Plane crash

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Whitney pov
I had to this interview knowing they going to argue for me taking time off for my daughter. I need time with here. I've been criticized all week long. Michael is controlling me. He is abusive  man. I don't trust him with the kids. I mean the list go on. So I'm going to clear it up. "Hey I'm here with Whitney Houston." Someone said. I smiled. "So why did you leave the tour early?" She ask. "Well I have some problems.... as everyone know I have five beautiful children who sometime just need their mother. If my kids calls I'm coming. Or Michael. It my family. I'm sorry for all the people who got there tickets and I had reschedule." I said. "So you will perform?" She ask. "Yes it will just be at a later date." I said. I laughed. "Okay And see done. Bless you. I hope you make your children happy." She said. I nodded. We suppose to leave today but I change my mind. The dancers and I were goofing off. We went to the hotel and cut on the tv. "Whitney Houston is died. The plane crash and Mrs. Houston and team was on it." It said. My heart stop. "The crash is being investigated. We still trying to determined who was on the flight." The flight attendant said. We had just got done doing our show and I decided to stay another night. I rescheduled. I called the news. "Hello this is." I cut them off. "Yes this is a very not died Whitney houston!" I yelled.

Michael pov
I had pick up the kids and they found out. My brothers are here We came to the house.  I told the kids to go upstairs. "Breaking new: Well I feel dumb we need to check our facts." Barbara Walters said. "Whitney are you there?" She said. My heart was pounding. I heard a scream.

Whitney pov
I screamed. People barge in my room. My bodyguards was knock out. "Mexican! Green! Black shirt! Beach guy!" I scream. They put something over my head and next thing I know I'm out cold.

Michael pov
I began to write down all she said. "Whitney hello! Hello!" Barbara said. The phone went dead. "The plane landed off and it crash. We happy to say Whitney houston alive but we Umm have a trouble." He said. I cut off the tv. "Mike?" Jermaine said. "They got my wife. I've got to go!" I yelled. He held me back. Tito help him. "Mike calmed down you have kids to think about it." He said. "No they got Nippy!" I yelled. "We Umm don't know what going on. So we got the feds and everyone on it so we will play back some of the phone call." The lady said. All I could see was red. "Mike you not a real smooth criminal in real life." Marlon said. "I don't care!" I yelled pushing them off. I felt my body being pushed to the couch. " Michael calm down!" Joseph said.  He was sitting one me. I was trying to pushed him off but Jermaine and everyone was helped by him. "We don't know what is going but Whitney?" She yelled. "Dad! Grandma what's !" Michaelynn said then she stop. We all stop. Thy got off of me. She had one Whitney necklace. She gave the kids a pair of jewelry. She had pearls. "Dad whats happen." She yelled frantic. "Look I don't know but we going to find out." I said. She nodded.

Two days later
FBI is updating me every chance   they get. The kids know a little bit not much. I make sure the tv not on. The kids where out side do I listen to the program. "Honestly I think she's dead." Someone said. My heart sink. I just don't think she's dead. I was cut off guard when I hear screaming. "Mommy! You promise! She not dead right dad!" She yelled.  I looked at her. Next thing I know she past out. "Michaelynn!" I yelled.  I daughter her just in Time. I held her.

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