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Whitney pov
I've been preparing for the Super Bowl national anthem. Michael has been working on his album. Before I perform I had to stop by Arsenio hall show. They requested I perform I'm your baby tonight. I have a little cold. I had to learn a dance number. Michael and I have been going at it. I mean all day and night. We celebrated Christmas and stuff with his mom. I still got my family present and stuff. I was in the restroom for a few moments. I wash my hand for a while. I was losing my train of thought. I went out side and set the test in my bag. I heard knock telling me I had to get ready to perform. I exhale and got ready to perform. Michael couldn't make it yet. I went out and performed my best considering I was sick. During the dancing and singing I was like how do Michael do this. He walk in as soon and smiled for me. I pointed to him and smiled. When the camera went off they got the camera off of me. I went to hug Michael. He went to the dressing room. I got my purse and look at my test. Positive. I put it back and got kinda sick. I threw up. Michael knock on the door. "Baby you okay?" He ask. I rushed out and told I'm fine. I looked at the mirror had a little on my shirt. I got my other shirt and put it on. I put the other one in the trashed and went to set. I game Michael a kiss. "We have Whitney Houston." Arsenio said as I sat next to Roseanne."who's that about" he ask.I glance at him while I fixed my shirt. "I'm just asking." He said. "It's about you." I said kinda snappy. The audience said whew. "I wish it was about me but, unfortunately I have got live the fantasy through friends.Certainly." He cough and said Michael Jackson. "So there you go and you are so off on friends." I said. "I won't get into though." He said. I thank him."Would you like to give her any advice." He said to Roseanne. I told her to give me some advice. She was so nervous and was like I don't what to say. "Owe you know." I said. I said cause you sing so good." I said. "You know you going to sing the star spangled banner at what ." She said looking at me. I said that right. "At the Super Bowl." She said and I said it and pointed to her. "I wanted to tell you don't grab your crotch right after." She said. I couldn't help but laugh. "If you do, if you do than do not spit." She said. "I was gonna grab my crotch but I was gonna to spit though....." I said trying to be minding but I said no. "Tell me what nippy is all about I see it on the album, on license plate there." He said. "Nippy? Nippy? My father. I'm really horse. Excuse me." I said. "I appreciate if. She's hoarse. She had something wrong with her and she came and she sang anyway. She couldn't lip sing not in this show but she could... I couldn't let her do it." He said. "You couldn't. No there will be no Milli Vinnili in here huh." I said. "Not in this building." he said. "Come y'all k." He cut me off. "She meant it like Milli Nenlli syndrome. I mean there's a lot of nelly Milli out there." He said. "There's is a lot. Uhhh Nippy, my daddy. Uhh name me nippy when I was born. I don't know why. He just thought it would be cute to name me nippy. And so it stuck through all my life. So yea" I said. He said oh yea Mhh. "Is that also the name of your production company too." He ask. I nodded and said yes. It is my production company. "I know there's another song your going to release it later. I love it because Luther produce it." I said who do you love yea. "You all go way back." He said. "Yea Luther and I got way back. I mean way back. I know Luther since I was about 13 years old and ummm. My mom kinda like umm, took him As her son. And umm it's so sweet. You know. We been friends for a long time, long time. That's my baby." I said "so you waited To do this project with him or at least." He said. "Well we waited a long time to umm do this ummm. We did this in like two days. We had so. It was just so easy working with Luther. You know we just did like that. It was so much fun. Yea." I said. "Umm, can I ask you one simple, serious question?" He said. "Yea right." I said. "No ummm, it's not about your personal life . It about this fictional thing that always bother me." He said. I thanked him. "Oh really." I said. "What is the deal with the friction you had to deal with at the past a soul train awards. Where you think that comes from." He said. "Whew umm." I said. "For those of you who don't know." I cut him off. "They booed me at the soul train awards." I said. "I know and I'm here and I'm not even sure why. You know you can't the whole crowd. You know. Excuse was there a meeting I missed or what was that about?" He said. "Yea, yeah. I wanted to say that among other things but umm. Umm I don't even know what it is about but I got a lot of flack about I singing too white. Or umm I sing umm I sing whiter songs or something like that. You know. So I think maybe that where it come from but I don't know you know. I mean I haven't got any time to ask that why I get booed from the soul train award. But umm I grew up in soul train just like every other black kid you know." I said. "Woah. Woah. First of all ugg. You sing the way God plan for you to sing." He said. I thanked him. "That number one. And uhhh I don't know what singing white is but I do know there is more soul to do what you do." He said. I begin to sing what I think it would would like. "I don't know. I mean I don't like what l." I said. "I don't get it." he said. I said "I don't get it, but I sing the way God intended for me to sing and I'm using what he gave me. I'm using to the best of my ability." I said.
We talk about Michael and that was it. I had a couple weeks before the Super Bowl. I walk back to my room. Michael hugged me and told me he gotta go get this track done. He kiss me and left. I huffed at the fact I may not be able to tell him I'm pregnant. I made a doctors apartment after the Super Bowl. I left and went home. I got dinner prepare and written him a letter after hours waiting on him. "Michael here you plate. I had some news but since you not here I guess I will write it to. I took a pregnancy test which is wrapped up in Toilet paper in a box. I'm sure you would think positive about it. I'm pregnant.-Love you nip." I waited on the couch and ate.

Michael pov
I've been working hard on this album. I had to get the track down with this rapper. It was so cool. I walk in the house and went to the kitchen. I saw nippy had cook and put me a plate yup. I heated it up in the microwave and got something. To drink. I saw something on the counter. I got my plate and a fork. I got some salad to eat with the spaghetti. I finished my plate and clean up a bit. The read the letter. The letter was from nippy to me. I read it."Michael here your plate. I had some news but since you not here I guess I will write it to. I took a pregnancy test which is wrapped up in Toilet paper in a box. I'm sure you would think positive about it. I'm pregnant.-Love you nip." I drop the note and ran to find her. She was asleep on the couch. I pick her up and put her in the bed. I kiss her forehead and sat at the edge of the bed. I'm going to be dad.

Author note: next chapter, reality setting in.

We belong together Whitney  Houston and Michael Jackson Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum