Twins birthday

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Whitney pov
I had to do this sound check show, plus twins birthday. I have to go and rehearse. I really didn't want to go. It was too early. Then I have to come home prepare for day. Serenity was up. Michael got her. I really think people can say hey you should be happy in this game and what ever. The truth is fame and show business rarely get to step away. Even when you do it always something. People snapping pictures of you and I hate the fact our children are born into it. I know what this people and the world is capable of but to do that to a children to exploit them. I had Serenity with me out side yesterday by the pool. Someone snaps pictures of us. It all over the newspaper. 'Whitney post baby figure and baby Serenity.' I mean I'm almost done losing the weight but there body shaming me. I got dress. I went to see Michael putting Serenity in the crib. "Hey I'm going to take her with me." I said. "Umm Whitney she has a fever." He said. "Owe Okay is she's going to be okay?" I ask. "It's slight but the nurses will keep a close eye on her." He said. This is Serenity first time sick. "Maybe I should cancel and stay here." I said looking at her sleeping peaceful. "Whitney I got this. Plus I know you really don't want to go." He said wrapped by his arms around me. "Yea But They." He cut me off. "You know what Clive says." He said. I took a deep breath. "Fine." I said. "Okay love you." He said. "Love you too." I said. I kissed him.

"Whitney your 20 mins late!" Someone yelled. "Yes But."I said getting cut off."Yea But rehearsals are not just for you. Just because your a star don't make you one in my book. Plus your nothing more then Michael Jackson's wife. Out of shaped and flaky. Maybe on drugs and whatever. Besides Mariah and Celine was here 45 minutes early." I cut them off. "I have five kids at home and a husband who provide well for my family. So either get over the pissy attitude and realize I'm not like you. I have responsibilities plus I need respect. I'm not asking for special treatment but unlike Mariah and Celine. I've been in the game longer. I know what it takes. Plus they don't have kids. They are talented. I love them but they don't live in a ranch. Paparazzi camped out there place twenty four seven. Trying to get here only to be cut off by traffic because people realize who you were and got out the car. Plus slam by paps again. So get over yourself and let do this." I said. They gulped. "Look I'm sorry but I really on edge the baby sick and the twins birthday is today. Just please I need a minute." I said running off the room.

Robyn pov
Nippy was running late. Eddie and I was goofing off. The producer we're kinda rude. When Whitney came in. She didn't seem like herself. Then the producer said, "Whitney your 20 mins late!" Yes But."She said getting cut off."Yea But rehearsals are not just for you. Just because your a star don't make you one in my book. Plus your nothing more then Michael Jackson's wife. Out of shaped and flaky. Maybe on drugs and whatever. Besides Mariah and Celine was here 45 minutes early." She cut them off. "I have five kids at home and a husband who provide well for my family. So either get over the pissy attitude and realize I'm not like you. I have responsibilities plus I need respect. I'm not asking for special treatment but unlike Mariah and Celine. I've been in the game longer. I know what it takes. Plus they don't have kids. They are talented. I love them but they don't live in a ranch. Paparazzi camped out there place twenty four seven. Trying to get here only to be cut off by traffic because people realize who you were and got out the car. Plus slam by paps again. So get over yourself and let do this." I said. They gulped. "Look I'm sorry but I really on edge the baby sick and the twins birthday is today. Just please I need a minute." Whitney said running off the room. "Umm let me talk to her." I said getting up. Eddie told me he calling Michael. "Whitney?" I said. I ran to the bathroom. I heard sniffling from the stall. "Oh Nippy." I said. She open the door. She was crying. "I'm a terrible mom." She said. "No it not true." I said. "Robyn. This career is the reason I missed out. I wasn't there when Michaelynn took her first steps. Lost her tooth. I missed the twins first words. I missed so much i there life. I can't." She said in tears. "Whitney! They know you love them." I said. I told her of all things she done right. How she need go out for sound check and put all that emotion in her act so when the kids see her they won't feel it.

Whitney pov
Robyn was right. I cleaned myself up and walk out. Eddie was waiting on us. "Michael." He said holding the phone to me. "Hello?" I said. "Nippy you okay?" He ask. "I'm better.... just got a little bother but I will tell you about it later." I said. "Okay you sure?" He said. His voice echoed. "Umm I think you made up my mind for me." I said turning around. He was there. I ran hug him. "So what happen." He said. "Well..." I said before explaining. When I explained my looked pissed. He walk in the room. I walk in and tried to help me but no use. "Umm mr." He cut her off. "Your a newbie. My wife had been in the industry for ten plus years. Besides She just have hard time. She is mother and a wonderful wife and person. She is concerned. She had a 7 month baby with a fever. So if you can't understand that she was upset and stress. Yes she was late but was she upset." He said. "I'm sorry Whitney I just heard things and I was going off what I heard." They said. "Well I might not have made the best impression, but I'm sorry." I said. "By the way your band was late and told me your setup so I kinda pushed you because I didn't know how you would reacted if you realize it ." She said. "It's fine and Michael." I said. "Yes." He said. "Who keeping the kids?" I ask. "Well mom was on her way of course nanny and nurses. Plus Elizabeth is there." He said. "Thank God for Liz." I said. He smiled.

After rehearsal I rushed home. Serenity was still warm. I told the nurse to give me some medicine. After a bottle and a diaper change. She went to sleep. I told the nurse that make her an appointment. We cut the twin ready and of course Whitney wasn't to thrilled about being Wendy. The whole time she pouted until the party came around. I got dressed in my fairy Godmother costume. I sung impossible with her. "Are you ready to turn into a princess." I ask. She nodded. All the girls were excited and he got Michael took to ride the rides. We had a nice carriage. I got her dress in this cute dress. We open the door and the girls were blown away. Michaelynn was having a ball. Prince was just the cutest. Playing with his big brother. Serenity is getting better. So everything  was great, but of course paparazzi have to ruined it. The twins took the cutest pics. We sung happy birthday and Michael took it to an extreme because this guy threw cake in my face.  Next thing we know parents and kids are all covered in cake. It was so much fun. I took a shower and went to get Serenity who was mostly better. I stayed inside and we look outside reaching the twins. They had a water ballon fight. It was the perfect party.

We belong together Whitney  Houston and Michael Jackson Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora