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Whitney pov
I was dreaming this wave a pleasure hitting me. I open my eyes to see Micheal on top of me. He was thrusting into me. I couldn't even respond. I moan. "Damn it nippy." He groan. "M-Michael." I moaned. I was so nervous and tired. "I thought we try something a different way of getting you up." He said kissing my lips. My legs were beginning to shake. "God." I moaned. He kiss my lips. My whole body shook. I came. Not long after Micheal came. He pulled out and laid beside me. I laid my head on his shoulder. Nothing but silence was the room was filled with. I mean we made love and stuff but something was up. I look up to Micheal having sorrow in his eyes. I could see regret, and hopelessness. "Michael?" I said listening to heartbeat matching mine. I kiss his chest. "Mhmm." He said. I look up in his eyes. "What is a matter?" I said. "Nippy let's not talk about his now." He said. "Mike." He cut me off. "We will talk about when you get home." He said sounding upset. I nodded and kiss his lips. I knew I had to get up in a few. I yawn. I got up and got dress.I took a long shower. I dried off my body. I wrote a note telling Micheal I'm taking baby girl with me so she he won't bother him. I know he had been hardly sleep. I got her an outfit out and extra bibs, formula, 4 bottles, water, and an extra outfit. I got her a some blankets. I look at the crib. She woke up . I got her and got her dress. I gave her pacifier. I put in her outfit. I carried her downstairs. I made her bottle. I burp her. I made sure she was  okay. I put her in her car seat. I got her teething ring and a couple of toys.  I got her and her diaper bag. I had to put a blanket over her face. She was not happy. She was screaming. The driver open the door. I got in and secure her car seat. I took the blanket off her. "Hey! Come one it's okay? I'm sorry daddy don't want no one to see princess." I said. Her cry got louder. ''Share my life, take me from what I am. Cause I never change all my colors for you. Take my heart. I never ask for too much.  Just all that you are and everything that you do. I don't really need to look very much further....' I sung I have nothing while. I look down to see her asleep. I look to see my long time body guard Jonathan smiling at me. I smiled back. "You I never thought I would see you so happy but with you and Micheal. I see it. I see the love you too have for each other. Now you have this little one, it's so amazing to watch." He said smiling. I smiled back. "I know o don't say it this much but thank you. I guess this movie have me realize what you do is important. I mean you protect me, well us. Never complain when you are ran up on by fans. Or." He cut me off. "No with out this job. I won't be able to support my family or do anything." He said. "Do you have any kids?" I ask. "2 girls and 1 boy. The boy is older. He's is 7, the girls are 4, and the youngest is 2." He said. I nodded. "Well maybe they should come to Neverland. Matter fact. Mitch?" I said softly. "Yes Mrs. Jackson." He said. "How does a employee family day sounds at Neverland. For the guards and stuff." I said. "I think it good but let make it a week. Break down the groups. So therefore we have nothing go down with fans and stuff." Johnathan added. "Okay well I'll discuss with Micheal." I said. He nodded. We walk into the booth. "Hey." I greeted Clive. "Hey Whitney." He said.

2 hours later
I was playing with my daughter as they were talking about ideas for a cover. She lying one her stomach. "Aww where is my baby?" I said. I open my eyes. She giggled. "Aww can we just this in the cover?" Kevin said. I chuckled. "No I don't think Micheal would go for that." I said pick her up. And kiss her cheeks. "She so beautiful." Kevin said. I thanked him. "Okay I well we have u have nothing which is a major song. We have This Day, Jesus loves me and  I Have Nothing. We can set another day for the other on I'm Every woman and any other they may request." Clive added. I nodded. They began to play the songs. Right when that happens, my baby girl began crying. I check her diaper. "Yes it time to get diaper change." I said. "We can give your privacy" Clive said. I nodded. I got the wipes and diaper. "So glad you just peed." I said in a baby voice . I clean her up and put her on a diaper and some pants. I threw her diaper in the trash. I told the guys they can comeback in. We discuss touring, well the possibility of it. I mean I wanted to go with Micheal. We left for home. I got in the car. I look down to see her asleep. I don't why she mostly sleep in the car. We pulled up to Neverland. I got my baby and her car seat. I put her on the table. She was asleep. I took her upstairs  and put her I her crib. I walk to Micheal's and I room. He was still asleep. I decide to go to the office. I wrote letter to fans. I press play on voice mail. We had three messages. One from Kevin talking about the next scene is kinda sexual. I deleted it. Another one from m the director saying we may need to change a song. I deleted. Then one for Micheal.  Something about touring. His manager said he know he wants to wait but we can't. He said the fans wouldn't understand. He said he probably start rehearsals in a month maybe 2 weeks. Then they might leave month. The album was coming out soon, 1 month to be honest. I was furious. I heard the shower. I decide to go in put bathroom. He was in the shower. I flush the toilet. Micheal scream. "Whitney why in the hell would you flush the filet when I'm." I cut him off. I flush the toilet again. He open the door and wrapped a towel around him. He felled on the floor getting out the shower. He scream. I was at this point in tears. "How long have you known?" I yelled. He look at me like I lost my mind. "Nippy what are you." I cut him off. "How long you knew you had to leave me and baby girl !" I yelled.  I took a deep breath. "When were you going to tell me?" I said about to walk out. He got up and grab my waist. He held my waist. "I know." He said lowly. "I know." He said. "I just didn't want you to bs upset. I mean I didn't want to do this. I wanted to talk to you. Baby if I could say no I would."he said kissing my neck. I laid my head on his shoulder. I cried. He kiss my forehead . The phone ring. I told him to finish his shower. He nodded. I answer it. "Hello?" I said. "Whitney I'm engaged ." Latoya said. "What?" I said. "Yea Prince and I was in Paris and he said let get married and I agreed." She said. I couldn't even respond. Micheal walk in the room in fully dress. He was drying his hair. "You and prince are engage?"
I said. Micheal looked at me like what the hell. She said yes. "Well congratulations." I said. She told me thank you and she will see us soon. I was shocked. "Joseph is going to kill her, him, me and you at the same time." He said. "Well we can die happy." I said. He smiled. I kiss him. We watch movies and played with baby girl. We talk about the employees' fun day at Neverland with family. How we have to locked stuff away and stuff. I felt asleep.

We belong together Whitney  Houston and Michael Jackson Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora