Nancy grabbed my chin and moved my head to face her. "She's gonna be good with Win, Jim. I can already tell. You've got yourself a good one, here." She started putting foundation on my black eye. She worked fast. I could hear Winnie giggle at Breckyn. I tried to look over at her, but Nancy kept pushing my face back to face her. "James Thomas Fallon... if you want me to fix your face you are going to have to keep your face pointing this way. You have the rest of your life to watch what is going on over there." Breckyn laughed at this. "You better listen to her. I give her permission to use brute force on you." She laughed. Nancy laughed at Breckyn. "I'll use it too." 

I finally gave in and stayed still. Nancy had my eye looking normal within minutes. You couldn't tell I had a black eye at all besides it being a little swollen. My lip on the other hand was fat but there was nothing that could be helped with that. "There good as new." Nancy said as she held my face. Breckyn looked over from dancing in the corner with Winnie. "Wow, that looks awesome! You cant even tell he was in a fight." she walked over to me and handed over Winnie. "Dada." Winnie said as she reached for me. "Winnie Rose.." I sang as I bounced her up and down. She immediately reached for my hair and pulled. That was her favorite thing to do, pull on my hair. I missed her so much, I didn't mind the pain. 

I got up and grabbed our bags. "You ready for this?" I said to Breckyn and Nancy. Nancy looked at Breckyn. "Just let us handle this." She said to her as we walked out the door. Breckyn took a deep breath in and started walking beside me. I switched Winnie over to my other hip and grabbed Breckyns hand with my free hand. Nancy followed behind. As we turned the corner, flashbulbs began to go off. Breckyn closed her eyes from the bright flash. 




These paps were relentless. Breckyn buried her face into my shoulder and I put my arm around her. Nancy walked up to the cameras and stopped. "Jimmy is not having an affair. This woman did not break up our marriage. Jimmy and I are divorced, have been for quite some time. Not that that is any of your business. This woman is a great human being, just like me. She deserves to enjoy her relationship and not have it be jaded by photographers that have nothing better to do with their lives. I am happy for Jimmy and this woman. They are good together and I wish them well. That's all you need to know for now or I'll give you something to talk about and it wont be pretty. "

Nancy walked back over to us and said, "That should be enough to get them off your back for a while, I think." She winked at me. "Thanks, Nance. For everything." I said as we walked out the door. I walked over to my pickup. I gave Winnie a kiss and went to hand her back to Nancy. She put her hands up. "I've seen enough to know that I am perfectly fine with Winnie going home with you guys. I trust Breckyn, plus, Winnie loves her. Take Win home, Jimmy. She's missed her daddy." I hug Winnie to my chest as she pats my chest with her tiny little hands. She does that right before she falls asleep. "Thank you Nancy." I said. 

"No, thank you,  Jimmy. You picked a good one." she leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. "Don't let this one go." She whispered in my ear. "I don't plan on it, Nance." I whispered in hers. "Let me see this wound." I lifted up my shirt and showed her. She put her hand by it. "If it starts oozing..." she started. "Go to the doctor. I know I remember from my finger. I'll be fine Nance." I put my shirt back down and walked to the passenger side of the truck and put a sleeping Winnie in her carseat. She was passed out cold. As I buckled her in, I heard Nancy talking to Breckyn.

"It was so nice to finally meet you. I like you. You are really good with Winnie, too. It was just nice to put a face to the name. I'm glad we met." Nancy said as I stepped back out of the truck. 

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