Im your baby tonight

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Whitney pov November 10, 1990
I had to go in Arsenio show. My album was release. I was getting ready to get dress. Michael was in the dressing room. He bit his lips. "You look gorgeous in that dress." He said. He kiss me. I thank him. and told him to come and watch the show. "Nope because I have fight Arsenio." He said. I chuckled. "I thought you were a lover not a fighter!" I said trying to impersonate him on the girl is mine song. He chuckled and was about to kiss my lip until there was knock. "Whitney we need you to set." They said. I nodded. Michael walk me to the set. He sat where nobody could see him. I walk on the set and grab the mic. "Whitney! This song called all the man I need, right?" He ask. I said That's right. "I found out later who you wrote that about.From her album I'm your baby tonight, Whitney Houston!" He introduced me. I begin to sing. When I finished everyone clapped. "We have more Whitney and a surprise.we will be right back." Arsenio said. I grab his hands. He is my best friend. Michael came out and hugged him. The audience went wild. He kissed my check. "Okay we back with Whitney Houston performing we didn't know." He said. I begin to sing. Michael help Stevie found his way to the stage. We perform the song. I could help but glance but Michael a bit. I kinda started reminiscing. We went to commercial and we help get Steve set up. (A/n; when he ask about Eddie. Just pretend it was something about Michael.) "We are here with Whitney Houston. And Stevie Wonder." He said. I smiled. "So can you explain what these thing are in your ears. I was wondering what they were during rehearsals." Arsenio ask. "These are ear monitors, and uhh how you doing by the way?" Steve said. "Oh I'm fine. I'm fine." He said. "It a pleasure to see you.Let me take my glasses off to see if you look the way everyone says you look." Steve said. Making Arsenio laugh. I giggled. "Steve." Arsenio said. "This are ear monitors. I actually came hear all the ques and stuff. And umm I used them for the performances that we do on stage.Yea so." Steve said. "So umm this performance is called we didn't know." He said. "We didn't know"I said."what didn't you know?" He said. "We didn't know." Steve said. "We didn't know. We didn't know we were singing together." I said. Steve chuckle along with Arsenio. "You took the word right out of my mouth." Stevie said. I chuckled. "I was wondering if that was you really singing or was that." I cut him off. "Naw that me baby that live." I said laughing. We laughed and I said you better believe it."yes do any way.... I never imagine umm it was going happen but I'm happy that she did the song with me and we did the song, together. And umm, I just called her up one late morning and." I interrupted. "About 6 o'clock in the morning." I said. "It wasn't 6. It was 3 in the morning in California." He said and I said yeah right. "Why couldn't you wait a few hour. Why at six in the morning?" Arsenio said. I said oh no. "I think it none of your business." He said. We laughed and he said that a good point Stevie. The audience began to whoop. "You know what they say about the early birds. I figure I called her early she wouldn't be able to anything big think about this song and it worked." He said. I couldn't help but laughed and said it work. Stevie continue explaining,"it work"he repeated.  "It work. It did." I said. "But umm there's so many things that I didn't know.ummm obviously I didn't know we would be performing it on your show but this is a pleasure for me and uhh Whitney is a friend. Uhh an incredible talent and ugg she got a good album uhh a great album matter fact." I was thanking him softly . "I can't wait to mine is finish." He added laughing trying to mimic my laugh. "When you finish it." I ask. "You know whenever." He said laughing. "I said yea right." I said. "Once or never. Once or never it will be sometime soon. I never." He said. "When will you finished the album by the way."Arsenio ask. "No close enough for the rest of Gerald Busby and Motown. Obviously, it's closer than what it was yesterday. Umm." He said making me laugh. He begin to sing. "But umm, there will be.... Awe don't get carry away with yourselves, now. I watch you guys on television before I seen the whole thing." He said making us laughed. "I know the scoop I been watching all along. Umm." He said. "We talking about the things we didn't know and theirs probably so many." Arsenio said. "Actually I didn't know it was going to be. Be a time that never thought this time, last year we didn't know we be talking about a war.uhhh with another country and the fact that the deadline unfortunately on a very day. A man's birthday who live and died for the principle of equality as did Martin Luther King, Jr. I would think someone would have thought of no war at all. No time at all. Uhhh I didn't know that and I hope that In fact we can. With the prayer to our prayer to the Father we can stop it from happening. Uhh, we don't need to see anyone die and umm the solution I think is prayer and umm believing that we can through prayer. As we know we can turn it all around. I do believe in freedom and the thing is didn't believe , didn't know what ever happen. I had the pleasure of meeting Nelson Mendela in my life time and I remember as millions of other people. People watching the television uhhh we became free. We came out of nothing and I wrote a song dedicated actually to him. It's called keep our love alive. It going to be on my conversation piece album also it's a single now. And umm as much as the song is dedicated to Nelson Mandela. In always we can in life. Keep the live alive. Whether it be fighting against drug abuse, fighting against crime or gang violence. Fighting to stop this war from happening because we don't want to see anymore people die." He said people clapped. I clapped. We were mumbling because he spoke the truth."mm yea now we know it all man." Arsenio said. "Well. We are still learning but until an act of.... I think uhh you know what you do uhh every night uhh. Aspiring people to feel happy is a very great thing. So it is my pleasure to be herewith you and of course Whitney. Can I." I cut him off and said the pleasure is all mine. He said thank you. The audience clapped. "Ugh I'm glad your here Steve. I read some where you use to jump off roof with your brothers." Arsenio said. I said uh uh. He continued,"when you were little. What was wrong with you, man." He said. "Did you really." I said. "Well you know. You gotta do what you gotta do. Gotta go gotta go." He said. I shook my head. "I never forget my mother said well actually my brother said, you better stop jumping off the barn cause momma coming. I said aw she's not coming. I'm going to do it again. I went further back and jump. I finally kept jump and the last jump I jump in my mothers arms." He said. I giggled. "You know about the iron cord whipping." He ask. Arsenio said ow. I said whew baby yes sir. I giggled. "See what I'm saying. See what I used to go up there and say to my mother you only pick on me cause I'm blind. I want to die. She say you wanna die huh. Wam." He said. I laughed. "So for all you blind kids out there remember being blind won't stop you getting your but whipped." He said. I laughed. "Ain't that right mama lula."Stevie said. We laughed. "Whitney your life was a little simpler. You got the iron and cord it was usually because  you may didn't want to wear dress or something similar like a." I said hmm mmh cutting off Arsenio. "Why didn't you like wearing dresses? Yo look so good in them now. I should say. Goouuud because that even better that good." He said. I thank him. I laughed. "I have something to ask you why." He said. "Well growing yo you go through this tom-boy stage. You know I had two brother so, I like to climb fences and I like to run with my brothers. So I really didn't like  to wear dresses in a certain period in my life but my mother use to make me wear them. And umm, even when I didn't want to and then she would umm. See this is what I really didn't like for her to do my hair. You see I like to do my hair. I got to about 13 and I was like I don't want you to do my hair. My mother was like you going to wear your hair like this. I said no I don't wear to wear my hair like that. She said well go outside and get the switch. That always got me you want me to go outside and pick the switch you going to whoop my but with. Right I had to go out and get it. She turn the leaves off. Like thrip like that and uhhh oh baby. Yea."I said. "Let me ask you another question." Arsenio said. I said okay. "I keep hearing things about you and pretend like we don't know each other. I'm just the interviewer. Okay?" He said clearing his throat. I smiled. "So I keep hearing thing about you and Michael Jackson planning a family so is it true?" He said. "Ugh Jackson? Jackson?" I said. "So what going on there?" He ask. "Well uhh we are happily  married. Trying to work on things Arsenio and uh." He told me to stop. I laughed. "Wait you not suppose to know nothing." I said. "Oh yes." He said. "Do I'm suppose to accept the answer. So you saying working on things. I refuse to accept that." He said. "Why didn't you give him this." Stevie said. We laughed. "Why you didn't you get him to sing on the side you know." Stevie said. Arsenio agreed with him. "You ask me." I said. Steven said you look at me when you talking to me. "I'm looking at you baby. I'm looking at you." I said. "So there no having a lot of intimacy, crazy sex or babies?" He ask. "Yes there's all that and more. We got a lot going on. We got it going on." I said. "So there are deep feelings?" Arsenio said. "They are deep like the Ocean. We are very intimacy." I said. "Is he ask good as you hope." He ask. I said even better. The audience said whew. "So that song you sing at the beginning is about Michael." He said. I just said yea and nodded. "What was the first song you singing. Where you started in church, school where do you start." "I did. I started singing in church when I was about five. Umm that was a long time ago.i started. I wanted to end  singer at 13. You that my realize I want to be a professional singer but prior to that I just sang. Sang in church. I love to do it so. Yea I started in church. That where started." I said. "You remember the first song you ever sing in church." He said. "Yea I remember. The first song I every sunny in church was called Guide me over thou, Great Jehovah ...., feed me till I want no more... Yea." I said. Everyone clapped. I saw Michael clapping. I smiled. "You guys going to do something else. Well actually your going to stay and umm" I cut him off. "I'm going to stay and he going to sing." I said. The audience and clap. Stevie told him about the song. They played out. When the camera went off Michael walk on set and kiss me. He shook Arsenio hand. And hugged Stevie. Stevie ask Michael to sing. He accepted. Michael, Stevie and I sung superstitious. It was fun. I was so happy to get this over. Stevie told me the words. He even Arsenio singing. He told me to sing. Michael was singing too. It was so fun.  We goof off a lot.

We went to my house well our house in jersey. He was kissing my neck and stuff until the ran I huffed. "Hello?" I said. "Hey Whitney I need you and Michael put off the baby making until after the super bowl it at least another month. They want to perform the national anthem." Clive said m. Michael pulled away. "Okay I'll called later to talk detail." I said. I hung up. I went to talk to Michael but he wasn't having it. He ignored me all said. I couldn't sleep all night.

We belong together Whitney  Houston and Michael Jackson حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن