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2 days later
Whitney Pov
I'm finally got out the hospital. No one has heard or seen Bobby. I know he around. I went up and open the door. "Michael?" I said in my normal voice. I walk through the house to find him talk to Michae-Lynn in the kitchen. "Guess who coming home today? Mommy is coming home today. Yes she is and she going to love you. Are you excited?" He said smiling. I could see Michae-Lynn smirk a little

 "I think your are more excited than she is

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. "I think your are more excited than she is." I said. He smiled and  brought her closer to me. I grab her. "Hey baby girl." I said smiling. She begin to whine. "Do you want to breast feed or make her bottle." He said. "I got this why don't you get some rest. Considering you've been with a new born all two days." I said fixing her bottle. He kiss my lips. "Actually we had fun. I missed her mom a lot." He said rubbing my butt and bitting his bottom lip. "4 to 6 weeks." I said. He laughed. "Fine .... I have to go record some song anyways." He said. I feed her bottle. I burp her. She was sleep after about an hour. I took her to her room and turn on the baby monitor. Michael was in the studio and he couldn't hear anything. I heard s knock. I look to see someone I have see in a while. "Janet!" I said hugging her. She came in the house. "Where's my niece?" She said. Latoya ran up too. "When did you guy? I thought your mom was going to do a get together." I said shock. I hugged them. "I know but we had to stop by and check on you." Janet said."plus I want to spoil my niece." Latoya added on to it. I told them she is sleep. I showed them her room. Latoya had decided to stay in the room while me and Janet spent some time. "So have you been sleeping?" She said looking concern. I shrugged. "A little but I just wanted to get here and spend time with her. Check on Michael and trying not to worry." I said. She look at me and caress my face. All the sudden, I could hear Latoya scream. I ran into the room to see another person hold Michae-Lynn. "What the hell?" I said. The person turn around to reveal, Tatiana.

"Isn't she gorgeous?Michael is such a doll

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"Isn't she gorgeous?Michael is such a doll. She so little. I remember when she was born. She was perfect. I think she has our fathers eyes and my lips." She said walking toward Janet. "Tati put ou." She cut me off. "She's mine!" She yelled making Michae-Lynn crying. "See look what you do?" She yelled trying to calm, Michae-Lynn. "Lord Jesus." I mumble. I wanted to kill her but she hold my baby. She kept whining. I whispering Janet to take the baby monitor to Michael. I handed to her. "Janet go and make the baby a bottle." I said. She nodded.
Janet pov
I walk out the room mumbling about that crazy girl. I walk into the studio. "Michael!" I came in. "Hey Dunk?" He said. He alway know when something is wrong with me. I gave him the baby monitor and told him to listen. "You know Tati.  I just fed her maybe we should try the pacifier?" Latoya said. He ran out the studio and upstairs.
Whitney pov
"Can I hold her?" I ask. "No! She's my baby." she said making my baby cry harder. I'm about to kill her.  Michael walk in and look at me. "Baby where  have you been? I've been waiting on you." She said. Michael look at her confused. " I was down in the studio. Trying to make more music." He said walking over to her and grabbing Michae-Lynn out of her hand. She begin to settle down. Michael turn his back to her and mouth to me this girl had issues. I nodded. Janet came only to have a look on her face. A face of fear, I could see a shadow lurking behind her. "Janet what?" I said. All the sudden I see Bobby. "So we have a good couple of mins. Before the cops show up." He said making me jump. "What the hell do you want?" I said. "I want to see our daughter?" He said. "What the f." I stop my self. Michael gave her to me. "Get y'all two delusional people but out my house."
He said. All the sudden it got real quiet. Bang. We heard glass shattering and stuff. We could hear what seem to be a thousand people foot steps. A police officer came in and saw everyone. They tackle Bobby. "You need to restrain her as well." I said pointing to Tatiana. They took us to the other room and we explain what happen.

Michael and I was in the studio. The cops still was here. I had my baby girl in my arms. She was whimpering a bit. I song a bit and see relaxed. One of the police must not been paying attention because music came on. I guess it Michael new song. Luckily it wasn't on max. It startled Michea-Lynn, but she just went back to sleep. We chuckled. The police officer apologize and complement Michael on the sound. He thank them. He stop playing the song which was called jam. I was reading some lyrics he just wrote down. I like it. The nanny came and help with Michae-Lynn. She was mostly sleeping.

I was bored and couldn't sleep so I went to the studio. I was looking through some stuff. I saw something Michael had some lyrics on the studio stand. I read them and realize he work about 30mins on this and it was perfect. I smiled and wrote a little note on it. 'This should be what the album is called instead of jam. Let's call it Dangerous." I wrote considering he was thinking of changing the name. I put a heart and wrote Nippy was here. I went into Michae-Lynn. She was crying. I check her diaper. She was wet. I clean her up. She smiled. I kiss her little hands. I walk around with her and talk to her. I sat her on the bed and cuddle with her until I and she was sleep.

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