
"Drew, I'm telling you. Jimmy is up to something. It can't be good, either. I mean, what do you think that phone call meant?" I said as we walked around the mall looking for cute maternity clothes for me to wear as I was quickly growing out of the ones I was currently wearing. Drew led me into a cute clothing store and held up a shirt to my belly. "I don't know Brecks. Maybe he is just wanting to surprise you. You said it was your anniversary right? Maybe he just has something special planned for you."

I held up a black shirt to my belly. Too small. "Yeah. It is our anniversary. I don't know though, Drew. He was sneaking around and whispering to someone. He told them that the only reason he told them was because he got caught. I mean that right there sounds suspicious right? But then, he said if I found out it would be horrible. I mean, that sounds bad. Doesn't it?" I grabbed a few shirts and pants and walked towards the dressing room.

"Yeah, I guess that part sounds bad, but what if he was discussing a surprise he has for you? I mean, what if he meant that if you heard it would ruin his plans? I mean, that could be horrible for him if he has worked a long time to try and pull something off for you. I mean, he is one for big, grand gestures, and he does tend to over dramatize some stuff. I mean, its Jimmy. I don't think you have anything to worry about. He loves you and little Thomas!" She said outside of the dressing room as I tried on the outfits. I felt like a fat cow. None of these looked good. I tried on the last shirt and jeans. Not bad I guess. "I guess you're right, but, it just sounded suspicious. What if he finally realized that I'm not good enough for him, Drew? I mean, have I been kidding myself this whole time? What if he is cheating on me? What if he is just sticking around because he got me pregnant?" I said as I walked out in the last outfit.

"There's a lot of what ifs in that speech, Breck. Plus, I don't think Jimmy is that kind of guy. He is the best guy I have ever seen you with. He makes you happier than I have ever seen you before too. You know that Breckyn, and so do I. I would just stop freaking out about this until you have a reason to." She said as she motioned for me to do a spin. I complied. "That's cute for a celeb baby mama. Cuter than half those bitches in the magazines anyways. Hell of a lot cheaper too."

I smiled. I pulled a card out of my purse. "Jimmy gave me his card so we can get clothes for Thomas and me." Drew grabbed that out of my hand. "And something cute for Drew from Coach?" she said as we walked up to the register. "Ha. I don't think so, nice try though." She handed back the card and shrugged. "Can't blame a bitch for trying."

I laughed as we checked out. The cashier told me my total and I handed her Jimmy's card. She looked at the name and then gave me a double take. "Jimmy Fallon? Oh my god! That's where I recognized you! You were on his show the other night? You're pregnant right? Is that his baby?" She pointed at my baby bump. I looked down.

"No, I just ate a really big lunch." I said sarcastically, rubbing my belly. "Yes, I am pregnant, yes it is his. Not that that is any of your business." I said. She swiped the card. "Wish I could trap a man like that." She muttered under her breath. Drew scoffed.

"Excuse me?" I said. The cashier snapped her head up. "What did you just say to me?" I said. The cashier just looked at me shocked. "Oh well, I just.. I mean, it was a one night stand right? I mean, I would assume that is why he is with someone like you." She said looking me up and down, handing me back the card.

I threw my finger in her face. "Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME?!" I yelled at her as I reached over the counter and grabbed a handful of her hair. Drew threw her hands around me and started pulling me and the bags out of the store. "Alright, Brecks. Let's go! Time to go!" She drug me out of the store as I fought against her to try to get to the girl behind the counter. "YOU'RE LUCKY! I SHOULD COME ACROSS THAT COUNTER AND BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU!" I yelled as a security guard came up and Drew sat me on a bench a few feet down from the store. I walked back in the store. "AND FOR YOUR INFORMATION IT WASN'T A ONE NIGHT STAND WE ARE TOGETHER YOU STUPID FUCKING BITCH! "Breckyn, you need to calm down. You're pregnant. Remember that before you start scrapping with girls half your age in a maternity clothes store. You're gonna get thrown in the mall jail."

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