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2 weeks
Whitney pov
I've been working on my next album. Michael and I have been arguing a lot lately. I was in the studio. Robyn and him have gotten tight. I wanted to leave. I'm pregnant. I just tired. We have this new maid and she young and she had a crush on Michael. I was singing until you come back. I had Mj with me today. Blanket was sick. He was playing with the sound the key thinking he was doing something. He clapped when I was done.

I got home. The kids were playing and blanket was playing. I kissed them. I walk in the door. I went to find Michael. I walk into his office to see him kissed by our maid. "How could you!" I yelled. He pushes away.

Michael pov
I was in the office looking at the kids. "Mr. Jackson?" A voice said. I turn around. "Okay Hey.Annalisa." I said. "Umm I have. Request mr.Jackson." She said. I look at her. "You see Umm." She said. "Umm?" I said. "I uhh forgot." She said. "Their is no need to be embarrassed just tell me." She said. "Just tell me." I said hearing the kids yell for Whitney. She turn around slowly. She walk up to me and kissed me. I was shocked. "How could you!" Whitney yelled. I pushed her away. "Nip." I said. She walk away. "Your fired!" I yelled.

Whitney pov
I ran away. "Whitney?" He yelled. I lock my self in the guest room. How could he do this to me? I was lock in our room. I had a suitcase. "Whitney opens the door." He said. Deep down I'm just so aggravated. I've been through it all. I'm can't stay here and pretend. I can't. I was packing up only to here the door unlock. I rolled my eyes when I realized he had a key to every room in this place. I open the door to see him begging me. "Nippy she kissed me." He said. I walk past him. "You let it happen!" I said. I went to the kids room. "Nippy please don't do this.!" He said. I got them some out fits and put it in the suitcase. I closed it. "Mike leave me alone!" I said walking near the stair. "No please listen to me." He said pulling the suitcase. "No." I said. Trying to grab it but he moved it away and I lost my footing. "Whitney!" He yelled.

Michael pov
I was trying to get her to talk to me but she wouldn't. Then she teach for the suitcase and next thing I know she tumbling down the stairs. "Whitney!" I yelled, I ran down. When I reach bottom she was out cold. "Call the ambulance!" I yelled. I tried to secure her head. I mad sure she was breathing. "Please God." I said. I moved my hand to the back of her head. No blood. She did have bruising on her. A cut on her head and by her lip. "Baby come on." I said. She open her eyes a little groaning. "Stay still." I said. "The baby." She said. I hushed her. "Just stay up okay..." I said. She nodded. "I didn't kiss her she kissed me. I swear you are the greatest thing that every happen to me." I said kissing her. She nodded. "My should hurts so bad." She said with tears running down her face. "I should have let you leave then maybe." She cut me off. "I shouldn't have snap on you." She said. "No mater what stay awake." I said talking to her.
2 weeks
Whitney pov
I have hurt my shoulder. My ankle is sprang and my face is messed up. I have to get surgery for face. The baby is okay but I'm bed ridden for the next couple of days.
I'm so tired of it and bored. I was reading the newspapers. Is Wacko Jackson Abusive? I threw it away.

2 weeks
Everything is healing and I'm able to get up and move. I'm beginning to show. I walk into the office. Michael was super upset. I had enough of the attitude. "Michael." I said. "I didn't hurt you and for them to make up the rumors." He said tears running down his face. Okay I had enough crying. The twin threw a tantrum for an hour because they wanted candy. Michaelynn cried because she wanted to go with my mom to the store. Cried for 1 and 1/2 hour until mom came back. Blanket and awe crying just to cry. I mean he was up at 2:30 and would stop. He finally went back to sleep. I crying out. I look at Michael slapped him. "What?" He said. "Get a grip. You and I both know they lying and plus stop crying. Everyone had cried to day. If I hear one person cry I'm burning Neverland to the ground. " I said. "Okay something is off and you are stress." He said pushing me to the desk. "Calm down." He said. "Your ass should calm down crying." I said. He kissed me. "Damn I forgot I been depriving you for a while." He said.

I woke up to peace. I was in Michael's arms. I kissed his face. He woke up and smiled at me. He kissed my lips. "Michael." I moaned. "What?" He said. "We have to get up." I said. "Why?" He said hovering over me. "Michael the kids." I said. "They will be okay with the nannies for the day." He said. "Michael they know we hear." I said. He cut me off by thrusting himself in me. "Mmm." I said.

I woke up knocking. Michael was asleep. I unwrapped his arms and went to the door. I put on robe. "Hey." I said very hoarse only to see my mom stand there with a crying blanket. "Mom, I'm sorry." I said. "Don't worry besides. You need that time with your husband. you have four children and this one has been crying all morning for you." She said handed my baby boy. He calm down. "By the what you mean by time with my husband?" I ask her. "Nippy you have been cranking. Like your son here but he just want some time with you. He is your child." She said laughing. "Hey mommy's baby." I said. "Ma ma ma ma." He said. I kissed him. "Yea." I said. I sat in the bed. Felt some arms wrapped around me. Michael woke up. "Baby look who's here." I said. "Damn your horse." I hit him. I hit him. "Hey blanket." He said. He was trying to reach for his dad by Michael didn't have any clothes. He slip on some underwear and to the bathroom. I giggled. Blanket was messing with his daddy things. I put him down for one second the first thing he got was his dad fedora. I chuckled. "You trying to be like daddy." I said. He nodded and dance. I chuckled.

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