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Whitney pov
I knew it was going to be tuff getting up. I was upset. "Baby it's time for you to get up." Micheal said in my ear. "No." I said. "Come on you know how traffic is beside I will be down the street shooting at this warehouse." Micheal said in his soft voice. I hated when he talk like this especially in the morning but he actually has a deep voice. He just have to be comfortable to use his deep voice. Which he does sometimes but the only one he use this voice is Michea-Lynn is up. I peered over to see her beside me. She smiled. "What time is it?" I ask. "Well you actually up an hour early." He said. "Well you woke me up early." I said sitting up. He nodded. "Our daughter has been up since 3:00." He said in a deeper voice pulling me by my legs. "Mmh." I said. He kiss my lips. "I gotta brush my teeth." I said. He nodded. "But you are so gorgeous." He said. "Micheal?" I said. "Mm." He said. "Baby girl is here." I said. He chuckled and got her. She was cooing and screaming. I brush my teeth. I got some jeans and got a shirt. I wet my hair and put it up in a ponytail. I open the door to see my baby look like she was about to cry. "Fine." He said. He began to dance. She smiled. He did the moonwalk. I smiled. "So this is what you do to keep her from crying?" I said startling him. "Yea mostly." He said. "She loves to watch me dance." He said pick her up. She reach up and pulled on his hair. "Owe." He said trying to get her little hand from around his hair. I got her and help him. She smiled at us. "She has a strong grip." He said. I nodded. "You know she going have to get her shots." I said. "Yea I know. I'm going be dancing for hours just cheer her up. You better warm up your cords." He said. "I know she going to be how do you say a diva." I said. "Like her mother." He said. I look down to see her falling asleep on my chest. "She's almost asleep." I said. "You wanna know something?" He said. "Yea?" I said. "You put her to sleep so easy, but with me. She's like dance, do something. I'm going to cry or get so excited I spit up. Or I have to video her." He said. I giggle. "Well Rebbie is coming to help so maybe you'll get a break." I said. He smile. I kiss him. "I'm going to go put her down. Then I have to leave." I said upset. "Don't worry. I will make it up to you. I will be here." He said. I nodded. I got dress. I kissed him. "I have to go." I said. He nodded and looking sad. "You know you allowed on set." I said in his ear. I got in the car. I sat the car waiting on my security. One of our long time bodyguard sat in the car laughing. "What?" I said. "What did you do to Micheal?" He said. I shrugged. "Well he said you will see him at the movie shoot." He said.
I nodded.

We were almost done with this scene. The scene Frank and I spent time together. Where I went shopping. After shooting it about 7 times. I went to my trailer. There was some music playing. I open the door. I could tell this was Micheal new song. There's were flowers and candles. Keep in the closet. I read the note. I felt a hand over my mouth. I could see Micheal. "Now I'm going to take my hand off your mouth." He said. I nodded. He put a note outside the door and lock it. "What are you." I ask. He cut me off. "Shh!" He said. "Micheal we can't." I said. "Yes we can. We just have to let it be our secret." He said un doing my wardrobe. It was kinda like our first time ruff yet so different. We.had to be quiet as possible.

Micheal zip up his pant. I was breathing hard. My legs were shaking. "I can't believe we did this. I said. I took a towel and clean up. I got dress. I open unlock my trailer. The director walk in. "Hello Whitney we need you to change. We are going to discuss the different songs we want you to sing. He gave a me a list. I was shocked to see they going to allow queen of the night. I was thrilled.  "This day, queen of the night, I have nothing, Jesus Loves Me, And Im every woman. Now this list may change. It could be 2 month from now or closer to the cut off dead line." Kevin said. "I have seen it happen." The director said. I nodded. "So go get some rest because we are going the studio lay down some tracks. Get started on this project as soon as possible." I nodded and sat down. "Sorry! Hey Micheal." The director and Kevin said. He smiled and nodded. They were trying to get him to shake their hands. "Umm I like hugs better." Micheal said. I wanted to laugh. They hugged him. "Well I'm going to go home and deal with our princess." He said. "Micheal?" Kevin said. "Hmm?" He said putting on his jacket. "When is dangerous coming out?" He ask. "Ummm in a few months." He said. They nodded. They left out. They told me to go home. They said I look exhausted. I rolled my eyes. Micheal help me into the car. We came home to see Rebbie and our baby playing. "Awe she so precious! Making auntie want another baby." She said. Michael and I chuckled. She was cooing and trying to sit up.
I was about to fall asleep our room. Then the phone ring. I answer it. "Hello?" I said. "Hey Whitney I need to talk to someone who will not judge me right now." Latoya said threw the phone. "Okay what is it?" I ask. "I ummm I had sex with Prince. It was after we left your house. I have told anyone. I don't know what to  do." She said freaking out. Micheal walked
In the room. "Hey Michael." I said. "Who's on the phone he ask." He ask. "Latoya." I said he nodded and walk away. "God what An I going to do. He wants me to go on tour with him. I don't know Joseph isn't  going." I cut her off. "It is okay to follow your heart. I mean don't let fear rule you." I said.  She told me I was right. "So what it's going to be? Are you going to be like Janet and step out on faith. Or be shelter. Live a little be with them man you love." I said.  "I'm going with Prince." She said. I smiled and hung up. I went to Micheal and I bathroom. I pick up the test.It had a minus. I was so relive. I threw it away and went to sleep.

We belong together Whitney  Houston and Michael Jackson Where stories live. Discover now