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Whitney pov
Serenity is way off schedule as far as sleeping. Michael and I are fed up. No time for us plus sleep. Plus Mj and Whitney Nicole wants to go back to school. Plus I have to meet Prince teacher because he being a bully and showing out. He bit two kids like why. Plus Michaelynn is back in dance and this teacher want to talk about her competing.  I'm just exhausted. I want to sleep. I was in the recording studio. The song was called  I learned from the best. I'm suppose to be recording a sing for the album. "Whitney!" Clive said. I jump and felled off the stage ool. "Goodness." I said. "Why don't we call it a night." He said. I nodded. "I'm sorry it just." He cut me off. "I know the why don't you go home." He said. "What Time is it?" I ask. "It's 2:30." He said. "I have to go to talk to." I got light headed. "Umm why don't." I cut him off. "My security is here." I said. I ask my security to drive. He agreed.

The teacher said it's a faze. It past and many ways to deal with it. Michael was holding prince We were walking back to the car when he told Prince to go with security. "Whitney I may have to leave." He said. "What." I said. "It just I might have to go." He said. I walk away from him. God between the kids and us. Our working we will never have normalcy back. He said two days.

It's now have been 2 weeks. The kids asking for him. I told them maybe tomorrow. He had took my calls tomorrow. I found a letter. It was open. 'Dear Michael, I know I promise but..." I skip down. It said please come and visit me. I knew this girl was back in the picture. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. I called Clive and told Let do heartbreak hotel. He agreed. I ask for Faith and Kelly. He played me again. I got a copy of What where he flew to. He told me he would be gone to England. He's in Italy. I book a flight and left the kids with Latoya. She understood. There baby girl was clear. I got the divorce the paper.

I made sure I was under the radar. I went to the hotel. I got the key to his room. I walk in. They said he was expecting someone. His security wasn't there. I walk in. I silently closed the door. He was in the shower. I sat the papers in my ring on top. I sat at the bed away from the door. Trying to keep myself together. I signed the papers and left my rings. I left a long note and letters with it. I went to enjoy Italy.

Michael pov
I know I made a pin pal and she found out who I was. I wanted to ensure she won't tell anyone.she gorgeous but my wife. I means there's tension and God. She fine but I gotta flea. I been in Italy a bit long but I need a break. I know Nippy going to kill me. I need rest. Like I love my kids and wife but sometimes it's seem more like curse than a blessing. I got out the shower. I dried off. I went right to my bed. I could smell a scent that reminded me of home. I walk out to see some paper lying there. I look st them. Divorce papers. I look and saw my wife ring. I could smell her. I look to see her signature on the paper.

 I look to see her signature on the paper

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I couldn't breath. I mean I know what she may thinks about these letter but no. I mean we just friends. I mean knowing her she didn't even read it. I mean the girl is married and happily. She just having a hard time coping with her life. I felt the same way and I didn't want Nippy to. God. I can't lose her. Discovering Italy. I'm going to go home get my kids and wait for her.

2 days later
Whitney pov
I didn't see Michael but I had fun. I called to check on the kids Michael got them.  I was super upset. I went home only to find a dinner for two. "Where the hell is my kids?" I ask. He gestured for me to sit. "Michael I'm not in the kids for your games!" I yelled. "They over Elizabeth house. I just wanted to talk you." He said. "Michael you could have y'all months ago."I said snapping. I was raising my voice trying to stop him. I don't want to make up my mind. "Shut the fuck up! I'm done! Now sit your ass down and listen!" He yelled making me jump. I sat down. He got up. He held up my ring and the papers and letters. Everything I left I. His hotel room. He sat it on my empty plate. "Please just listening and after all is said and done you can leave but the kids will stay here." He said. "No!" I said. "Whitney, that's it the last thing I want. So let me tell you." He said. I hugged.

He told me everything. He even read me the letters. They were helping each other. Of course she found out and he wanted to protect us. Lastly, Italy was trying to make sure he took legal actions to ensure. I felt like a butt. I felt so bad. "Michael I'm." He cut me off. "I was pissed but then I thought what if I was in your shoes. I understood where you mind went and Whitney I'm sorry. I will never cost you that pain and to prove it. Look at the rings. I look and saw so thing engrave on the insides of the rings. 'Love you until death-M.' My heart flutter. "I'm sorry. I've been so woke up about you and the kids." He shus. "I know but you need to relax. So here's what I'm thinking." He said grabbing my hand. "Why don't we take a nice long bubble bath. Together. I'll give you a nice long back  rub and we can make love." He said sliding in the ring. "I would love that but can we have dinner first." I said. "Sure Let have dinner first." He said kissing my lips.

The kids are coming back to normalcy as they know it. While as Michael and I have some but it not completely there yet. We almost it just we been having a lot of things going on. So trying to balance is like ugh. Plus Serenity still not sleeping t night. I'm tired. Plus this album is killing me. The only thing keeping me sane is reading my bible and praying. Also spending time with Michael helps.

We belong together Whitney  Houston and Michael Jackson Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant