. "More like to the ER.  Temperature is high." I said. He nodded. "Okay well Whitney call us when you get home." They said. I nodded. We went straight to the er. "Serenity." I said. She was so warm. I ran inside. I sign her in. The lady at the front desk was like your."  "Whitney Houston I have a seven year old with a high temp and not really responding. Chicken pox. Please." I said. She nodded. She ran to somewhere. Michael carried Serenity. "She's so warm." He mumble. "Baby open your eyes." He said kissing her forehead. A doctor and a couple nurse came. "So what's going on." He ask her. "She's sick. Chicken pox. About 107 temp. Not respondent. She was at a sleep over." I said. He nodded. "Age?" He ask. "Seven." Michael said. He was holding my hand. They had put her in the room. "I'm sorry y'all can stay out here. But until we get her responding. You can't enter the room." The nurse said. I modded. Michael wrapped his arms around me. "My baby." I said softly. "Our baby." Michael says. I shiver forgetting all I was wearing a dress with small straps. Michael took off his jacket and place it on my shoulder. I thank him. We watch threw the small window. They put an ice pack on her. Got an IV started. Michael wrapped his arms around me.

"Jackson?" The doctor said. "Is she?" I ask. "We gave her some medication for fever. She asking for you." He said. I nodded. "Where Mommy and daddy." Serenity said. I walk in to see a nurse calming her. "Serenity." I said. Michael came on behind me. "Mommy. Daddy.." She said. We smile. Michael sat in the chair I sat on the bed. I rub her little head. I kissed her. "I want to go home." She said. "I know but you can't. Until Doc says."I said. She nodded.

We got in the car. Michael cut on the radio. When You Believe was playing. The movie is suppose the cone out soon. Michael was driving. Serenity is sleep. I smile looking back at her. We pulled up to see paparazzi. I took Michael jacket and put it over Serenity's Face. We went a straight to bed. What an eventful day.

We belong together Whitney  Houston and Michael Jackson Where stories live. Discover now