Possible new story

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So I been thinking. If I made a story about Whitney Houston waking up and married to someone after going drinking spree with Robyn and her friends.

Whitney pov
"Come on Nippy!" Robyn said. "Guys I really don't think it a good idea." I said. "Nippy your almost 25 not 50. Besides, you only 24 go out have fun it 1988. You work to hard touring and making singles." My mom said. "We mean it go out have fun." My dad said. Cece and Robyn nodded. I'm scared. "I think I have lived. I sold 50 millions records. Got some Grammies and many awards and." They cut me off. "But you been down in the dumps since Eddie and Bobby." Robyn-said. Mentioning my recent break up rubbing salt in still a sore wound. "Beside my girl is in town and she want to g out." Robyn said. My mom frown up. "Fine." I said.

We were in the car I was zone in out by the light of Las Vegas.
"Also I heard the Jackson Are in town well at least one." Robyn girl said. "What?" I said. "Jermaine isn't." Cece said. "No, I think it's Michael and Janet." She said. "Michael wouldn't be caught dead in Vegas." I said remember when I met him at the Grammys. He hardly drink. "Yea But for show girls." Robyn said making me roll my eyes. "Come on Whitney why don't show me. Jackson some of them goodies. I mean you already had one put out." Robyn said. "Come on Nippy loosen up." They said. I just shrugged. "Okay 1 glass of champagne to get this night started." Cece said. I took a drink. It didn't faxed me because I have drunk be for and I know my limits. We stop at a couple of bars. It was a little trashy people wanted me to sing. Finally we ran into someone I knew. "Is that." Cece said. I turn to see Janet. "Janet!" I yelled. She ran and hugged me. "Hey." I said. "What are you guys doing down here come to VIP." Janet said. I felt sick to my stomach. I was praying Jermaine wasn't there. "So what are y'all doing?" Janet ask. "Trying to get Nippy ass to losing her up. Have some fun and party!" Robyn said. "While y'all at it maybe we can help my brother do the same." She said. We walk in to see Michael sitting In a booth. He was wearing red and black. He look at me and smiled. "Whitney." He said hugging me. "Help me." He whisper. "Only if you can help me." I said. "They got you here too." He ask. I nodded. We talking for a minute. We sat in the booth. "So since this two are buzz killed let get them buzz. Each do 5 shots of whiskey." Cece said. I knew she was tipsy but I can't. "I can't." I said. Michael look so scared. "Too late you two gotta drink." Robyn said. "Yep and here you go!" Janet said. I look at Michael. I gulped. "Drink it down!" They began to chant. "Maybe we can make a run for it." I said. "No it to many beside Guest is here and my friends." He said. "Well I think a need some new ones." I said. I felt sick. "Well I don't think they gonna stop." He said. I nodded. We both grab the glass. "Take together." I said. He nodded. We bother took it. The whisky was burning all the way down. I was feeling a little bit tipsy. The room was spinning a little. "No your not down 4 more." Janet said. "Well make it. 9." David said. Michael and I took him one by one. By the third one. We were drunk laughing at everything. We end up escaping from the girls. "I never felt more alive." I said sticking my head at the window. "Me either." Michael said popping champagne.

I woke up with this headache. I could hear someone in the bathroom. I was naked. I was like what happen. I found the trash can. I threw up. I was look around. I check all my stuff. Nothing is stolen. I had no clue where I was it looked very nice. Like the hotel my parents and I was at. I call for room service. I put on the robe. I was all good until I saw what room we were in. "Honey moon suite." I said reading the menu title. I was shook. "No I'm Whitney Houston. I wouldn't have marry someone I would have know by today. It a joke." I mumble. The bathroom door open to reveal Michael. I ducked. "God. I'm never drinking again." He said in a towel. He laid on the bed. I wrapped the my robe. "Michael." I said. He jumped. "W-um What Umm So you was who was in the bed well least I know who are you had the cover over your head and I couldn't see. We ugh may have slept together." He said. "Well I have to ask you this." I said. "Yea?" He said. I look at his hand and saw a ring. "Did we get married." I ask. "What we didn't." He said looking at me. I pointed to the menu. "Maybe it was full and we didn't want our parent to see us like that." He said. I nodded then I saw paper on the bed under the cover. I pulled it out. "No." I said. "Whitney try to." I cut him off with the certificate. "Shit." He said. "We married." I said in unbelief. "God what have we done." He cut on the tv. It was telling about Michael and I got married.

Cissy pov

Robyn ran in the room. Janet, her girl friend and Cece. "Why are you girl looking down and where Nippy." I said. "Well." They said. "You might want to sit down." They said. "Okay first let me turn on the news." I said. John came in and ask where Nippy. I fixed him and myself some coffee girl ask for water. "So it sunny day in Las Vegas Nevada and it August 22. So in celebrity new Whitney Houston got married." The person said. I spit out my coffee. "To the king of pop. Michael Jackson." They said. I look at the girls. "What the hell happen last night." I ask. They shrugged. John and I was like what the. We all waited for Nippy to walk to the door and ell is it was a prank or something. They did tell she was drinking but still to marry someone she met a couple of time. I began to think but they were flirty. Dating no. Crushing yes but Nippy would have told me.

Whitney pov
I began having a panic attack. "Whitney clam down breath." He said. I took deep breath. Tear was streaming down my face. He calm me down.

Michael pov
Fuck. I'm freaking out but Whitney start panicking. I can't believe I married her. I mean I can't lie she crying even through a tears she look so beautiful. I comfort her. I knew Janet and my family is freaking out.

Whitney pov
Michael comfort me. God he smell so good. Then something came to mind. I remember some things from last night and I don't think we used a condom. I pulled away. "Umm I should y'all a shower." I said. I saw him slightly but his lips and mumble under his breath. "Wow I wouldn't mind if you shower out here." He mumble so fast. "What?" I said. "I'm going to order breakfast." He said. "Mhmm." I said taking a quick shower. I began to walk and I hadn't notice how painful I was down there. I almost felled. Michael help me. I got in the shower. I let the water was hitting my body. I bath my self. I got out the shower. Michael and I decided to talk about how we going to tell our parents. We ate breakfast. I had to ask. "Did you find any protection?" I said. "Protection." He ask taking a sip out of orange juice. "Condom?" I said. "I didn't use one." He said. I sat back. "Well We need to discuss something else." I said. We talk about getting this annulled and telling our parents. "What?" He said. "Umm well I'm not on the pill and since you didn't use protection. We need to consider what if I'm pregnant." I said. "Well, I wouldn't mind having a baby with you." He said. "Well we should cross that bridge the when we get to it." I said. He nodded. He open the food up. "Can we Umm pray?" I said not sure what his religious beliefs. "I was going to ask you the same thing." He said. I nodded. He prayed. "God thank you for this food. Thank you for the people who prepare. Eventhough this is not ideal marriage thank you for My Wife. In Jesus name I pray. Amen." He said. "Amen." I said. We ate

A/n: I'm thinking of naming it I  married to Michael Jackson. Or that Crazy night in Las Vegas. Or maybe you guy can comment what y'all think the name should be.

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