Didnt we almost

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Whitney pov
Well I woke up to Michael pacing and on the phone. "Dunk! I don't know if she will do it. I mean dang it. We go off and get married... I want her to have the wedding of her dream. Yea....ill talk to you later." He said. I just watch and listen. He hung up the phone. I got up and wrapped my arms around his hips. He was in the doorway balcony. "How long you been up?" He said. "Ummm, a couple of mins." I said. He smiled. "Okay long enough to hear you and dunk conversation." I said. He nodded. "So what do you want to do?" He said. "I think we can have a wonderful engage and just wait. I mean planning this wedding and having a baby and talks of movies putting out." He cut me off. "Breath! First when is your due date." He said. "March 14." I said. He nodded. "Okay and we have 8 months. So what do want to do." He said. I smiled. "Well let see Both of our birthday is in August. So let's having it  maybe the 19?" I said. He nodded. "That would be superb." He said. He kiss me. I could hear the fans yelling for Michael. "You wanna cause a scene." He said. I nodded. He pulled me on the balcony. The crowd went crazy, when they realize it was me and Michael. We waving. I was turning my head. Michael slipped my ring off my finger and got down on one knee. The people were screaming and some people were crying. "So I couldn't help my self besides I want them to know you are my other half." He said. I nodded my head. He put on the ring and I showed the people. We were just waving and smiling. He kiss my cheek. I smiled and blushed. He was about to rub my stomach but I pulled his hand away. We went back inside. I order dinner. Michael was upset. He was flipping to the channels on the couch . I closed the balcony door. I sat beside  him and grab on his arm. "Mike don't be mad." I said. He shrugged. "Michael." I whined. He began to smirk. "I know something that will make you feel better." I said kissing on his cheek. "What?" He mumble his jaw tighten. I kiss his neck and began to rubbed on his chest. He took my hand and pulled me on his lap. He was look me in my eyes. "I can't stay made at you for too long." He said kissing my lips.

We were on the couch making out when someone knock. Michael got up. It was his manager Frank. "Michael the tour got extended!" He said. "But I'm already doing 7 months and I have a kid on the way." He cut him off. "I'm not one to talk, but are you sure the baby yours?" He said. Michael stood quiet. He didn't even try to defend me. "Michael you can never be to careful." Frank said. I laid on the couch and waited for him to speak up. I got up and went into another suite in another room. I lock myself in the room. I wrote a note and stuck it on the door. I called the airport and told them I need flight out tomorrow early to New Jersey, In the United States. I got on the bed and cried. I could hear when Michael tried to open the door. It was silent aside for me sniffling. I look to see him standing there. I laid in the bed.

Michael pov
I was goofing off with nippy. Someone knock and I answer. I knew it was Frank. He had a big smile. "Michael the tour got extended!" He sounded happy. I huffed. "I'm already doing 7 months and I have a kid on the way." I said. He cut me off. "I'm not one to talk, but are you sure the baby yours?" He said as the people brought in the food and left. I stood there quiet. I mean I know Whitney wouldn't but a lot of guys talk. Boys like Bobby Brown, Jermaine and even Eddie. I heard a door close. "Look I'm not trying to say it not your but." I cut him off. "We will talk about this later." I said upset. He nodded and left. "Hey nip the dinner is here." I cut my self off only to see she wasn't on the couch. I realized she wasn't there. I look around the suite. I found a note on the door. I tried to open it. It was lock. I read the note. 'I will be gone tomorrow. Considering you don't think the baby yours. I'm done. -Whit.' I began to try to open the door. "Nippy open the door!" I yelled. She wouldn't bulge. I hit the door.

Whitney pov
Michael was beating on the door. Finally after a couple of hours it was silent. I could tell he was sitting in front of the door. I just watch as his shadow. I cut on the radio was playing didn't we almost have it all. I was at this point back into tears. I began to fall asleep.
Michael pov
I could hear the radio playing. They were playing the most depression song and the irony it was our songs playing. I could hear Whitney voice, didn't we almost have it all. I kinda hum along and let tears fall.

We belong together Whitney  Houston and Michael Jackson Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz