Love wont wait

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Michael pov
I woke up to the phone ringing and the shower going. I slowly got up.
Whitney pov
I was in the shower taking a shower and I heard the phone ring. I ran to it and answered it. "Hello?" I said. "Hey Miss Houston the flight has been delayed." They said. I huffed. "How long." I ask. "Umm maybe till morning we don't know, their a problem with the plane. We can put on another but it won't be until morning." She said. "Oh okay that's fine." I said upset. I hung up the line. I signed and look around.
Michael pov
I listen and I couldn't help but smile. I have one day to make this right. I called for breakfast. I took a quick shower and got dress. I got her favorite flowers, candy and candle. I knew she had to come out sooner because she had to come out.
Whitney pov
I was in the bathroom taking a shower. I wrapped the towel around myself. I came outside to see all these roses petals. I followed them to see my clothes laid out. I got dress. He had me a nice shirt with some pants. I got dress and followed the roses. He had my flower and everything. "I'm sorry." He said wrapping his arms arm me. "Michael don't." He cut me off . "No I'm sorry. Nip I should have defended you be I was in shock. I mean the kid is mine. I know that." I cut him off. "I guess it hurt me. I mean I know I never cheat but for Frank and for you not to." He cut me off. "Nippy I know that what shocked me the most." He said. He came closer. He grabbed my waste and kissed my lips. "Michael." I said as his hand undid my pants. I huffed and push him back. "Stop!" I yelled as I fix my outfit. "I'm done!" I yelled. "Nippy don't do this." He said. "No you could have defended me or told him to mind his business. I don't what happen but I'm done. Also I will be fine. I can raise this baby by my self." He cut me off. "You right but what I won't let you do is take this away from me. I love you and I want this baby." He said coming close putting his hand on my flat stomach. He was looking in my eyes. All I could see was sorrow. He grab me hug me and broke down. "Don't do this." He said holding me. There was a knock at the door. He huffed and pulled away. It was Frank I rolled my eyes. "Hey mike and whit." He said nervously. I was about to say something but Michael went off. "You know what Frank why don't you do me a favor and leave ." He said. "Michael, we have rehearsal. Whitney I'm sorry but." He cut him off. "Don't even come for the mother of my child. I should have done this a long time ago. Frank if you keep coming for Whitney or me. You will be fired! While I'm at it take a leave of absence for a couple week without pay. I'm done! Say anything else also tell the record company of there is anymore expansion on this tour. I will happily retire." He said. My heart stop. "Okay Michael fine. Whitney, I'm sorry it just I don't girls us by Michael or hurt him. You know what Mike. She made you better." He said smiling and walking off. He yelled rehearsal are 2 hours before the show. Michael pulled me on the couch. He apologize. I kissed him and we forgave on another. "Okay can we eat?" I said. He chuckled and nodded.

I decided to come and see his concert. I was sitting off to the side. "You know I have song this song to many of women across this world. But not to the one person in my life yet. My future wife. Why don't we get her on stage, and I can sing some of this song called she's out of my life." He said. The crowd went crazy. I shook my head but he came over and reach for my hand I exhale and climb on stage. "The lovely Whitney houston." He said. The whole place went crazy. "Okay so why don't you start it off." He said. "I can't stand you." I said laughing. He smiled and kiss me. People begin to say aww. He queued the music. I was so nervous he must have notice because he wrapped his arms around me. He was whispering the lyrics. I sung of course sing he put of my life. He sung the next verse and we join in the chorus. We were dancing and singing. Pretty soon it felt like we're were the only to in the room. By the time song was over the crowd went crazy. I saw the fence about to give in. "Michael we have to." I was cut off my security trying to stop the fans but they busted through. Michael grab my hand as we got in the car. I was so scared. I begin having pains. "Michael!" I yelled. "Nippy?" I black out.

I woke up to the noise of a machine. I looked to see Michael sitting up in a chair. I could tell he had been crying. "Michael?" I said. I felt nothing but pain. It was worst the worst thing ever. He ran to my side. "Please God no!" I shouted. The nurse ran in. "Me. Houston calm down." They said. I was having a panic attack. "No, the baby!" I shouted in tears. Michael rubbed my forehead and calm me down. He laid beside me. "Can I call my mom?" I ask. "She's in a plane she will be here in a couple of hours." He said. I just nodded. It nothing but silence in the room. The doctor came in the room. "Ms. Houston." He came in. I nodded. Michael was playing in my hair. "I'm sorry but the baby didn't make it."he said. While he was explaining it I was zone out. He told me my body will have to readjust. Michael had to ask a question that kinda made me happy. "How long we should wait before we try again?" He ask. "Well since the baby was so small. I mean at least 4 weeks but overall maybe little longer." He said. He nodded. "Can we have sex?" He ask. I cover my face. "I don't see not harm in having sex but I think at lest a couple of days." He said. My face became so hot.

I woke up to be in more pain. I was in the bed crying. Michael ran and got the nurses. They brought me some pain medicine. I hated this. My mom, and Katherine came. Joseph soon was behind them followed by my dad. I begin to feel sickness washing over my body. "Michael why don't you go to the hotel." My mom said caressing my head. I wanted to break down and cry but I sucked it up. "Whitney I won't go unless." I cut him off and told him go I will be fine. He nodded and kiss my lips. "I will be right back...." He said. "You know I'm going to go be with Mike." Joseph said. "Also Jermaine and Janet came." Katherine said. "Yea they will probably go with Michael." My dad interjected. Michael left my dad went with him. Katherine stay behind. Janet stayed too. It was dead silence until my mom ask how I felt. I told her shock, pain. "I just wanted to have this baby and be happy. I wanted to see him or her smiled. Hold them in my arms." I said in tears. My mom wipe my face. We talk about everything. My mom said to go see my therapist. Katherine and I talk about the kid that died. She was suppose to have ten but Marlon twin Brandon died. I listen to her as she offered me advice to help me.

We belong together Whitney  Houston and Michael Jackson Where stories live. Discover now