Diana vs whitney

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Whitney pov
I was beyond pissed. I didn't speak to Micheal the rest of the night. "Whitney?" He said. I was lying on the bed. I was just so angry. "Baby?" He said climbing over me. He began kiss my cheeks. "What?" I replied. He pulled back, so I could lay on my back. I look at him. "What?" I said looking at him out the side of my eye.
"I love you." He said. "I love you too. You know if Diana says anything..." he cuts me off. "Nippy you are having my baby.... So try to remain calm." He said caressing my stomach.
"Ugh! You got me pregnant at the worst possible time." I said. He giggle. "You had a hand in that." He said kissing my cheek. "No we created this little miracle together." He said kissing my neck. I heard a little knock. "Ugh." I said. Micheal went and open the door to see the one of the nighttime nannies with Michea-Lynn in tear. "She keeps waking up and crying for you guys. I try to." Micheal cut her off. I held out my arms for baby girl to run and climb in the bed. I hugged her the best could. I kiss her forehead. She was still shivering and sobbing into my chest. My heart ache. I had to sing. "Yes Jesus love me, Yes Jesus loves me. Yes Jesus love me for the Bible tells me so...." I look at her little face. She a had a little bit of tears in her eye. Micheal told the nanny she could go home for the night. She nodded and thanked him. I wrapped her tears. "You want mommy to continue to sing?" I ask. She nodded. I help her under the cover and continue singing. Micheal laid on the other side of us.
30 mins later
She was drifting off sleep. Micheal I had to take turn singing songs. We were laying there silent, listening Micheal was singing a song making up the lyrics as he went along. It was mostly about her and me. She was out cold. "She's asleep." I said. The baby was moving. "Well at least one is cause your baby wanna play." I said rubbing baby girl hair. "Aww." He smiled and caress my tummy. He felt the baby move. I watch as his smiled and was beaming with happiness. I smiled. He was saying something but I zoned out. "Mhmm." I said. "I said I wonder what baby girl here want a sister or brother." He ask. "She probably wants a sister." I said. "I want a boy but another girl wouldn't be so bad." He said. "Yea but if this one had a head full of hair like little bit here I don't know what I'm going to do. I might need to let your hairdresser start doing their hair." I whispered. He chuckled. "No.... I love it when you do her hair." He said. "Micheal it takes a herd to this hair. My mom and I and Katherine help. We have to hold little princess down. She is fighter." I said caressing her gorgeous hair. "Like her mom." He said chuckling. He was still caressing my stomach. "I think you put  both of the babies to sleep." I said. "Mhm I think I need to kiss." He said. I kiss him. We laid down I put my arm around baby girl. Micheal did the same and he had his hand on waist. We stare in each other's and felled asleep. I know that I'm going to deal with drama in the morning.

I woke up early. I look down to see Babygirl a sleep. Micheal was asleep. I look at the time. 6:30. I rolled my eyes knowing I'm never up this early, but I took a nap last night. I decided to go for a walk. I came downstairs to see Elizabeth here. "Hey?" I said. "I know I was watching my yesterday and there was a lot of racked over here." She said. I huffed and sat down beside her. I had my hand on my stomach. "Do you want the whole story darling. Or do want short and simple." I ask. "You know me darling details. Details." She said. I laughed. "Well." I said and told her everything, including Diana coming today as well as Tatiana and Madonna. "Ummm well." She said. "You want some wine?" I ask. "Yes darling. I need something to wash down all this information day." She said. I chuckle and went to get a bottle and glass for Elizabeth. I close the cabinet to see Micheal and Michea-Lynn staring at me. "Momma not suppose to drinking  this." He said. "It's for Elizabeth." I said walking out the room.  "Well we don't trust you. Well make that I. She is back to sleep." I turn around to see my baby sleep in her dad's arm. I brought the wine to Elizabeth. "Micheal, aww and little Michea-Lynn. She still tired." She said. I poured her a glass and handed to her. "So umm Micheal. How do you feel about Diana coming." She said taking a sip of her wine. Micheal laid baby girl down and put a blanket on her. "I know..."He said sighing at the end. "Okay what is up with you and Diana? I never got that you wrote in memoir you were upset." I said. I never really got into Micheal past. He has ask about mine but I never once ask about his. "Are we going down this road?" Micheal ask. Elizabeth study his face. "Yes. I think we need to. I mean when we dated we talk about my past." He cut me off. "Which included my brother and not many." I cut him off. "Come one you never told me about your past." I said. "Listening! Micheal and Whitney. It looks like you have a lot to discuss about that issue." I cut her off. "No you been playing nice and I know you know. Please one of you tell me." I said with tears running down my face. "Mommy." I turn to see baby girl up. Micheal pick her up. "Come on princess why don't. We make a picture to help mommy fell better." He said. She hugged me and told me I come back. "I'm a gentleman nippy. My past isn't as perfect as it is but if you know. Elizabeth tell her." He said before walking off. We were silently. I had a couple tears fall silently. Elizabeth pointed to the sofa for me to sit down. I sat down. "I'm going to get you some water." She said. I nodded. She brought me back a glass of ice cold water. I took a sip. It felt like a lump was in my throat and butterflies in stomach. Did I want to know. Do I want to know? "Nippy once you know this you can't." I cut her off. I had to know. What I'm I dealing with. I heard the rumors and read the papers. I read the book. Why is this woman play important role in Micheal life not as a motherly figure but more. I mean it was always something. I nodded. "I need to know." I said. What she said next just about killed me. "She was his first." She said. "He ummm had sex with her." I said. She nodded. "So she was his first." I ask. She nodded. "Nippy." I cut her off. "I need a minute." I said putting the water down. I walk up stair. "Nippy?" She said. I went to my room. I lock the door. I was in our room. I was walking. I decided to go in his office. I went and open a draw.  It was full of pictures of everyone. I saw a picture of Micheal and Diana. Brooke and Micheal and everyone. Madonna and Tatiana. I saw a lot. I was livid. It was and award on the desk I was about to throw it until I saw my baby girl. I sat it down. "Hey baby." I said. She ran to me. I sat down in a chair. She handed me the pictures she made.

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