The shocking ending

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Whitney pov
I woke up. I look around. My mother and everyone was gone. Blood was every where. I was shocking. I had on my hands. My stomachs was bleeding I was somewhere else. At a park I could hear kids laughing. I hiding. "No no!" I screamed.

I woke up. Michael and my mom ran in the room. "Whitney." Michael said holding me. I was shivering. Michael held me. My mom look at me. "Why don't we go to the bed room. I nodded. I felt something was wrong. "Where my brother mike?" I ask. My mom look at me. When mike and I was kids l, people though we were twins and sometimes we had an connection. It was sometime good and sometimes bad. Normally I could process what happen. "We don't know he been gone for hours."Michael said. My mom looked at me and gasped. "Nippy what?"my mom said. "If my dream is correct mike is bleeding at a park somewhere we have to find him." My mom looked at me. "Oh God?" My mom said. "We going off a dream." Michael said. I nodded. "Sometime nippy could pick up on him.especially when he was in danger." She said. "Mom please! Go tell the police to check all the parks. He hiding in a tunnel." I said. She nodded. "Baby." I was in tears. "No! I can't lose him." I said. He nodded.

2 hours
"We found him. Mrs. Houston. I don't know how to tell you this but. He was found with his wounds. He on his way to the hospital. The doctor told us to tell you not to be to hopeful." He said. My mom nodded. I was holding, Whitney Nicole. She was smiling. Trying to stop me from crying. I smiled.

I kissed her

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I kissed her. My mom hugged me. "He going to be fine. Don't listen to him. God had the final say." She said I nodded.
We came to the hospital Micheal, Janet, JermaineLatoya, Prince , and Eddie are keeping the kids. Michae-Lynn with me. I had sunglasses on. I had jeans and a nice t shirt. I knew I might see paparazzi. She wearing glasses.

We were getting out the car

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We were getting out the car. "Baby, come on. Hold my hand." I said. She held my hand and had her doll in the other. Her nanny had a bag. We walk in. The police and security trying to keep paparazzi away from my family and I. "Mommy." She was crying because some grab her glasses. She was shielding her eyes from the flashes. I pick her up and told her to bury her head in my shoulder. We enter the hospital. Only to be hit with a cool breeze. "Okay baby your okay to look up." I said. She open her eyes. "Your okay?" I ask. She nodded. We walk and ask about my brother. She told me she will get a nurse who have information. "Family of Michael Houston." The doctor said. We walk to him. "He is doing great. Making real progress. He will be okay. We just have to wait for him to wake up." He said. I smiled. "Whitney?" I heard someone call. I turn around. "It Whitney houston!" I heard someone yell. "Do we have a place I can go and." The doctor cut me off with a nod. We followed him to my brother room. He was sleeping. MichaeLynn was staring at him. We sat there and waited. He woke up. "Hey." He said. we smiled. "Mickey." She said. "Hey  awe you came to see uncle Michael." He said smiling. "Yes." She said smiling. "Did you bring someone to keep him company?" My mom said. She nodded and handed him her favorite bear. "Awe thank you." He said. I held her up so she wouldn't hurt him. She kiss his face. "Nippy I'm sorry." I cut him off. "I would rather you alive than have that ring. It not worth anyone's life. Beside long as you as safe." I said. "Well it work. We in the clear." He said. I nodded. "Good." I said. We spent time with him.

We walk inside. Robyn, Katherine, and I walking in. Baby girl was sleep.  We went to the room where their door as a couch and two beds. Michael had the baby girl on his chest. He was laid out on the couch. The guys were asleep on the bed.Eddie had MJ on his chest and prince had his baby on his chest. Latoya was cooking. "Awe." I said. My mom smiled. "This is too cute." My mom said snapping a picture. I went and put the baby girl in the room. I went to get Mj from Eddie. As soon as I tried to get the he wrapped his arms around him. I laughed. "Eddie I want my baby." I said. "Aw." He said letting him go. I pic him up and kiss him. He was sleep. I put him in his play pin. I went to get Whitney Nicole from Micheal. He woke up as soon as he felt her move. He grab me. "Mike it's me." I said. He look at me and release me. I got her and kiss her forehead. "When did you get here?" He said following me. "A couple of minutes." I said picking up the toys and everything. "Sorry about the mess." He said. I nodded. He help me clean up. Our mothers went to get something to eat. Robyn and Latoya was in the other room. "Can I show you something." He ask. I nodded. We went to the office. "So we are okay?" I said. He nodded. "I just missed making love to my wife." He said. I kissed him. "Don't mind me." Jermaine said. I jumped. " I thought you left." He said. "Mike we are not finished." He said. "Jermaine what do you want?" He said. "Joseph has another kid or what a woman is saying." He said. "What?" Michael said. "He's 4. I want to tell you so we can find a way to tell our mom and the family," he said. "So you mean to telling me we have a brother?" He said. He nodded. "Yes we are trying to keep it under wraps but we are trying to you know." He cut him off. "Keep it out of public eyes." He said. "Whitney please keep this in this room." He said. I nodded. "So what? Who's gonna tell mother?" Michael ask. "If he is have a kids. I think we should tell the siblings then let Joseph tell her." He said. "No mother deserve to know now." Michael said. "Whitney what do you think?" Jermaine ask. "I think she needs to know, but with everything going on let's give it time. We need to get joe here or we go back home and host a dinner. Try to get all you kiddoes on one place. Then he tells them and her." I said. They both nodded and agreed. "I think we should go to have hurst and just have dinner there." He said. "I agreed." Michael said. I nodded. He kissed me. Jermaine left. "I think we have a couple of minutes before." He said but I heard the twins crying. "I need to go." I said. "Ugh. Fine but tomorrow your mine." He said. "I would gladly be your too." I said blowing him a kiss and leaving out the room. I tend to the kids.

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