Family dinner and family conflicts

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Whitney pov
Michael grab my hand. We went and wash our hands. We went to dinner. Katherine made pork chops, corn, salad along with a lot of other stuff. I sat beside Michael. Jermaine sat beside me. Latoya was next to Michael. Joseph and Katherine sat across from us. All the sudden someone the door bell ring . I look to see Jermaine's kids and his wife Hazel. She sat across from Jermaine.

I could feel her stare

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I could feel her stare. "Uncle Michael!" The kids yelled ran to him. He pick them up and gave them a big hug. I smiled and try to stay my distance. "Hey Whitney its nice to see you again." She said. You could tell the tension was thick. "Nice to see you as well." I said. "Well Jaimy, he is at home with my dad. This is Jermaine Jr. We call him JJ and this little girl is Autumn." She said. They was hiding behind Michael little legs. I chuckled. "Come on don't be shy. She won't bit." Michael said. They walk out and front. "Hey." The little boy spoke up as his sister was a little shy. "Hey my name is Whitney Houston and you are JJ?" I said. He ran over to me and hugged me. I gave him a hug back. "Hey." Autumn said. She smiled and hugged me. "How old are you?" I ask. "Well I'm 10." Autumn said. I nodded. "And I'm 11." JJ said. "How old are you?" He ask. "JJ it's not polite to ask how old a you do lady is." Michael and Hazel said. "It's fine. I am 24?" I said. "Don't you sing that song?" She ask. "What one?" I said. "Ummm the one that ummm." She said trying to think of it. "The one daddy like." She said looking at Jermaine. "Ummm daddy help." She said. "Why don't we eat first and then you can ask her more questions?" Jermaine said. They nodded. We all took out seats. While Katherine sat places for Hazel and the kids. Michael pulled out my chair. While, Jermaine did the same for Hazel. "So Whitney tell us about your family." Joseph said. "Well my father mostly kept us while, my mother was on the road. She sung back up for Aretha Franklin and Elvis." Joseph cut me off. "If you don't mind me asking who is your mother?" He ask. "Joseph." Katherine interjected. "What I need to ensure she not a back stabbed like Ummm Jack Gordy. Who no offense Hazel kept holding my boys back." He said. "Look I don't know much about what happen but I'm not going to sit here and let you." Jermaine stop her. "Look let's not do this in front of company and in front of the kids." He said. "So umm who is your mother." Joseph ask. "Cissy Houston." I said taking a sip of water. "The gospel singer?" He said. I nodded. "Jermaine and Michael did you know?" He ask. Jermaine shook his head and Michael nodded. "Why should Jermaine know this Hazel head look up." She said. "Ummm well, we work together on a couple of songs. Plus he was my mentor."I said. She nodded and eyed Jermaine. I look at Michael. By that time it got real quiet. Autumn was humming. "What you humming little humming bird?" Michael said. "One of Whitney's song." She said and she continued. I listen to the tune. I felt Jermaine grab my hand. I moved away. It was the Greatest Love of All . I smile. "How about I sing it after dinner for you?" I said. She nodded. Michael smiled. "I've heard a couple of your songs not many so what song was it?" Joseph said. "The Greatest Love of All." Michael and Jermaine said. Hazel rolled her eyes and look at Jermaine. While Michael and Jermaine glare at it each other. I was caught in between. "Settle down boy." Latoya said. They went back to eating. "So umm Whitney. Do you cook." Latoya said. I giggled. "No not really the only thing I can make is spaghetti." I said. "Really?" Michael said. "Yea I will make for you sometime." I said. He nodded. He whisper something in my ear. "Can I have desert after." He said. I giggle and nodded. "What's so funny?" Jermaine said. "Jermaine its none of your business what these two love birds do." Latoya said. Michael and I blush. "Oh now they both blushing okay mr. And Mrs. Apple Head." Latoya said. I look at her funny. "It Michael nickname." She said. I nodded. I look at Michael. "So I have to ask Whitney." Katherine said. "Yes ma'am." I said. "Are you and Michael in a relationship." She ask. "We are but we are not going public yet." I said. Katherine look at Michael and he nodded. "Wow." Latoya said. We finished dinner and I help put up the dishes. I walk into the room to see Michael playing around with his niece and nephew. Jermaine walk over to me."We need to talk." He pulled me into a bed room. "About what?" I said. "You messing with Michael now?" He said. "Jermaine, I love him." I said. He look at me. I was about to walk out but he grab me. I felt him corner me. "Leave me alone." I said trying to pushing him away. He punch the wall next to me. Next thing I know he pulled away from me by Joe and Michael. "Michael you will pay." He said. "You okay nip?" I nodded. I went to a near by restroom. I gathered myself together. I heard someone knock. I open the door to see Autumn. She looked like Janet. "Ummm will you come and sing?" She ask nervously. I nodded. "I'll be out in a minute. Then I will sing any song you want." I said kneeling down. She smiled. I fixed my make up. I walk out the restroom. Michael was waiting on me. He kissed my forehead. "We can leave if you want?" He said. "No I promise Autumn a song." I said. He nodded. We walk to the living room. I wasn't thinking they will make me give a performance but Joe cleared his throat when I was about to sit down. "Okay." I said standing up. "Autumn would you like to come and sing with me?" I said. Her eyes lit up. "Do you want me to sing first and then we sing it together." I ask. She nodded. "Okay." I said. I took a deep breath. "I believe the children are our future teach them well and let them lead the way show them all the beauty they possess in side. Give them a sense a pride to make it easier......" She joined in. I saw Michael smile. When we finished every clapped. "Wow." Joseph said. "You have a gorgeous voice" he said. "Thank you." I said. Michael wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my cheek. We played with his niece and nephew. They were so sweet. "Okay me and Whitney have to leave." He said. They said aww. "I promise I will bring her back with me next time." He said. They nodded. They both ran and hugged me. I hug Toya and Katherine. Joseph gave me a hand shake. Michael hugged Hazel and Jermaine despite how mad he was. I shook their hands and told Hazel it was nice meeting her. She said same. Michael and I got back in his limo. "That went well." He said smiling. "Yea I think they like me." I said. "Well I know Joseph loves your voice." He said. I giggled and laid my head on his shoulder. "Tired?" He ask. I nodded. "Go to sleep it going to take a while before going to Neverland." He said. I nodded and went to sleep.

We belong together Whitney  Houston and Michael Jackson Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon