"You're okay, Winnie." Jimmy looked at her knee and bent down in front of her, taking it in his hands. "It's just a small scrape. You took it like a champ, pretty girl." He brought her knee to his mouth and kissed it. "There. All better." He said as he wiped the tears from her eyes and she smiled at him. He leaned back and held out his arms and she stood up and ran into his chest. "Daddy." She said as she leaned her head on his shoulder and lightly patted his back with her hand.  "Winnie Rose" He sighed and closed his eyes and rocked back and forth, lightly rubbing her back. I felt a couple hands come up and rub my back and I instantly knew it was my mother. I turned to look as she walked up beside me. 

"How are you feeling, baby girl?" she asked as she continued to rub my back. I put my arm around her and leaned my head on her shoulder as I watched Jimmy take Thomas from Gloria as Winnie followed closely behind him, both of them simply beaming with pride. "I'm sore and exhausted but I've never been happier really." My mom gave me a huge grin and simply said. "Welcome to parenthood, Breckyn. It will be the most challenging and most fulfilling job you will ever have." I nodded as I watched as Jimmy carried Thomas from person to person, showing him off. He was so proud of this little life that we created and so was I. I was proud of Jimmy for being my rock these last few days. I was proud of the way he held Thomas, making suer he was comfortable and happy, not crying but still giving every the perfect view of his beautiful face. Everyone wanted to hold him but Jimmy just couldn't bring himself to give him up. Each time it looked as though he was about to give in he would pull him back into his chest. It was as if he was never going to be holding him and he would be damned if he ever let our boy go. But who am I kidding? He looks at Winnie that exact same way, still to this day. How a man can have so much love, nothing but love, in his heart is truly mind blowing. 

I smiled to myself as I remember what Nancy had told me about a week or two before his birth when she had made a trip to pick up Winnie. She told me to just let him have his time with Thomas. It would be their bonding time and that every father needed that..She told me I would have plenty of alone time with Thomas once Jimmy returned to the office to work. To be honest, I was conflicted about that part as well. As much as I longed to have alone time with Thomas, I really was not emotionally or physically prepared to have Jimmy return to work so fast. Thomas has only been here for two days and Jimmy goes back to work tomorrow. I've never been alone with a newborn before and I was not quite sure how I would do. However, Jimmy assured me that if I needed anything at all he would be home immediately. He would stay home but he already took Monday and today off after the birth and he had literally just come back from a 6 week "hiatus" of sorts from his accident. I don't blame him for wanting to go back. I understand, this show is his livelihood. Our livelihood. 

While Jimmy walked around the room with Thomas being the proud father that he is, I took this time to sit and rest, my body still wasn't back to it's old self yet and probably won't for a while. As I sat down Jimmy looked back at me and gave me a smirk. He didn't say anything but I knew exactly what he was thinking. Every second since Thomas was born has been the perfect moment and this was another one. Thomas had so many people that loved him, he is going to be so spoiled. I peered over at the dining room table and tried to count the number of presents I saw, I lost count at 30.


Jimmy was walking around picking up cake and wrapping paper, placing it in a black trash bag while I sat in the rocker in the nursery, rocking Thomas to sleep. Thomas was cooing and squirming in my arms, his eyes fluttering open and shut. He fussed a little in my arms but he would not go to sleep. 

"Shhh, Thomas. You've been doing so good sleeping during the night. You've been held all day, all the commotion should have made you exhausted. I know I am." Thomas began to cry a little more. I stood up and lightly swung him from side to side, which for the last two nights has been working but not tonight. "Come on son. Why are you fighting sleep? You've been changed, you've been fed, you're in a new outfit-help your mom out, huh?"  I continued to sway back and forth, making any noises and moving anyway I could to try to lull Thomas to sleep. 

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