The morning after the annoucement

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Whitney pov
I called Janet because I was at this point at a lost. I woke and Michael was gone. "I don't know what to do." I said. I was at this point in tears. I wanted to see him happy and loving. "Nippy just give him sometime and go talk to him." Janet said. I took her advise. I didn't get there till around 9pm. The guard let me in the gates. I walk into Michael and I room. I wasn't paying attention but I kick something. I look down to see Michael. "Oh my baby I'm so sorry." I kneeled down beside him. "I'm fine." He whisper. "What are you doing on the floor I said. I heard giggles. He got up and cut on the light. I saw a young boy sleeping in his room. I pulled him out of the room. "Michael you are a grown man sleeping in a room with a little boy. I'm not saying it's not normal but what if he parent use it to filed charges." I said. "Nippy I've been doing this for a while now. I let kids sleep over and I even invite their parent." I cut him off. "Michael, I'm just saying what if, I mean there are people out to get us. They will use this as a weapon against you. I don't mind the kids staying but make sure you make his parents come." I said. He nodded. I was about to take my stuff to the guest room but Michael
Insisted I join his sleep over. Pretty soon some other kids came in. All in total it was about 5 of them. "Hey guys this is my wife, Whitney." He said. I smiled and said hi. There was this little girl who walk over to me. She couldn't be but five. She gave me hand shake. "Oh Michael told us about you." The boy said. I look at all the kids. They were gorgeous. I admire how relax Michael was with him. "Oh what he say?" I said. "He talk about.... I can't remember it all but he said. He missed you and umm." She said. Another kids added. "He talk about how beautiful you were. What a good voice you and other stuff but I don't see what he was talking about. I mean your voice is okay." He said. Michael chuckle. "Okay what is your name?" I ask. "My name is Edward." He said. He had this brown hair and theses blue eyes that could pierce into your soul. "Fine Edward. I'm going to sing and you can judge my voice for yourselves." I said. Michael smiled. "I'm going to I guess sing our national anthem." I said. I begin to sing it. I open my eyes to see everyone clapping. "You have an amazing voice." Edward said. I thank him. Then we put the kids to bed and we went and slept on the couch. I woke up and Michael woke up. He called all the kids parent and told them his bodyguard will drop them off. I was beyond drained. I felt so tired. I went to restroom. I knew Michael and I still had a lot to discuss. I mean every time we try to take a step forward we talk one back.j splash some water on my face and went the kitchen. Michael was cooking. "What are you making?" I ask. "French toast." He said cracking eggs and adding milk and vanilla. He fix something and put in a bowl. He had a loaf of bread. "Do you want me cut the bread?" I said. "Do my ears deceive me? Whitney, about to cook?" He said. "Michael, I cook. Well sometime very small occasion." I said. He look at me. We laughed. I finished cutting the bread. He fixed us breakfast and ate. It was silent but I decided to speak. "Michael, I'm sorry." I said. "Nip." I cut him off. "No. Mike I mean it. I told I was ready to have a kid then this happens. I want to have your kid but my career but I know it so soon but I don't care about anything. I want this baby and I know you want it. It just we have to plan it out." I said. "Okay that will be fine but when?" He ask. "Well how about we try to should try during that month.I mean I have nothing to do." I said. He smiled at me. "Well I might have work to do but no harm in trying besides 1991 is a new year." He said. I kiss his mouth. We finished eating. Michael and I was singing and goofing around. After playing around for a couple of hour we decided to go for a swim. I was setting up by the pool. Michael was somewhere. I felt someone pick me. I scream. "No!" I said as I was throw. Into the water." I swim up to the surface to Michael laughing. I huffed and swim to the edge. I reach out my hand for him to pull me up. "I got you wet with out me getting wet." He said laughing. I pulled him in the pool. He pop out of the water. "You spoke too soon Mr. Jackson." I said smiling. He swim over to me as I was about to get put. "Where do you think your going." He said kissing my neck. "Michael its not a good." I was cut off by the Sound of David's voice yelling. "Hey guys. I'm sorry to bother you but Clive sent me to tell Whitney he want you to record the star spangled banner incase of bed whether.I cut him off. " I will sing in rain sleet or snow and I won't lip  sync." I said but Michael spoke up. "Nippy its just in case. We want you to do a good job. It's good to have a back up plan. I mean of course you don't need it but if something happens." He  said. I huffed and got ready for the studio.

When I got home I was greeted by roses and other things. It was so gorgeous. The radio was playing in back ground. "Up next is Mariah Carey who may be the next Whitney Houston. Here's vision of love." I listen and rolled my eyes as I heard her.  I mean she had taken but why do they have to compare her to me. She is talented. I removed one interviews ask me what I thought of her and I was like I don't think of her. I mean I think she's talented but I don't know her. I tried to introduce myself a couple of time but she acted like she didn't hear me. I walk in to find Michael talking to someone. "Yea, I mean you have good potential, so y'all want me to work with you ?" He ask. "Michael it would be magical and a dream come true." I heard a female and a male voice saying yes. "I mean you did help your wife's career." She said. "Ummm no didn't she got there by herself. She work her and she became Whitney, okay?" He said. They agreed And they listen to talk the man I need came on. "She so perfect." The man said. "Yea but I bet I could do that song better." She said. I decided to give them a show. I begin to sing and came in the room. I saw Mariah Carey and Music producer. He was probably marry by the way him and Mariah was acting. They were defiantly more to it. I was singing and went to kiss Michael.  He looked at me. "Hey when did you get here?" He said smiling. "Just a second ago and I heard the radio and decided to give you a show." I said sitting in his lap. "So what's going on." I ask. The maid brought in wine as they got me caught me up. I took a couple of drinks. I had a dress on. "Umm Mariah and Tommy meet Whitney." He said. I shook their hand and whisper in my ear. I heard what she said. I was about to stand up but he held me in his lap. They were discussing Michael collaborating but he wasn't having  it. He told him that he can't make any promises. Mariah kinda complain I was about to say something but Michael interjected. He told them they could stay for dinner. I rolled my eyes and stayed quiet. He whisper something that got to me. "Play nice." He said. They told us they will just leave. I escorted them out because Michael had a "problem."  I went back to the office walk into the room. "Hey Michael what would you like to..." I said realizing. Michael wasn't in the chair. I heard the door clothes. "Why do you alway do this to me?" He said grabbing my waist and kissing my waist. He lifted me up and set me on the desk.....

We belong together Whitney  Houston and Michael Jackson Where stories live. Discover now