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Whitney pov
"You were my first." I said softly. "What?" He said snapping his head up. "I couldn't remember but you were my first." I said. "Oh... yea we snuck away from the party. I must not have been that good since you forgot." He said getting up. "No I tried to forget. I mean I was a little upset but I understood I should have told you my age. Then you send that letter in the mail." I said remembering the fact he wrote the condom torn. I was terrified. He wanted to meet up with me. Of course it was at room at a hotel. He said he just want to make sure and if I was we will talk to my parents and talk about plans. "I was so scared you wouldn't show." He said. "But I did." I said. "And it was pouring rain." He said. I giggle. "I can't believe you waited." I said. "I can't believe you didn't tell me it was birthday." He said. I gasp. "I might have been star struck." I said. He smiled.
I got the letter. I was sitting in my bed. I mad a terrible mistake. My mom was looking at me like why is there a letter. I tried to just get over you. I mean I cried over him too long plus, Dionne told my mom. Not that we slept together but that Michael and I was being sneaky. She didn't know what we actually did. Michael promise to stay away until I was of age. Until he mail the letter. "Umm its a letter from Robyn. She saying that her Vacation is going well." I said. Mom nodded and she knew I was lying but let it go. I had on jeans and a tshirt. "Mom can I go shopping I will be back before it 10." I said. "Happy Birthday l!Fine but try to be back as soon as you can. Plus you have photo shoot tomorrow at 7." She said. I nodded and kiss her cheek. I took the letter. I saw at the it says the car is outside. "Whitney?" A man said. I nodded. He open the door. I got in the limo. To be face to face with Michael. "Hey." I said. "Hey." He said. I couldn't see his eyes. He had shade on. He tap the window and the driver begin to leave.

"How have you been

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"How have you been." He ask. "Okay considering I never got to apologize. I should have." He cut me off. "No I should be apologizing to you. Whitney I should have ask before we did what we did. I mean it was your first time. Plus I should've have gotten know you, but it just something about you." He said. "I know we should have wait now I have to take a test." I said. It began to rain. He nodded. We ran in the room. We were both soak. I was relive no one had recognized him.

We got to the room. There were on the bed along with the instruction. We have to wait an hour.

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.
We belong together Whitney  Houston and Michael Jackson Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat