Releasing the bodyguard

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Whitney pov
Even thought I'm pregnant. I've been promoting this movies like crazy. Non stop interviews. I just need it to slowdown. Michea-Lynn goes everywhere with Micheal. She going to be one soon.  She beginning to stand and walk. God help me. She gets into everything. We have everything lock away. Micheal had to stay home with baby girl. She has a cold. I had a interview discussing the bodyguard. I'm beginning to show a little bit more. We talk for bit me and the interviewer. "Okay action." Someone said. "What kinda of year this has been for you. Ummm. You had a bunch of first this year, marriage, baby and now film. Is it good." He said. "I think it's is. I think it's very good. Um you know everything take it time. I took my time with marriage and with the baby, doing he film and having another baby." I said smiling. "There were plenty of them, I was offered. This one was special. You know." I said. "I used to come to the Grammys a lot and still do. And I was covering a and the first time for me when you were winning all these stuff. And you seem to very shy young girl at the time. Where you?" He ask. "Yes and I'm still am in certain ways. I'm older and a lot more confident. You know, umm but I am a shy person. I am." I said. "It's pretty much like everyone in this business like your husband as well. Like they are one way one stage and one way off.... I don't understand that". I cut him off with a yea. "Most of uh.. my colleges are that way as well as my husband. You know they are very shy people, very to themselves, you know. But performance is a different thing you know. It's a time of release, a time of letting it be here you know. What you have to give is you know is a time to give it." I said. "Is he happiest time is when you out there singing somewhere?" He asks. "It's one of the joys of my life yes. One of the things  I love to do. I mean I can look back and go oh God I remember that moment. I remember that time..... I get a lot of pleasure of singing on stage. You know. The response of the people. I love that. That is the performer dream you know. I always want tot strand on stage and have people, enjoy it and take it home.My most happiest moment is when I at home with my husband and baby that all." I smiled. "It been said it effect movie stars and people  in your position who are really popular singers. It is uncomfortable relationships, I think that the word. With fan because, you gotta have them, you want them and ya love them but it a little scary, because they want a piece of you." He said. "Sure. Umm. You know umm. You try not to be afraid, of your fans you know. You don't want to be afraid. You know you don't want to think someone want to hurts you. You know but it is a fact. That in this business you know. When you are a popular person. You know or high profile individual. Umm. There's a couple of people who's uh take it a little too extreme you know. I'm not afraid of my fans. I never have been, you know although, I realize that there are a few that are you know. Look at me and say I love her, but I had her. You know that kind of thing so you know. It makes you kinda weary." I said. "That's good. It a time a period that get unsettling." He added and I said yes it can be. "I know Dolly Parton, and several others had to cancel performances due to stuff like this. Was there any similarities in your life in what happen to this lady in anyway as far as, how she act and the pressure. She is under. Is that a matter?" He said. "Uhh. Yea I think that it. It's something that, you can avoid. You know ugh. Ugh  go like you know. There was a time I identify with Rachel so much. I was threaten and there was letter sent to me and the guy threaten me. So said he would take me out. So I uh I throughly about for a second, maybe I shouldn't go on but then there was 19 thousand people waiting for me. You know. I'm saying how can I let one person, ugh take or do this to me. Take what I love to do and and take way what people come to hear and what they love to see. How can I allow that to happen? You know. I said well listen, Somebody going to take me out. Let them take me out. And it just me. They not going to tell me hey going to take me out. They going to do it. They going to come up and shoot me or what ever. You know so, I went on anyway, nothing happen. No signs of anything but it is scary situation . I mean I have been attack before." I said. "As far as movie goes, was Kevin good to you since he was a old pro and you were a rookie?" He ask. "Yes. Yes he was. He was very good to me. Very kind. He was part of the reason I decided to. Well a major part of why I decided to do the bodyguard. You know I was kinda hesitant at first. You know very apprehensive about doing such a major role my first role. You know, I never expected to have that kind of role you know. So when, I talk to Kevin. I told him my concerns and he said don't weary I will be there with you. He said believe me you are going to be a natural at it. I just know it. I been watching you and I just know it. Your going to be great in this film and I was like how you know this. He said because you what this film needs. I just been watching and I know it. Your an incredible singer and uh you haven't done a film. This is going to be your first, it's a kicker you know. It's a good opening for you. For you to start with l so you gotta. So he gotta convince me that this is something I really should do." I said. "Who you were a little girl singing watching your momma and Dionne. She is your aunt?" He ask. "My cousin" I corrected him. "Your cousin. They are great ladies. If you were going to try out and try to equal or surpass what they ever done. I'm sure that kinda frighten. But when was the time or at what point you thought you kinda settle to that spot to a little bit." He said kinda fast. "I mean with an album coming out as number one that had to be pretty neat and stuff." He added. "Hmmm. That was pretty ugg, pretty excited l ugg pretty... I was pretty nervous but it was after the first album. You know once the success of the first album came. Ugh. Then the second album, kinda went ugh. When the first single came off the second album I kinda said well, this is what going happen. This is the way it is going to be and if I had anything at all to do with that ugh. That hard work and the constant traveling, the touring, the meeting and greeting. And the fans and the dada and dada. How it work and all in the industry...." I said kinda zoning out cause I felt a movement. "Well you earn it girl." He said. I thank him. We ended the interview. I was 4 months. I was beginning to show. I went to Neverland. Micheal greeted me with Michea-Lynn. "Hey baby I said he told me to wait. "Why don't we show Mommy what you been doing." He said setting her down. She walk over to me. I was in awh. She hug on my leg. She was gorgeous.  I had tears. "She is growing up so fast." I said. Micheal pick her up. She was kinda fussy. "Mama." She scream. I grab her. "Hey princess." I said. I kiss her forehead. We spent the whole day playing with her and discussion everything. The tour and presented to Ceos of Arista and Sony and Clive. We were watching a movie. Baby girl was knock out along with Micheal. I was so happy we watch movies  in our room. My babies  was sleep. I went down stair to get something to eat. There was door ring. I look to see the last person I thought to see.... Bobby Brown . I call security. They came and removed him. God help me.... I exhaled.

Bobby pov
I went back to the car. I got in the passenger side. "What happen?" He said. "They called security." I replied. "Well let me just say this. I guess I have to help you get in good with mike." Eddie said smirking. "I guess so but what are you planning." I ask. "I just want to see her. I want know if she is happy." He said. "So you like her? I said. "It complicated, but I can tell you this. Micheal is a lucky son of." He pulled off.

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