Success isnt all what it seems to be

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Whitney pov
I've been by myself on tour. Well I have the kids and my mom but I'm mostly at alone. I was reading the Bible. "The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth. He will fulfil the desire of them that fear him: he also will hear their cry, and will save them."
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭145:18-19‬ ‭KJV‬‬
I begin to pray please allow me to go on. I was at my breaking point. I was in my hotel room by myself. I don't want to be here. I cried. I want to at home with my husband. "Nippy?" My mom knock. "Yes." I said. "Can you open the door?" She asks. It was late at night. We put the kids to bed hour to go. "Mom I just want to sleep." I said. "Nippy open the door." She said. I wiped away my tears and put up my bible. I went and open the door. "What do you want?" I said groaning. "Michael wanted to surprise you." She said. I felt arms wrapped around my waist. I prayed so long but the truth is life is so cold sometime and if your not careful, it's make you numb. Or at least that what feel sometimes, I feel like I have to have this guard up. He hugged me. My mother left. I wrapped my arms around him. We could both see it. We are both feeling it. Sometime cold. "You okay?" He said. I just shrugged. "I just sometime I feel like I'm losing part of myself to this. I feel like I'm dehumanized. You know I just need to find myself." I said. "Before you get suck into it." He said. I nodded. "So you want to take time away from the music." He ask. I nodded. "I think we both should after this tours. I mean I want to go to church I miss it. I miss going to the movies and." He cut me off. "We can go to church but publicly we can't. You know why?" He said looking at me in my eyes. "People don't see us as human. We are seen more like gods when we are just human." He said. I nodded. This was the first time we talk about this. "Sometimes I wish I didn't sign up for this. I wish I could be free. I want to be able to walk down the street with you and the kids. With out having to deal with the press or paparazzi or fan chasing us." He cut me off. "Maybe this was what God wanted." He said. "Or maybe not. I don't think He want us to suffer." I said walking out on the balcony and wiping some tears. "I know we aren't God, but think about it this way Jesus suffered. He suffered for he greater good. He knew he will return to the father. Why would he endear that kind of suffering only to pass on." He said. I smiled. It very rare when I get talk to someone and debate. "I guess you right but we can't compare ourself to Jesus. I mean he's bigger than you and I." "Yes but I mean in this lifetime. When you finished maybe God will say you made and now you know freedom and peace but, until let enjoy this." He said picking me up. "Micheal we have three kids." I said as he laid me on the bed. "Yea but I thought we could get started on a fourth." He said. I giggled. "Come on we can get time off." He said. "Here's the deal..... i need this but you better pull out because if not. This time I'm getting my tubes tide." I said. He smacked his lips. "Fine then you ain't getting non." I said pushing him off. I chuckled. "Fine. I pull out." He said. We kissed. He picked me up and laid me down on the bed. He begging kissing my neck.

2 weeks later
Micheal took princess with him. So all I have to deal with is the twins. We were at sound check. "Well it been around is that my fabulous sister in law?" I heard someone yelled. It was Janet.

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