I walked over to the mirror to get ready and had to laugh when I looked up. Jimmy had taken the mauve lipstick and drew glasses and the word "confidance" on the mirror. Either he really doesn't know how to spell that word or he did it on purpose. Either way, it was amazing because when I stood in front of the mirror, they lined up perfectly like they had the weekend before. It amazed me how he knew exactly where to put those. "Dork." I whispered to myself as I got ready to head out for the day.

I opened the medicine cabinet to steal Jimmy's deodorant, something I did on a daily basis just so I could smell him when he wasn't home. I really missed not being able to see him all day everyday. These last two months he was at home recovering really spoiled me, just having him next to me when I woke up. I find myself missing him if he's outside playing with Gary or out getting groceries. I never intended to get this attached to someone again and quite frankly it was a little scary. I didn't want to be setting myself up for a Mike situation again. I don't think I could handle coming this far in my life again and losing everything. 

I shook myself out of that thought when I found a post-it on the deodorant. "You really cant resist smelling like me, can you? Yes, I know you do this too. I've known for a while. Don't worry. I keep a spare around so you don't notice." Of course he does. I should have expected that. What else does he know that I do without telling me? Its almost frightening how much he really knows about me without having to say a word.

"Now, I'm not around to pinch you so you better be thinking happy thoughts. Finish getting ready. You look absolutely breathtaking, Brecks. Breakfast is waiting. I love you."

I couldn't help but wonder why he was doing all this for me or how he knew what I would do before I did it. I never really believed in soul mates. I was always fond of thinking that maybe someone, somewhere was meant for me but I never really accepted it. I think my mother put it best after I left Mike. She had told me, "Stop chasing for the men you think you can change or you think make you feel better about yourself. Those men are not meant for you. You go for the man who is interested in you not the man who is attracted to you. I don't mean someone who thinks you are good looking or funny. I mean you need to be with the man who wants to know about you and not what you can give them. There will be someone who will want to hear every word you have to say and for the first time in your life, they will listen. Someone who will listen to every note of your favorite song. Someone who will not only want to see every scar on your body but longs to learn where and how they came to be. There is a difference between attraction and interest. If you settle for men who are attracted to you, you will be physically loved, but I promise you, if you find the one man who is interested in you, that love knows no bounds." I guess I never truly understood that until this moment.

I put the finishing touches on my hair and make up before making my way to the kitchen. There was a note on the fridge from Jimmy. I laughed to myself as I read it aloud. "I was gonna be classy and make you a fancy breakfast like you did for me but then I realized that you arent much for all the fuss that making a fancy breakfast would bring. Also, you dont usually eat much for breakfast. Plus, we're out of milk so I really couldnt make anything. I did leave you a slice of leftover pizza from last night. Dont worry, I took the pepperoni off for you." 

I opened the door and grabbed the slice off the middle shelf and devoured it quickly. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and glanced at the time. It was 8:30 now. I faintly remember the bed getting a little lighter at around 5 or so in the morning. It would take him about an hour to get ready and I thought I heard a car pull up at around 6. That means if Jimmy left right away, he's been at the studio for about an hour or so. I decided to text him to warn him that I would be on my way.

I don't know what you're up to but you never seize to amaze me. Is there anything you don't know about me? You probably have the phone in your hand right now because you know I'm going crazy over here trying to figure this out.. I'm loving all the little details, notes and you leaving me only your shampoo and soap. You are incredible, J. I have a feeling this is going to be a great day. I'm eating breakfast right now and then I will be to you. Oh, and I did turn the first clue over right away. You're an ass, but you're my ass so I guess I'm okay with it. Also, I know how that sounded just now, stop laughing. Its not funny, you idiot. - Brecks

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